The Renaissance Guided Notes

The Renaissance Guided NotesHonors World HistoryName_______________________Date________________________Hour________________________Directions: Please create the following notes IN YOUR NOTEBOOK (or binder) where you would normally take notes. Title them “The Renaissance” and date them for today. Complete the following outline. Complete sentences aren’t necessary, but you need to be able to look back at these and understand what you wrote down without this directions sheet.Define Renaissance:Classical culture is referring to the lifestyles of what two historical empires?The Renaissance was born in ItalyReason 1:Reason 2:Reason 3:New ValuesDefine Humanism: What types of subjects are commonly linked to a classical education?These are called humanitiesHumanists said a person could _______ life without offending ______!Decreased the power of The ChurchDefine Secularism:What religion did the vast majority of people still practice?List a few examples of how people began to live more “worldly”. Define Individualism: (use the dictionary or your phone)Being unique and being better was importantList a few requirements of a “Renaissance Man”:ArtDefine patron: What three types of people were most likely to act as patrons?Renaissance artists often portrayed ______________ subjects, but they used a ____________ style copied from classical modelsDefine perspective: Who else did painters begin to paint:LiteratureDefine vernacular:what are two examples of European vernaculars? Some writers wrote for self-_________________ or to portray the ___________________ of their subjectsTold realistic stories of the human experienceThe Prince by Niccolo MachiavelliHow a ruler can _________ power and ________ it in spite of his _____________Begins with the idea that most people are __________, fickle, and ___________. As a ruler, make decisions for power, not for morals. it is better to be feared than to be loved!SEE THE BACK SIDE OF FOR A FINAL ACTIVITY THAT CAN BE COMPLETED ON THIS WORKSHEET.Machiavelli Reading AnalysisHonors World HistoryName_______________________Date________________________Hour________________________Directions: Use the following selections from The Prince and the biographical information on Niccolo Machiavelli to answer the questions below. An excerpt from The Prince, referring to the new king of Spain:“In the beginning of [the king’s] reign he attacked Granada, and this enterprise was the foundation of his dominions. He did this quietly at first and without any fear of hindrance, for he held the minds of the barons of Castile occupied in thinking of the war and not anticipating any innovations; thus they did not perceive that by these means he was acquiring power and authority over them. He was able with the money of the Church and of the people to sustain his armies, and by that long war to lay the foundation for the military skill which has since distinguished him…he devoted himself with pious cruelty to driving out and clearing his kingdom of the Moors”.An excerpt from a short biography on Machiavelli:“Machiavelli became an official in the new government [of Florence]. He served the city-state on several diplomatic missions that allowed him close observation of some of the leading political figures of his time. He grew to respect those who knew how to gain and use power. He also took the role of organizing a citizen-army for Florence, which he modeled after the army of the ancient Roman Republic…In 1512, the Spanish army defeated the Florentine troops…Machiavelli was dismissed from government and retired to his country estate to write.Previous writers of political philosophy tried to describe the perfect governments. Machiavelli had a different idea in mind. He wanted to understand how political leaders could best obtain and hold power. He thought that trickery was more effective in achieving these goals than honesty.”How did Machiavelli’s experience as an army organizer influence his choice of subject in the first passage?The second excerpt claims Machiavelli believed in the effectiveness of trickery over honesty. Use a portion of The Prince (first excerpt) to back up this claim. Who are the “Moors”, as mentioned at the end of the first excerpt?Do you agree with Machiavelli that it is better for a leader to be feared than to be loved? Why or why not? ................

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