S47 Letter to respond to annual leave request during furlough

?LETTER TO RESPOND TO ANNUAL LEAVE REQUEST DURING FURLOUGHSample LetterThis letter must be transferred to your own letterhead, removing the title and all references to Peninsula and with all optional and personalised information completed.Use the Furlough Navigator available in BrightHR to help you manage furlough in your organisation. Please speak with your Advice Consultant if you would like more information about this.If annual leave requests are to be denied, employees may find that they have a significant portion of annual leave remaining towards the end of the leave year, and you may find that there is insufficient time for all leave to be taken. The Working Time Regulations 1998 have been amended to allow carry over of 4 weeks of annual leave which had previously been exclusive to the year in which it was accrued. This now means that, of the statutory minimum 5.6 weeks’ paid leave,:4 weeks of annual leave can be carried over to the next two leave years where is it not reasonably practicable for it to be taken in this leave year (a new measure)1.6 weeks can be carried over to the next leave year with the employer’s agreement (existing measure)If you find that it is not reasonably practicable for all employees to fit in all annual leave entitlement before the end of the leave year, and you do not already have rules allowing for the 1.6 weeks referred to above to be carried over, you may want to consider doing that so that employees are not prevented from taking their statutory minimum annual leave.Our Face2Face service consists of a team of advocates equipped to conduct, or support and assist you to conduct, any face to face meeting you are undertaking with your staff. For further information please speak to your HR Expert.right7402322Need Further Advice?T: 0844 892 2772E: advice@peninsula-W: peninsula-00Need Further Advice?T: 0844 892 2772E: advice@peninsula-W: peninsula-(Date)Dear I refer to your request to take annual leave on (date(s)) which fall during your current period of furlough. On (date), you agreed to be temporarily designated as a furloughed worker so that the Company may access the Job Retention Scheme to receive a grant to cover 80% of our wage costs due to the challenges faced by the coronavirus outbreak.(CHOOSE THE APPLICABLE OPTION)I can confirm that your request has been authorised and you will on annual leave on (date(s)). Because annual leave can be taken at the same time as furlough, your furlough period is not interrupted and will continue as normal.You are currently receiving your normal pay whilst on furlough and will continue to receive this during annual leave. or You have agreed to a reduction to 80% pay during furlough. However, annual leave remains payable at normal pay when taken during furlough so you will receive normal pay for the period of annual leave. You will revert to 80% pay once the period of annual leave is over.You have (number) days*/hours* of annual leave remaining in this leave year.(OR)Unfortunately, I am unable to authorise this request due to the fact that we notified all of our furloughed employees that no annual leave is permitted to be taken during periods of furlough. Please rest assured that you will not lose any annual leave accrued in this leave year because of furlough or other circumstances related to coronavirus. As time passes, we will assess the position with regard to the taking of annual leave and if circumstances mean that we are unable to authorise the taking of all of your remaining annual leave by the end of the leave year, you will be permitted to carry it over. Your manager will discuss carry over with you should it become necessary.(OR)Unfortunately, I am unable to authorise your request due to the fact that annual leave must be paid at normal pay during furlough and the Company’s current financial position means that it is not possible to meet this requirement. As you know, you have agreed to be temporarily designated as a furloughed worker so that we can access the wage grant offered by the Job Retention Scheme and are currently relying on that grant in order to continue paying you. The grant covers 80% of your wages and we are unable to fund any excess at this time. Please rest assured that you will not lose any annual leave accrued in this leave year because of furlough or other circumstances related to coronavirus. As time passes, we will assess the position with regard to the taking of annual leave and if circumstances mean that we are unable to authorise the taking of all of your remaining annual leave by the end of the leave year, you will be permitted to carry it over. Your manager will discuss carry over with you should it become necessary.(OR)Unfortunately, I am unable to authorise your request because (insert other reason.)Please rest assured that you will not lose any annual leave accrued in this leave year because of furlough or other circumstances related to coronavirus. As time passes, we will assess the position with regard to the taking of annual leave and if circumstances mean that we are unable to authorise the taking of all of your remaining annual leave by the end of the leave year, you will be permitted to carry it over. Your manager will discuss carry over with you should it become necessary.If you have any queries regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me on (insert details).Yours sincerelyAlasdair Smith*delete/amend as appropriat ................

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