New Editor Version 7

New Editor Version 9


Choose the path of AoM and press “Install”.

All *xml files of the same name must remove from the folder "data" before You start Install this file!!!!


This mod contains more than 130 additional or new features for the AoM Editor,

altogether over 350 editor variations.

Please read the text file "Trigger Copy Mode"!

|What is new in the AoM Editor? |What is new in Version 9 ? |

|File |New |[pic] (Blank Map) in different sizes 60-1500 metres |

| | |[pic] Random Maps for 12 Players available |

| | |[pic] 2 buttons for open "Map Size" and "Map Elevation" |

| | |[pic] Button for open “Change”( (see below) |

| |Save Scenario |Copy and paste the scenario to/from the clipboard ( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |Load Scenario | |

| |Load Saved Game |Possibility to load a Savegame into the Editor and save a scenario as a Savegame. |

| |Save Game | |

| |Screenshot | [pic] Button for shoot the whole small scenario (200m) in a little picture |

| | |[pic] Button for shoot the whole large scenario (500m) |

| | |[pic] Button "Scenario will do the "Supascreenshot"; takes a Screenshot of the entire map |

| | |Caution: This process will continue for a while So wait patiently, this process can’t stop. When the "Supascreenshot" is done, you will return to the |

| | |editor! It is recommended to choose the "low" quality setting for faster processing/lower Screenshot size. |

| |0 ~testing.scn |Opens the last playtest scenario |

|Edit |Terrain Paste |Rotation 45 Degrees possible now |

| |Save Clipboard |Possibility to save 5 copied terrains and load again in the paste clipboard ( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |Editor Paused |For pausing the editor on/off (so people don't go attack each other, the animations stopped) |

| |Restart |Restart, open the same scenario |

|Scenario |Player Data: |Button for open "Scenario Data”, “Forbitten Units”, “Diplomacy” |

| |Playtest Scenario |Also possible as GAIA |

| |Objectives |New look, button to the "Trigger Editor", Objective X selected in red font color. |

| |Forbidden Units |Player selection with dropdown, new look. |

|World |Lighting…. |You can change the Sun Inclination and Rotation, to stop the cycle press the stop buttons |

| | |Slider for setting the Time of Day from Dawn to Dusk |

| | |Button for “Terrain Ambient” (default) |

| | |Button to open “Color:” ( |

| | |Button for save the set lighting. |

| | |It will be saved in the AoM/data folder as “~None.lgt”. You can load this lighting at “Preset Lighting:” |

| | |( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |Color: |Possibility to set and save lighting in different colors |

| | |Sun Color, will set the color of the light, button for Save As “~SunColor.lgt”, button “+” for apply the file |

| | |Ambient Color, will set the color of the ambient light, button for Save As “~AmbientColor.lgt”, button “+” for apply the file |

| | |Terrain Ambient Color, will set the color of the terrain light, button for Save As “~TerrainAmbient.lgt”, button “+” for apply the file after restart|

| | |AoM can set the saved lighting file |

| |Map Elevation… |2 buttons for Max. and Min. height. |

| |Editor Time |Shows the time of editing on/off |

|Terrain |Paint Terrain |Terrain names are better legible |

| |Paint Land |4 icon buttons for changing the brush size |

| | |Button for open “Brush Settings” |

| | |Button for open “Change” ( |

| | |Closebutton |

| |Water Tool |2 icon buttons for changing the brush size (larger), one for open new "Brush Settings"( and for open “Edit Water”, water list extensible |

| |Edit Water Tool |Closebutton, waterbody picture |

| | |Button for open “Water Tool”” |

| |Canyon/Cliff Tool |2 icon buttons for changing the brush size, one for open new "Brush Settings" ( and three for build mountains (max. height), canyons (max. depth) and |

| | |back to cliffs, cliffs list extensible |

| |Forest Tool |The forest names are better legible, 3 icon buttons for direct changing the brush size, one for open new "Brush Settings"( , forests list extensible |

| |Change |3 dropdown menus for terrain selection to change all the terrain on the map. |

| | |Button for flatten all the terrain |

| | |caution at maps with waterbodies: they will flatten too |

| | |Button for smooth all the terrain |

| | |Button for flatten a selected area: paint half a square with the left mouse key and press the button again. |

