Put the Title of

Searching for Magnets!

A PBL+MM for Kindergarten

K.3 Science; a, b: Force, Motion, and Energy (magnets)

Designed by

H. Childress



What are magnets? How do they work? Why do they stick to the fridge? Do they stick to anything else? What else do they do?


• Fill out a KWHL as a class.

• Assign groups of 3-5 students each.

• Observe that magnets stick to the refrigerator. What else do they “stick” to? Assign students to bring in either magnets or different types of metal from home.

• Children observe bar magnets brought in by teacher. Learn that ‘north’ and ‘south’ poles attract each other, ‘north’-‘north’ and ‘south’- ‘south’ repel each other.

• Children learn that certain metals can be ‘magnetized’. Children are assigned to bring in different metals.

Magnetizing takes place in class, demonstrated by teacher, then tried out by each group. Previously chosen small groups experiment with other metals under adult guidance.

• Children learn that magnetism is literally all around us—that the earth has a magnetic field that protects us from the harshness of space, that some animals use this fact to navigate their migration patterns.

• Build a compass in class.

• We use Web sources to help supplement our knowledge, give lesson ideas, and provide fun games!

• Children help create a Power Point presentation throughout the sessions.


Every Friday for 8 weeks. 1 hour each session.

Note: A digital camera is a must for the teacher, assistant, or volunteer.

Please consult each activity description for materials needed.

Session One

• Introductory lesson. Mainly a discussion to find out what the children already know. We use the KWL charts.

• Groups are assigned.

• Children bring magnets, other objects from home.

Session Two

• We experiment with the magnets brought from home.

• We play learning game about magnets with adult help. (This game teaches basics about magnetic attraction, mainly, which metals are attracted to magnets, also that different types of magnets have different strengths.)

• We try out different metals, like the game, to see what is attracted to the magnet. We discuss with the teacher.

Session Three

• Classroom Activity.

(Will be assigning pairs for this particular activity.)

• Learning about the poles of a magnet, how they interact with each other and other magnets.

Session Four

• Magnet Fishing.

(Scroll down to Lesson Title: Magnet Fishing)

• Teaches that certain metals are attracted to magnets, that strength of magnetism can depend on the object.

• A fun activity to supplement and strengthen the knowledge obtained in Session Two.

• Also try (optional):

(a very neat game, specifies ages 7-8, but kindergarteners can handle it with a little help

reset to paperclip, screwdriver, magnet and key all are attracted to the magnet)

Session Five

• Basic information: The earth has a magnetic field too. Elaborate and discuss with the children.

• Mention that some animals may use this field to navigate around the earth and to migrate in (usually) yearly patterns.

• Learn how compasses work.

Session Six

We review and discuss many different things in our lives that are affected by magnets. (Examples: credit cards, computers, televisions, electric motors, cars, vcr’s….). Teachers, volunteers, children may bring in examples for kinesthetic experience for children.

Session Seven

• Magnetize Metals! (Turn them into MAGNETS!)

(Use a straightened out paperclip instead of a needle!)

• Play the Magnetize the needle game:

• Go into assigned groups and prepare to magnetize a piece of metal!!

• Let each person in the group participate.

• Talk about your observations.

• Class discussion of observations

• *Remember to take those pictures!!*

Session Eight

• Strengthen knowledge obtained thus far. (Review)

• Build a compass!!!


We will learn, in detail, about many aspects of magnets and magnetism.

We will display these results via a final Power Point presentation, which each child will have the chance to

participate in composing.



|Mini Magnetitician |Medium Magnetitician |Master Magnetitician |

| | | |

|(Study up some more!!) |(On your way to mastery! Keep it up!!) |(All RIGHT!!!) |

|Brought in no requested materials from home. |Brought in some requested materials from home. |Brought in all requested materials |

|(teacher’s discretion: may be exceptions) | |from home. |

|Was not at all enthusiastic about participating|Participated in sessions with minimal |Participated in sessions with |

|in sessions. |enthusiam. |vigor, excitement! |

|Can identify and knows very few of the |Can identify and knows some of the objectives |Can identify and knows the |

|objectives of each session. |of each session. |objective(s) of each session. |

|Was not considerate or thoughtful toward their |Was fairly considerate and thoughtful toward |Was considerate and thoughtful |

|team members |their team members |toward their team members |


We will take pictures of each of the steps in each activity. We will work together to label the photographs and make into a slide show (Power Point presentation) to show to the school. We will vote on which background music to use. Everyone in the class is allowed to narrate part of the presentation.


| | | |

|Work on your Progress... |Making Progress…. |Great Job!!! |

|Refused to work on narration or an acceptable |Did not participate in narration or in acceptable|Participated in narration or an|

|substitution |substitution |acceptable substitution. |

|Was negative regarding ideas for photos |Was indifferent to ideas for photos |Helped suggest ideas for photos|

| | |(either personal or of the |

| | |experiments) |

|Showed inconsiderate behavior by talking |Listened to presentation with just a little bit |Listened to presentation |

|disruptively while others were trying to listen. |of chit-chat. |alertly and considerately |


the ‘magnet man’; traveling education troupe from MIT

Kid-friendly website all about magnets, background information, etc.

grape pushing with a magnet

magnet uses

they sell magnets, cute ones for fridge, etc.

says ages 7-8, but k’s can handle it with a little help

a cool game

reset to paperclip, screwdriver, magnet and key all are attracted to the magnet

information on energy and magnets


activities for class

older kid craft or grown up, very cool

lesson plan for 2d grade students

3d grade science lesson

cool word magnet game

can be modified for younger kids

webquest on magnets

activity—go through with adult

magnet learning game, go through with adult


how to magnetize a needle game!

do this game, then do the real activity in class (after push-pull activity)

great introductory lesson, hands on activity about magnets, whole class participates (part one)

kindergarten lesson plan

Adapted from a template from the WebQuest Page. Updated Spring 2003.[pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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