Class Presentation Questions CH 21 Fungi

Class Presentation Questions CH 21 Fungi

21-1 The Kingdom Fungi

1. What are morels?

2. What made scientists classify fungi as photosynthetic plants years ago?

3. Fungi are __________________,________________that have cell walls made up of _________ (a carbohydrate that is also found in the____________ _______________of insects.

4. Heterotrophs do not ___________ their food. Instead, they _________________ food outside their bodies & then ______________ it.

5. Describe two ways fungi absorb their nutrients.

6. Except for ________________________, all fungi are MULTICELLULAR.

7. Multicellular fungi are composed of thin filaments called ___________. Each of these filaments are only ________ ___________thick.

8. In some fungi, _____________divide hypae into cells containing one or two nuclei. Other hyphae lack_________________ and contain many nuclei.

9. Sketch & label figure 21-2;

10. The bodies of multicellular fungi are composed of many hyphae tangled together in a thick mass called a ____________ (plural:____________); This structure is well suited to absorb food because:__________________________________________________________________________.

11. Define fruiting body:

12. What is a fairy ring?

13. What is the most recognizable part of the mushroom?

14. Most fungi reproduce both ______________ &_____________________

15. Describe 2 ways asexual reproduction can take place.

16. What is a spore?

17. In some fungi spores are produced in structures called _____________ (singular: ________);

18. Sporangia are found at the tips of specialized hyphae called_________________.

19. Sexual reproduction in fungi usually involves two mating types called________&_________.

20. Where are fungal spores found?

21. Some fungi are specialized to ____________animals, in order to help__________spores over long distances.

22. How does the stinkhorn work in luring animals and dispersing spores?

21-2 Classification of Fungi

1. Sac fungi also known as ___________ belong the the phylum______________. This phylum is named for the_______________, a reproductive structure that contains spores.

2. Define ascospore.

3. There are more than ____________ species of ascomycetes, making it the___________phylum of the kingdom Fungi.

4. The life cycle of an ascomycete usually involves a ____________&______________reproductive stage.

5. In asexual reproduction, tiny spores called __________ (singular: _________) form at the tips of specialized hyphae called______________________. They get their name from the Greek word konis which means ______________.

6. What happens to a conidium if it lands in a suitable environment?

7. Sexual reproduction happens when the hapoid hyphae of two different mating types _______________________________________. The opposite mating types produce a ____________________ _______________ in which sexual reproduction continues.

8. The _______ (plural: __________) forms within the fruiting body. Within this structure the two different mating types fuse to form a _____________________ (2N).

9. ____________________ are unicellular fungi.

10. What is budding?

11. What are “sugar fungi”? and what are some human uses of them? ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

12. The phlylum _______________________or ___________ fungi, gets is name from specialized reproductive structures that resemble a club. The spore bearing structure is called the ____________. (plural: _____________). They are found on the _________ that grow on the _____________ of mushroom ________.

13. Basidomycetes undergo the most ______________ life cycle of all fungi. A basiospore germinates to produce a haploid _____________________ which begins to grow. Later the mycelia of different mating types fuse to form a _______________________. Their cells contain __________________ nuclei of each mating type. They may grow in the soil for many years and may be possible the _____________________________ in the world. With the right combination and environment, ____________________________________will form above the ground. They contain spores within the ____________________________.

14. Basidomycetes also include ______________ fungi, which grow ____________________________________________________________________.

15. List four other examples of basidomycetes.

16.Why is it never a good idea to eat mushrooms you find growing in the wild?

17. Fungi are usually classified by the ___________________ phase of their life cycle.


18. The phylum _____________________is made up of _________ that cannot be classified into any other phylum, and because a ____________ phase of reproduction has not been discovered. They are also referred to as ______________.

19. The best known deuteromycete is ________________________________. It is frequently found growing on fruit & is the source of the antibiotic ______________________.


21-3 Ecology of Fungi

1. What is the most important role of fungi?

2. Fungi are ____________________, therefore they do not make their own food.

3. Describe how the mycelia of fungi aid in obtaining food.

4. List three roles of fungi in our ecosystem.

5. Very few fungi feed by _______________________________. Pleurotus ostreatus is a __________________ fungus that lives on the sides of trees. As _______________________ crawls into the fungus to feed, they are exposed to a fungal chemical that ___________________________________. As the _______________ slows to a stop, fungal _____________ penetrate the body, trapping it in place and digesting it.

6. Fungi play an essential role in maintaining __________________in nearly every ecosystem. HOW?

7. Fungi return ___________________elements to the soil.

8._______________________ fungi cause serious plant and animal diseases.

9. List and describe 2 plant fungal diseases.

10. List and describe 2 human fungal diseases.

11. Some fungi form ________________ relationships in which both members benefit. List and describe two examples.


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