R3: THE REBUTTAL/ COUNTERCLAIM PARAGRAPHCounterclaim = when you state your opposition’s argument upfront, and then proceed to break down the validity of that argumentThe counterclaim will always be your R3 paragraphCounterclaim Structure:TransitionTopic sentence (introduce counterclaim)Give rebuttalGive the evidenceExplain how the evidence weakens the opponent’s claimClosing sentenceLength: 7-10 sentences*Make sure you:*have multiple sentences for evidence*have multiple sentences as explanation in your own words*start with a transitionTRANSITION: Introduce the counterclaim with a transition word that shows contrast. E.g.converselyhoweverin contrastneverthelessnonethelesson the contraryon the other handyetTOPIC SENTENCE: Introduce the counterclaim.-My opponent will likely say…-Some may say…-My opponent would point out that…-My opposition believes that…-Some many argue/claim that…REBUTTAL: - give a reason why their claim is flawed. Make sure you can back this up with evidence.EVIDENCE – Give evidence (EBT) from your articles in the form of direct quotations or paraphrasing. -evidence should be 2-3 sentencesEXPLANATION – Explain how the evidence you gave weakens your opponent’s claim. Explain, in your own words, about the quotation or paraphrasing.-this explanation should be 2-3 sentences and IN YOUR OWN WORDS6. CLOSING SENTENCE/WRAP-UP – Sum up everything you said without sounding repetitive, and drive your point home.Nevertheless, those opposed to a vegetarian lifestyle will most likely point out that a diet without meat cannot possibly provide a completely nutritious and balanced diet. However, studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can and does deliver complete nutrition and can even provide added health benefits. The American Dietetic Association found that “a vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements, provide all the essential amino-acids (building blocks of protein), and improve health” (ADA 1226). The journal adds that according to the USDA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “meat is not an essential part of a healthy diet” (1226). Not only does the ADA disprove my opposition’s claim, but it strengthens my argument that you should switch to a vegetarian diet by stating that meat is inessential to one’s diet. It affirms that a vegetarian diet does not dissatisfy your body in delivering the nutrients it needs. In addition, health benefits are an additional positive outcome. While many may believe a meatless diet equals an imbalanced diet, the research speaks for itself; a vegetarian lifestyle is the way to go. ................

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