Biology in the News - Bertovic Biology

Grade 11 Biology (SBI 3C1)557688852388-219074152400Biology in the News ProjectTask: To find and report of news articles related to Biology. Step 1: Research two articles that interest you from reputable newspapers, magazines, Internet news sources and library resources. The articles must be dated later than September 1, 2010. The articles must be related to biology and two of the 5 units we will study this year. MicrobiologyPlants in the Natural EnvironmentAnatomy of MammalsGeneticsCellular BiologySome topics of interest to you that can easily be linked to the units could be: biotechnology, human health/disease, environmental issues, invasive species, etc.Step 2: Read the articles carefully. Look up any words or concepts that you don’t understand. If you don’t understand the article or there not enough to discuss about the article then choose another one.Step 3: Article ReviewsAnswer the following questions about each article.What is the subject of the article?Why is the subject important? (i.e. Why are people concerned/excited?)What is your opinion about the subject/issue?How does the article relate to the unit of studyAttach a copy of the articleYou should write about half a page for each article.Step 4: Final ProductYou can choose what format you would like to submit your final project in. You can make a Google doc or hardcopy. If you have other ideas of how to hand in your work please speak to your teacher about it. Be creative and have fun!Evaluation: The article reviews will be collected for evaluation the first week back from winter holidays.The final due date for the article reviews is: Friday January 8th 2016 ................

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