Human Biology 11 – Digestive System Brochure

Human Biology 11 – Digestive System Brochure

Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Your team at the Duodenum Dynamics Ad Agency has been hired by a travel consultant to design a luxury tour through the digestive system – think of it as an amusement park adventure! Before you can collect your fee from the Anatomy Travel Bureau, you must produce a brochure.

The owner of the travel brochure, Mr. Seymour Sphincter, has informed you that in order to win the contract you must highlight trendy spots, the exciting activities, and the imports and exports of the areas. For insurance purposes, you must discreetly mention any possible dangers or special precautions that tourists might encounter when visiting this system and specific areas within it.

You have also been asked to design a slogan and an ad jingle for your tour. You can write out the words to your jingle somewhere on your brochure.

Be sure to include at least 3 pictures so tourists can get an idea of what they might see! This can be hand drawn, sketched, painted, etc, or found online.

Your brochure MUST include each of the following words:

|Digestion |Duodenum |Teeth |Peristalsis |

|Salivary Glands |Liver |Villi |Hydrochloric Acid |

|Epiglottis |Gall Bladder |Large Intestine |Bile |

|Esophagus |Pancreas |Rectum |pH |

|Stomach |Small Intestine |Mucus |Sugars |

|Fats |Protein |Appendix |Mouth |

You can complete this brochure alone OR with a partner, however, keep in mind that if two people work together I expect more effort, detail, and creativity! Resources used MUST be listed somewhere.

I will work individually or with a partner: _______________________________________________

You will have today, tomorrow, and Wednesday to work on this in class. If you need more time it must be completed outside of class time. You will be given a grade for the final product as well as your use of class time and having materials and resources in class each day.

This can be done on 8.5x11 paper or larger, including Bristol board. Be creative!

You MUST hand in this paper with your project or it will not be graded!

Due Date: Friday, April 27th

|Requirement |Points Available |

|Trendy Spots Highlighted |0 1    2    3  |

|Exciting Activities |0 1    2    3  |

|Imports & Exports |0 1    2    3  |

|Possible Dangers/Special Precautions |0 1    2    3  |

|Slogan |0 1    2    3  |

|Jingle |0 1    2    3  |

|Appearance & Creativity of Project |0 1    2    3    4    5 |

|At Least 3 Pictures Included |0 1    2    3  |

|Resources Listed |0 1    2 |

|Quality of Information & Written In Own Words |0 1    2    3    4    5 |

|Time Used In Class To Work On Project |0 1    2    3    4    5 |

|Teacher Comments | |

| | |

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| | |

| |Total Mark:            /38 |


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