S. P.Mandali’s - SPM Public School


Month June

S. P.Mandali's S.P.M. Public School Syllabus & Portion for Std IV



1.Why The Spider Has Eight Thin Legs

Expected Learning Outcome

To listen, read and comprehend the lesson.

Activities/ Class Assignments/ Home Assignments

Narration of stories from Rudyard Kipling's `Just so Stories'.


To understand the consequences of being lazy.

Grammar: 1.Nouns Singular plural

To learn more about the types of nouns.

3.I Asked The Little Boy (poem)

To recite the poem with proper intonation.

Blind fold game. To know more about Braille language.

To speak grammatically correct English.

Creating awareness of being empathetic towards physically disabled people.



To know the function of Indoor Game.

4.Helping verbs auxiliary verbs and how to

relate them with time.


To know about adverb of manner, place, time and frequency.

Follow the instructions and play the games.

Recognition of main and helping verbs.

To understand the use of adverbs.

7. The Donkey's To know about the


different beliefs of

different countries.

Information/Video on Artificial rainfall.

Inculcation of Scientific attitude.


Grammar: 6.Prepositions

To know about preposition of time, place and direction.

Know your position on the board game.

7.Conjunctions To understand the concept Treasure Hunt.

of Conjunctions.

Game- Detective Conjunction

Recognition of preposition.

To use conjunctions in forming meaningful


10. The Man Who Grew Feathers

To understand the disadvantages of being selfish and greedy.


Collection of different feathers. (another story of Elizabeth Laird)

Inculcation of being Modest.



8.Using question To know about "Wh"


question words.

Game- Passing the pass.

Use of correct `Wh' words for framing questions.

12. A Dangerous Journey

To understand the concept Short Clip.

of an autobiography.


book- Black beauty)

To enhance affection for animals.

Grammar: 9. Simple Present and Simple Past

To know the use of simple Speak on the given topic. present and simple past forms.

Recognition of tenses.


Grammar: 10.Present continuous and past continuous

To know the use of "be+verb+ing".

11.Future time(Tense)

To know the use of "will+verb".

Write 10 sentences in Present and past continuous tense.

Identification of tenses.

Write any one of your future plan.

Understanding the use

of future tense in a



January February

14. Why There To read and comprehend Is An Eclipse Of the lesson. The Moon

Video of Eclipse.

Understanding the mythological as well as scientific reason behind Eclipses.

Grammar: 14.Types of sentences

To know the types of sentences: Statement, Question, Explanation. Formation of positive and negative sentences.

To read the poem to know the different types of sentences used in it. _o

To speak grammatically correct.

16. Railway Station

To understand the poetic language given in the poem. Understand rhythmic words.

Students will visit, `The Railway Station' and write a paragraph on their experiences/observations. (Information of Shanti Niketan)

Inculcation of Dignity of Labour.



To find the answers to the

prehensi given questions by reading Read the passage and answer the questions.


the passage.

Read the passage and form the questions on it.

18. Everything Changes, Everything Passes

To understand the meaning of "Nothing is permanent in this world."

Making an album.

19. Three for Free

To value people and respect their hard work.

To make paper dumplings. Video.


To understand and

position Comprehend the passage

or story.

Composition on various topics.


Class test

Pre mid Term



Grammar: L- 1



Grammar: L-2,3,4

Half yearly



Grammar: L-5,6,7 Comprehension Paragraph Writing

Class test

Reader: L-12 Grammar: L-8

Post mid term

Reader: L-14,16 Grammar: L-9,10

Developing Rationality.

Inculcating the value of Optimism.

Creating awareness about the principle ? Modesty.

Inculcating Freedom of thoughts and expressions.

Annual Reader: L-16,18,19 Grammar: L-11,14 Comprehension Story Writing


Month June



Unit/ Content Unit 1: Food

Expected Learning Outcome

Activities / Class Assignment / Home Assignment

Value Skills

L 1. Food And Digestion

-To know the various nutrient present in food and their function. -To understand how digestion takes place in the human body.

-Make a balanced diet chart and it down in your note book. -Make a model of digestive system using clay.

Importance of balance meal

L 2. Teeth And Microbes

-To know the importance of teeth -To recognize the different kinds of teeth and know the parts of a tooth. -To identify and name some useful and some harmful microbes.

-Make a model of denture using clay.

-To draw structure of a tooth and label it. -Draw different kinds of microbes and write down the diseases caused by them in your note book.

Importance of microbes in our life.

Unit 2: Materials

L 5. Solids, Liquids and Gases

-To understand and define matter. -To identify the different states of matter and compare their properties. -To understand the terms `solute',

-To make lemon juice under the guidance of an adult. -To observe the picture and identify some objects made up of solids, liquids and gases. (refer text bk pg. no.43)

Scientific attitude


`solvent' and `solution'

-Experiment to find out dissolving of solids in water (refer text bk pg. no.48)

Unit 3: The World Of The Living

L 6. Plants: Preparing and Storing Food

-To understand the process of photosynthesis in green leaves. -To recognize the interdependence between plants and animals, and the energy flow between them. -To understand the importance of program like Vanamohotsava.

-To know about the stomata in the leaf. (refer text bk pg.no. 56)

-To find out information on World Environment day.

Conservation of Environment


L 7. Plants: Living and Surviving

-To classify plants according to their habitats. -To understand how plants are affected by their surroundings. -To understand how plants of the grass family are useful to use.

-Make a flow chart of the different terrestrial plants and aquatic plants and paste their pictures in your note book (refer text bk pg.no 63)

-Visit rsgr.in/lsc-4 and click on LINK 4 and know more about the Indian Botanical Garden, Kolkata.

Conservation of Environment


L 8. Animals: How Life Goes on

-To understand why animal needs to reproduce. -To know the different ways by which different animals reproduce. -To know developmental changes in the life cycle of a cockroach and a butterfly.

-To draw life cycle of a cockroach, frog and butterfly. -Paste pictures of different types of animals and find out whether they lay eggs or give birth to young ones.

Conservation of animals.

December January

L 9. Animals: Living and Surviving

-To understand the importance of adaptations among animals. -To classify animals according to their habitats and feeding habits. -To understand the different ways in which animals protect themselves.

-Paste pictures of the animals based on their habitats.

-Visit rsgr.in/lsc-4 and click on LINK 6 and LINK 7 to find out more about endangered animals.

Conservation of animals.

Unit 4: Moving Things, People And Ideas

10. Force, Work And Energy

-To understand the types of forces and their application -To understand work done. -To know about energy, its forms and uses.

-Make models of any 3 simple machines with the materials available at home.

-Find information on solar energy and write its uses.

Scientific attitude


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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