
 English Language – Writing Practice1) Write the opening paragraph of a speech about time spent on homework. You should argue for or against the setting of homework at GCSE. The paragraph should be a minimum of 10 sentences long.2) Read your opening paragraph. Did you use any of the following sentence types? Record how many you used below:Declarative sentence (statement of fact) ____Exclamative sentence (sentence showing strong emotion ending with an ‘!’) ____Interrogative sentence (question) ____Imperative sentence (instruction or command) ____3) Rewrite the paragraph below, ensuring that you use at least one of each sentence type:4) Read your rewritten paragraph. Did you use any of the following? Record how many you used below.Simile (comparing two things using like or as) ____Metaphor (comparing two things using is or was) ____Adjective (describing word) ____Adverb (a word describing a verb) ____Oxymoron (opposite words together in a phrase) ____Repetition (same word or phrase used more than once) ____Rhetorical question (question that isn’t supposed to be answered) ____Alliteration (two or more words beginning with the same letter) ____Personification (giving something non-human, human characteristics) ____Tricolon (rule of three) ____Other language feature ____________________________________5) Write the next paragraph of the same speech. In this paragraph, you should include at least two of the four sentence types, and at least two of the above language features. This paragraph should also be a minimum of 10 sentences long. 6) Seeing things from different perspectives (point of view) is important. Write the opening two paragraphs to a speech expressing the complete opposite view than before. Use this checklist to make sure you use a variety of language and structural features:Declarative ____Exclamative ____Interrogative ____Imperative ____Simile ____Oxymoron ____Repetition ____Alliteration ____Tricolon ____ ................

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