| | |Button for smooth a selected area, |

| | |Button for leave the “Modify Terrain” mode |

| | |3 dropdown menus for cover all the terrain with water: low (units can move), normal and high (deep water) |

| |(New) |Open a gadget with many brush size change possibilities. The sizes "40" to "100" are for use on very large maps, paint terrain will takes few |

| |Brush Settings |seconds. |

| | |[pic] brush type "Hollow Square" |

| | |2 buttons for +1 and –1 the size |

| |Editor Mainlist |Are not to open otherwise (only with key "e" and "r") |

| |Roughen Settings | |

| |Modify Terrain |Open the edit mode “Modify Terrain” |

|Objects |Place Object... |Larger object picture with the current population number/population limit and the Editor Time; object names better legible; |

| | |15 new buttons : |

| | |[pic]"AI Object Info " (selected objects, new placed objects) the same gadget for all objects ( |

| | |[pic]"Unit Garrison" (Select the unit, garrison with the left mouse key) |

| | |[pic]"Ungarrison" (Select the object, press the button) |

| | |[pic]"Misc Objects” open a gadget with two dropdown menus to place all "forgotten" proto units (no-editor objects) |

| | |[pic] Button for open new menu "Position Objects" ( |

| | |[pic]"Heading" for rotating a placed object |

| | |[pic]"Delete Object", will delete the selected unit. |

| | |[pic]"Kill": many objects will be killed |

| | |[pic]"Position Object " to move/rotate an object |

| | |[pic]"Close" the menu |

| | |[pic] Quick placing buttons for "Revealer To Player" (reveal the map) |

| | |[pic] and "Cinematic Block" (object imitation) |

| | |[pic] Wall" will place a wall |

| | |[pic] "Gate": convert a selected wall into a gate |

| | |[pic] Quick placing button for "Camera Start" (for the first view at open a scenario) |

| |Delete Objects |Two icon buttons for changing the brush size/type |

| | |Close button |

| |Misc Objects |Open the new gadget for placing the no-editor objects( |

| |Position Objects |New menu for position objects, you can rotate horizontally, vertically, move left, right etc.; for stop use the “Stop” buttons! |

| | |Button for open “Heading” for rotating an object |

| | |Button for open “Place Object” |

| |Formation Commands |Fade in: button for align (animal) resources, button for ring towncenter bell, button for return to work, button for toggle outlines, 4 buttons for |

| | |setting a units formation |

| |Unit Garrison |Select the unit, garrison with the left mouse key |

| |Ungarrison |Select the object, press the button for ungarrison the unit |

| |Camera Start |Quick place “Camera Start” for the first view at open a scenario. |

|Triggers |Trigger Editor |The trigger name will be saved without having to press |

| | |"Enter". Also added is a closebutton and the possibility for directly opening the Army Editor, |

| | |Group Editor, Objectives, and the new gadgets ( "Animation", "Gadget" and "Portrait". |

| | |Opened triggers are in blue font color. |

| | |An icon button for open the Trigger Copy Mode ( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |Group Editor |Button for open the Trigger Editor, closebutton |

|Cinematics |Camera Editor |[pic] the "Normal" button will remove the camera to normal view at the end of a zoomed camera track. |

| | |[pic] Button for open the new menu “View” ( |

| | |[pic] Icon button to open the new menu “Set Cut” ( |

| | |[pic] Button "Close" for exit |

| | |[pic] Button "Pitch" will open the menu "Pitch Editor" ( |

| | |[pic] 4 buttons for rotate the camera left, right and stop |

| | |[pic] 5 buttons to find the waypoints 0-4 |

| | |[pic] Icon button for open Trigger Editor |

| | |[pic] Icon button for open the Camera Track Copy Mode ( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |Pitch Editor |New menu "Pitch Editor", moveable if Camera Editor is opened |

| | |Changing the pitch immediately |

| | |=> 15 Pitch changing possibilities |

| | |=> 4 Maximal Zoom buttons for a larger map view |

| | |=> 2 buttons Minimal Zoom |

| | |=> 2 Reset buttons |

| | |=> 6 iconbuttons: “Pitch + Zoom Normal”, "Pitch Bar" ( open, "Camera Editor", ”Set Cut”(, "Cinematic Mode"(, "Playtest Scenario Player 1" |

