October Book Report – Realistic Fiction

Book in a Bag Book Report – Realistic Fiction

You will be reading and creating a book report for the month of December. You have the entire month to read a realistic fiction book (both outside and inside the classroom). Then you will have to create the book in the bag report about your selected book, and it will be due on January 4th (see attached sheet for details about the report). Please write the realistic fiction book that you and your parent have chosen on the line below and return this sheet to school.

If you need help looking for a realistic fiction book in your reading level range, please follow the directions below.

- Realistic Fiction: a book that is about real characters that have real problems, even though it is fiction, the situation could happen in real life.

• Go to the website

• Next you will have to type in your lexile range or grade level.

o Your Lexile Range: ________________

• Click Continue

• Select Fiction and Literature (you may try Adventure but make sure it is realistic fiction).

• Click Search

• Browse book titles and select a book that interests you.

• Write down your selection and turn this sheet back into me

• Remember you can always pick a book on your own that is a realistic fiction book

Your Name: ___________________

Your Realistic Fiction Book’s Title: ________________________________

Your Realistic Fiction Book’s Author: _________________________

Book in a Bag

Book Report Project

Due Date: January 4th

To Do List

1. Read the entire realistic fiction book.

- You can read this book at school during read to self time.

- You can read this book at home for your 20 minutes

every night.

- You must read the entire book.

2. Pick a bag for your project

- It can be any type of bag (i.e. brown bag, plastic bag, book bag, etc.)

- Be creative and pick or create a bag that relates to your story.

3. Write the story elements of your story.

- You want to include: the title, author, setting (time and place), main characters, the problem, and solution.

- If you want to show a lot of effort, type these up.

4. Attach the story elements to the outside of the bag.

- You can either cut each story element to place it around the bag or leave it as one whole piece and attach it.

- You can use any way to attach it that your parent agrees with (i.e. tape, glue, staples, etc.)

5. Pick 5 items that relate to the story.

- The items can be about the setting, the characters, the problem, and the solution.

- If you do not have an object, you may print a picture of the object.

- You may also draw items.

- Try to have at least two actual objects.

6. Write reasons for each object.

- Write a reason for each object using complete sentences.

- You may type your reasons to show effort.

- You can either leave the reasons together or cut each one out.

- Please bring an extra copy of the reasons for me to grade and look at.

7. Put your 5 items and 5 reasons inside the bag.

- You can attach the reason to the item or you can just leave them separate in the bag.

8. Presentation

- Bring the book to school.

- Bring your project to school.

- You may use note cards to help you present your project.

“Book in a Bag” Book Report – Realistic Fiction

Due Date: January 4th

Below is the rubric for the realistic fiction book report. The students are to pick one book to read independently at home. Then the students will construct the book report at home and bring it to school on the due date to present to the class. Your child will be graded on both their report and presentation. The students can write note cards to help with their presentation.

Good Luck on the “Book in the Bag” Report!



For the Book Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Average - 2 Poor - 1

In a Bag

Items on the Has all of the story Is missing one story Is missing two or three Is missing four or

Outside of elements including; the element and/or has one story elements and/or more story elements

the Bag title, author, characters, piece of incorrect has incorrect and contains incorrect

setting, problem, and information. Information. information.

solution of the story.

Items inside Has all five objects Has four objects Has three objects Has two or fewer

the Bag that represent the story that represent or are that represent or are objects that represent

in a relevant way. mentioned in the story. mentioned in the story. the story or items do

not represent the story.

Reasons for Explains the importance Explains the importance of Explains the importance Explains the

Including of all five items in the all five items in the bag of four or more items in importance of three or

Objects in bag with at least two with at least one reason the bag with reasons fewer items in the bag

the Bag reasons of evidence from from the story. from the story. with little or no

story. reasons from the story.

Grammar, Has no grammar, Has two or three grammar, Has more than three Has four or more

Spelling, and spelling, or spelling, or grammar, spelling, or grammar, spelling, or

Punctuation punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Creativity/ Report is neatly written Report is neatly written Report has messy Report has messy

Originality or typed and has or typed and has some handwriting and few handwriting and no

designs and decorations. designs. designs designs.


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