Biology Vertebrate System Project - Grey Parrot

Biology Vertebrate System Project DUE ____Dr.

You will make a life-sized poster of a human system of your choice. You will trace your body in class and include the following things on your poster.

/16 Life Size color pictures and labels of 8 organs involved in your system, positioned anatomically

correctly (you only have to do 8 of the 9 organs listed in each system below. You choose which 8)

/8 Labels explaining the function of the 8 organs in your system

/5 The labeled pathway that something (blood, food, oxygen, nerve impulse etc) would travel in that system

/5 The name and 5 symptoms of a disease that people get when their system does not function


/5 A description of 5 things that do not work correctly when one has this disease

/5 A description of 5 things that can be done to prevent or help this disease

/5 All captions should be typed in large (larger than 26) font

/5 Project should be neat, colorful, creative and factual


Extra credit available for 3-D organs, and organs that mechanically demonstrate their function

 CHOOSE ONE of the following systems:

Nervous System Circulatory System Respiratory System

Spinal Cord 4 chambered Heart Lung

Neuron arteries trachea

Nerves (peripheral) veins bronchi

Brain: cerebrum lungs bronchioles

Brain: cerebellum body tissues body tissues

Brain: brain stem aorta alveoli

Optic nerve Vena cava diaphragm

Olfactory nerve pulmonary artery nasal cavity

Skull Pulmonary vein epiglottis

Trace the pathway of a nerve impulseTrace the pathway of blood Trace the pathway of O2 & CO2



Digestive System Excretory System

Teeth kidneys

Pancreas urinary bladder

Esophagus ureter

Stomach urethra

Small intestine renal artery

Large intestine renal vein

Rectum aorta

Liver vena cava

Salivary glands nephron

Trace the pathway of food Trace the pathway of urine


On the back of this page is an organization sheet to help you collect the data for your poster. Remember to cut out organs that are the actual size (and color if possible) as the ones in your body, and to place them in the appropriate position on your poster. Also put disease information of your system on your poster.


Links: (don’t forget your textbook as a primary resource)

Body Quest

My Body

Human Body Links


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Flow chart of this system:

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


Disease of this system: ______________________________________



5 symptoms







5 ways the system is not working the way it should be working







5 things that can be done to cure/help/prevent this disease






Due to Murphy’s Law, (and in order to avert technical difficulties, computer glitches, time warps, black holes, gremlins, natural and unnatural disasters) please do not wait until the last minute to complete or print your project. Late projects are assessed 20% per day.







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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