| | |=> Button for open the new menu “View” ( |

| | |=> 3 buttons for change the graphic details +(high), o (normal), - (low) |

| | |use” low” for minimizing the lag at pitches 5 -25 |

| | |=> Button "Close" to leave the menu |

| | |The inserted values for pitch or/and zoom are effective immediately. |

| | |The Zoom 180 - 1000 has only two positions: normal and x, you cannot zoom in or out.(- key) |

| | |At a negative pitch automatically started a special zoom (to make possible zooming in) who must changed manual at a positive Pitch eventually (Zoom |

| | |Normal). |

| | |For Negative pitch -20, you're going to have to zoom in for 10x, for pitch –10 zoom in maximal the normal minZoom 50, because at negative pitch the |

| | |camera is actually below the map, so you'll see a black screen. Use the "normal" view or the - / + buttons to adjust view. |

| | |If are troubles, press the “Pitch + Zoom Normal” button and load some Pitch again. |

| | |To avoid the camera “lag” between Pitch 5 and 25 insert the Cinematic Mode and choose graphic details “low –“. |

| |Set Cut |Open the new menu “Camera” to set and show (11) camera cuts. The left icon button above will save as file “~None”. |

| | |( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |View |moveable if Camera Editor is opened |

| | |This is a gadget for moving the camera: left, right, forwards, backwards, forwards left/ right, backwards left/right, rotation, 45° slope and stop |

| | |(each moving) |

| |Cinematic Mode |The "Toggle Letterbox Bars" can be toggled in "Cinematic Mode" (imitate the Cinematic Mode in the editor) |

|View |Pitch Bar |Will open/close the Pitch Bar ( |

| |Show Bar |Will open/close |

| |Second Iconbar |Will open/close the Second Icon Bar ( |

| |Full Second Toolbar |Will open the Pitch Bar, Second Icon Bar and the Show Bar ( altogether |

| |Black map |Will insert/cut out the Black Map |

| |Fog of War |Will insert/cut out the Fog |

| |Friend or Foe Colors |Will insert/cut out the Friend or Foe Colors |

| |Default Player Colors |Will reset the player colours to the original colors (Blue = Player 1, Red = Player 2 etc.) |

| |Tooltip Help |Tooltip Help On/Off |

| |Terrain Grid Major Tick |The second one is for grid = 10 tiles |

| |Minimap Zoom |Zoom in the Minimap |

| |Minimap Normal |Minimap normal view (not fixed) |

| |Minimap fixed |Minimap will not rotate |

| |Minimap Buttons off/on |Will close/open the 8 icon buttons ( around the minimap |

|Show |“ |To find the camera start, units, buildings, resources, .....of a player |

| |“ |To find “Flying Units”, “Relics”, “Settlements” select “Gaia” for example |

| |Player |Open the gadget, You can direct change the player for placing objects, show objects. |

| | |Buttons for open/close the Show Bar and the AI Object Info (one gadget for one selected object), |

| | |Button for Playtest (selected Player) |

|Options |Detailed Help |Opens the object help for the selected object |

| |Player Options |Link to 'Player Options' |

| |View the Improvements Tree |Link to 'Improvements Tree' |

| |History |Link to 'History' |

| |Window Screen |Shows AoM in a window |

| |Full Screen |Shows AoM on full screen |

| |Console |Opens the Console |

| |XS Debugger |Open the XS Debugger |

| |AI Debug Info |Open the AI Debug Menu and the Second Iconbar with the Icon to close the AI Debug Menu |

| |AI Debug Info Object |Open the AI Debug Info gadget for objects (the same gadget for all objects). An object must be selected. |

| |Animation |Open a new gadget for searching for the names of an animation * |

| |Gadget |Open a new gadget for searching for the names of a "Gadget Visible"/"Flash UI"/”Render Sky” * |

| |Portrait |Open a new gadget for searching for the names of a portrait/icon * |

| | |* (are needed for some Trigger Effects) |

|Toolbar |Terrain Copy |It’s possible now to copy terrain without Alt+C: |

| | |click first time to open the edit mode, the second press will copy terrain to the clipboard. |

| |Terrain Paste |Button for open « New » Brush Settings ( and the menu “Save Clipboard” ( |

