Health/Physical Education

Health/Physical Education Allan Murray

Grades 3,5,6,8

September 2-September21

All grade levels: Opening Exercises

▪ Students enter the gym and go directly to their exercise spaces.

▪ Announcements

▪ Warm-up activity

Unit: Kickball/Wiffleball

The purpose of this unit will be to give a basic understanding of the rules and skills in kickball/baseball/softball.


• To give students a basic understanding of the skills and rules of kickball.

• To provide opportunities for enjoyment of this sport as a lifetime activity.

• The achievement of a physically active lifestyle.

• The development of movement skill competency.

• To develop responsible social and personal behaviors.

• To appreciate the relationships and benefits that result from working and participating with others in and out of physical education class.

• To use class time effectively.

Lesson 1: Kickball/Wiffleball

Overall goal: To give basic skills and understanding of the games.

Skill: Throwing


• To increase the distance, speed and accuracy of a thrown ball.

• To be able to make accurate tosses to a partner at varying distances


• Whether a ball is thrown, underhand, sidearm or overhand, the grip is the same.

• Fingers are spread comfortably but tightly across the seam of the ball.

• Weight transfers begin on the rear foot and follows through to the front as the ball is released.

Procedure: One ball for every two players – practice throwing and catching

Students will play a game of “Fat Bat” wiffleball. Health/P.E. Standard 10.3.3, 10.4.3, 10.3.6, 10.4.6

Lesson 2: Base running


• For the students to use the skills learned in track activities in the kickball/wiffleball activities.

• Use the skills learned in phys. ed. class in after school activities.


• You may overrun first base only

• Runners must touch each base

• No leading off base

• No base stealing

• Run within the limits of the base lines

• If the base line is blocked by another player the runner is awarded the next base

Procedure: Teacher demonstration of correct base running and the students will do a short base running drill before they play an actual game of kickball/wiffleball.

Activity: Students will play a game of kickball or wiffleball.

Health/P.E. Standard 10.3.3, 10.4.3, 10.3.6, 10.4.6

Lesson 3: Catching


• To increase success in catching a thrown, hit or kicked ball

• To be able to demonstrate proper form when catching ground balls, line drives and fly balls.


• Keep your eye on the ball.

• Little fingers are together and directed down for catches below the waist.

• Thumbs together, fingers pointed up for catches above the waist.

• On high fly balls, try to catch the ball above the head.

Procedures: Students will practice throwing and catching a ball with a partner.

Activity: Students will play a game of kickball or wiffleball.

Health/P.E. Standard 10.3.3, 10.4.3, 10.3.6, 10.4.6

Special inside rules for playing in the gym:

• 3 foul balls is an out

• Running pass home plate on the kick is an out

• Ball hits the ceiling is an out

• Leading off the base or stealing is an out.


Daily observation evaluations are made at the conclusion of each class period.

Scores are given for:

• Participation

• Sportspersonship

• Cooperation

• Attitude

• Self-responsibility

Adopt an Anchor

• R3-6.B.1 Interpretation and Analysis of Fictional and Nonfictional Text

Understand Components Within and Across Texts in nonfiction.

“Comparing Sport Stories”

• MD.2 Algebraic Concepts

Represent and/or analyze mathematical situations using numbers, symbols, words, tables and/or graphs

“Charting Team and Tournament Standings


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