Structuring Successful Programs for Students with Chronic ...

Questions Day 1Personal Reflection/Notes/PlansWelcome!Take a moment to answer these questions:Who are you and what do you do?What are you hoping to take away from today’s session?What are three things you believe are essential to a successful program supporting students with chronic behavior challenges?ChallengesWhat are some of the issues that affect your ability to support meaningful change and improvements in the programs for students with EBD and related disabilities that you work with?Your Mission & Philosophy Part 1:What is the mission or focus of your classroom/program? What is your program’s philosophical framework? What aspects are critical to implement in YOUR work with the kids & families served in your program?How are the mission and philosophy of your program shared with staff, students and families Your Mission & Philosophy Part 1:Take a look at your mission statement and program philosophy notes. Is there anything you heard this morning that you would like to capture or add to your mission/philosophy?How does my/our current practice relate to the mission and philosophy?What is the starting point for you to bring this mission and philosophy into reality?9 Stages How does the structure of your program build the meaningful relationships in Stage 1?What systems are set up to ensure effective and consistent limit setting for stage 2?What system/structures are set up for team members to debrief and productively plan around the extreme behaviors found in Stage 3?What would your team like to add to the program to solidify integration into the program?Reduction in Services, Increased Independence:Currently, how does your team determine that a student is ready for less services?How does your program set the goal for transitioning to less services as the intention of the work?As a team, how will the reality that students will have significant behaviors before being recommended for less services are communicated to other faculty?What ceremonies or rituals are currently in place to celebrate student success?What would your team like to add to the program to solidify the reduction in services routines?Structure and Predictability in the ClassroomRespectWrite down your definition of respect.Expectations/RulesWhat are the expectations in your program?Are these expectations clear, observable and specific?How do you make these expectations clear and objective for the students? For adults?What is your plan for ongoing teaching, practice and reinforcement of these expectations?SchedulesReview the daily and/or class schedule for students that present with chronic behavior problems.How can you fine tune the schedule to use the Premack Principle and contingency based choice/breaks to add power to the day?How can you use the schedule to organize staffing in a way that promotes predictability and stability for students?TransitionsWhat routines and procedures stand out to you as most important to address first with students around transitions?What are the expectations for both staff and students during transitions?What is your plan for teaching, practicing and reinforcing these routines and procedures during transitions?Classroom Structure ChecklistIf we were to visit your classroom/program using this form, which practices would be consistently observed? Which are not in place?Where will you begin? What support do you need to implement these practices? ................

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