| |Raise/Lower Terrain |Closebutton |

| |Sample Terrain |Closebutton |

| |Smooth |Open the « New » Brush Settings ( too |

| |Roughen |Open the gadget “Roughen Settings” ( too |

| |Paint Terrain |Open the « New » Brush Settings ( too |

| |Position Object |Open the new menu “Position Objects” ( too |

| |11 new Icon Buttons |[pic] Normal View for going back to the normal camera view after zooming or rotating the map |

| | |[pic] Find Hero |

| | |[pic] Object Info |

| | |[pic] Unit Copy |

| | |[pic] Unit Paste |

| | |[pic] Playtest Scenario (Player 1) |

| | |[pic] Open “Player” ( Selection |

| | |[pic] Brush Square |

| | |[pic] Brush Circular |

| | |[pic] Open the full "Second Toolbar"( |

| | |[pic] Exit to Windows without saving |

|Second Toolbar |Consist of the Pitch Bar, Show Bar and the Second Iconbar |

|Pitch Bar |A little icon bar with many possibilities to change the pitch immediately, 4 icons for open Pitch Editor, Set Cut, Normal View (Pitch and Zoom), Camera Nice => |

| |camera cut to the corner below/above |

|Show Bar |Middle part of the Second Toolbar with the current population number, two dropdown menus to find objects/units of a player and an icon button for Screenshot |

|Second Iconbar |With 14 new icon buttons |

| |[pic] open Group Editor, Army Editor, Cinematic Mode(, |

| |[pic] Blackmap, Fog, |

| |[pic] Editor Paused |

| |[pic] Garrison, Ungarrison |

| |[pic] Playtest Scenario (Player 2) |

| |[pic] load immediately copied Savegame (saved at playtest with the small round Savebutton) ( (For more read the text file “Copy Mode”). |

| |[pic] Open/Close AI Debug Info |

| |[pic] Open/Close Player Data |

| |[pic] Close some opened modes without a close button (Move Unit, Place Wall and other) |

| |[pic] Exit to Mainmenu |

|Minimap |Around the minimap are eight Icon buttons: |

| |[pic] Camera Cut, Show Cut |

| |[pic] Find Selection, Find Towncenter, Fade In “Formation Commands” |

| |[pic] Show military units and buildings, show economic units and buildings on the minimap, set your minimap to the default view |

|Mainmenu |New button for enter the Editor (2) => will starts with a flatten blank map |

|If You do not want this button in AoM, do remove the file uipregamenew.xmb. |

|Game |The Resource Bar shows how many villagers has gathering on what resource. |

| |Screenshot button “S”, minimize background button “M” beside the minimap |

|Playtest |Four new buttons to Restart the scenario, Load another scenario, Save the scenario As a Savegame and Copy the tested scenario (as “None”). |

| |6 small buttons for open/close “AI Debug Info”, go to “Play Campaign”, “Exit To Windows”, open/close “Pitch Bar”, “Black Map” off/on, “Fog” off/on. |

|If You do not want this buttons in "Playtest Scenario", do remove the file uimain.xmb. |

Known bugs:

|Lag at Pitches 5-20 |Insert the Black Map (or Cinematic Mode) |

|One part of the Second Toolbar is closed |Open all parts with the submenu “Full Second Toolbar” in the menu “View” |

|Pitch Editor don’t work |Open the Camera Editor |

|View don´t work |Open the Camera Editor |

|Pitch Editor don’t close |Open the Camera Editor and press “Pitch” |

|Camera Track Editor does not open |Open another Mode (Triggers), try it again |

Credits to Ykkrosh,, for creating AoMED.

Credits also for CheeZy Monkey, DGDN, CheeZymonkey1@, as advising and finalising the English version, for sending the beta/alpha data xml files and for making some icons and last for creating the “Editor Patch”.

Thanks To Fire Giant, MWD, , for finding some button commands.

Also thanks to StorM_Siegfried for having the idea of checking how many villagers are gathering.

This mod has even been tested by EnsembleStudios, developer of Age of Mythology. Thanks to ES_Xemu for advice and compliments.

The "New Editor" is created by

reyk, Noch eine AoM-Seite, the world’s greatest special site for the Age Of Mythology( Editor and Age Of Empires 2 Editor.

July, 2003

Thanks for downloading and use the New Editor. If some troubles, @ me please.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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