Name _________________________ Lesson

Names: Griff Fowler Chaley Timberlake Paul McFarland Date: 11/6/15 Title of Lesson: Fitness Skills and Games # of Students: 12 # Students needing adaptations: 0 Motor, Cognitive, and Affective Behavioral Objectives (What will your students know and/or be able to do by the end of the lesson?)By the end of the lesson students will be able to use proper technique when performing select fitness movements, activities, and games.Students will also be required to work in a team environment to use their previously gained knowledge to be successful in a number of fitness games such as cardiovascular/evasion games and Omnikin ball.Connections - Circle or highlight the numbers from each set of standards below that this lesson addresses:National Content Standards (SHAPE, 2014)Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.Virginia Standards of Learning (2015)1. Demonstrate competence in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. (Motor Skill Development)2. Apply knowledge of the structures and functions of the body and how they relate to and are affected by human movement to learning and developing motor skills and specialized movement forms. (Anatomical Basis of Movement)3. Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of personal fitness. (Fitness Planning)4. Demonstrate the aptitude, attitude, and skills to lead responsible, fulfilling, and respectful lives. (Social Development)5. Explain the importance of energy balance and nutritional needs of the body to maintain optimal health and prevent chronic disease. (Energy Balance)Assessment Plan (how will you assess student progress?):Students will perform the directed fitness skills correctly for a minimum of 4 out of 5 times.During fitness activity skill games students will be able to utilize previously learned fitness techniques in order to be successful in games such as a variety of cardiovascular/evasion games and Omnikinball.Personal objective(s) for the teacher: Chaley, Griff, and Paul will work with the students to have them successfully perform 4 out of 5 of the selected exercises using correct technique to ensure the safety of the students and maximize productivity.Pre-requisite Skills (what do students need to know or have to be successful in this lesson?):Students must have basic motor control in order to correctly perform the fitness activities that have been selected for them.Resources/equipment (with quantities): 5 exercise tubes of varying resistances, minimum of 5 exercise balls, 5 weighted bars, Omnikinball, 4 red pennies, 4 green pennies, 4 yellow pennies, bag of scarves, markers and paper, bubble conesSafety issues to consider: Students need to successfully perform the technique of each exercise in order to avoid injuries that could be sustained through incorrect maneuvers. Students must follow the teacher’s instructions when using the equipment provided in order to avoid injuries that could be sustained through incorrect use. Students must be spatially aware in all fitness activities and fitness games in order to avoid collisions with other students that may result in injury. When using the omnikin ball only hands are permitted to push the ball around the designated area.TimeLesson Segment - include skill cues where appropriateActivities/Task Applications - include extensions or simplifications if appropriate and instructions for drills, activity organization, LUG rules, etc. DIAGRAMS 1:20-1:28 Upper body and leg strength using exercise tubesActivities using stability ball aimed at the core and hamstringsBody weight exercises for triceps and shoulders For the first rotation students will use exercise tubes to perform pressing and extending motions. The exercise performed will be the chest press and shoulder shruggs.In the second rotation students will perform squatting motions using exercises such as the resistance band squat.For the first rotation students will work on their hamstring strength using exercises such as hamstring curls.For the second rotation students will perform trunk exercise such hip raises and planks.For the first rotations students will work on their triceps through exercises such as triceps extensions and dips.For the second rotation students will work on their shoulders through the use of shoulder raises 920751245235 Griff Chaley Paul00 Griff Chaley PaulTimeLesson Segment - include skill cues where appropriateActivities/Task Applications - include extensions or simplifications if appropriate and instructions for drills, activity organization, LUG rules, etc. DIAGRAMS1:29-1:371:39-1:501:54-1:55Evasion and cardiovascular games will each be lead and introduced by a member of the teaching teamOmnikinball will then be lead and demonstrated by Paul and GriffChaley will then make appropriate closing remarks.For the first game students will play the rainbow game. Each student will be paired up with a partner. Scattered around the room will be a multitude of bubble cones. Under selected cones will be a marker with a different color. There will be a total of 5 colors. Once the students have found the color they are looking for they will be required to come back to the lead teacher and receive the next color they are meant to find. The fist team to have completed the rainbow will be the winners.The next game that will be played will be chain tag. Two students will be the chain. Once they have tagged another student that student will then hold hands and join the chain making it increasingly longer and more difficult to evade with each increasing student. The last two students not involved in the chain will be victorious and will be the beginning of the chain in the next game.The final evasion game will be Omnikin tag. Students will be paired up and kept together by holding either end of the scarf. Two people will start with the ball and attempt to maneuver it around the room tagging other pairs. If a pair is tagged they will then become the taggers and attempt to tag another team. The team at the end who was tagged the least will be the winners.Students will be evenly split into three teams of three or four players (if not enough students observers can be utilized). Each team will be given a different color jersey to identify teams. The serving team will support the omnikinball in a circular fashion. Two/three players will kneel down with arms extended to support the ball. The server will then approach the ball and yell “Omnikin” Followed by the color of one of the other teams. The serving team must yell “Omnikin” to be a legal serve. The team whose color was called must then catch the ball before it hits the ground. If they are successful they will then immediately set up to serve and repeat the process. If the ball hits the ground after being legally served then the serving team will receive a point. If the team does not make the catch they must gather the ball and prepare to serve once given permission by the referee. The team with the most points is then victorious.“We appreciate the students and teachers allowing us the time to come to your school to teach you about fitness. We hope you gained something from this lesson and we will see you again on Friday.” 186753536480751753235364807595313537623758388353762375129603539909751181735399097512960353533775118173535337753873537623753873535337751530353533775106743519335751181735239077512960352047875838835239077572453520478753816352162175129603590487583883510191751296035561975610235676275953135561975 ................

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