Using a few phrases from an article and mixing them in ...

2. You don't have to use quotation marks when you quote an author as long as you cite the author's name at the end of the paragraph.

The correct answer is False because whenever you quote someone else's words you have to designate what they say by using quotation marks to show that you've borrowed it and to set it apart from your own writing. 111


3. When you summarize a block of text from another work, citing the source at the end of your paper is sufficient.

The correct answer is False because when you summarize a block of text, you have to cite the source within your paper. 11


4. If you quote your roommate in an interview, you don't have to cite him/her or use quotation marks.

The correct answer is False because citing a conversation is not different from citing an article or a book. Whenever you quote someone's words, whether they're printed, spoken or sung, you have to cite them.


6. If you borrow someone's idea and use it in a paper, you don't have to cite it.

The correct answer is False because any time you quote, paraphrase or summarize someone else's words or ideas, you have to cite them.


7. Using a few phrases from an article and mixing them in with your own words is not plagiarism.

Your answer, T, for number 7 is NOT correct. 111


9. If you come across the phrase "cultural black hole" and use it in your paper, you have to cite it.

The correct answer is True because whether it's two words or ten, you have to credit your source any time you use someone else's words. 111111

I disagree with the answer given for this one. You should credit your source whenever you look something up, or whenever some of your peers may not already know it.

10. The date for George Washington's birthday is common knowledge which means you don't have to cite the source in which you found it.


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