The Idol of Love

The Idol of Love

Sermon Questions for Genesis 29:14-25

If you have feedback, please let David Fuquay know at dfuquay@ mailto:dfuquay@.

SPECIFIC PRAYER (suggestions)

Many people have taken a step of faith and, for some, a risky step by going from the large, safe anonymous sanctuary to the vulnerable confines of a living room. Pray for these people specifically. Pray for those who took the leap that they will find an environment that loves them, that is open to them, and that will help them live like Jesus on a day-to-day basis. Pray that these connections will be healthy and long-term. Also, please spend some time in prayer for those who, for whatever reason, did not make it to the living room. Pray they too will find a place to connect.



If you are married, tell about how you met. If you are single, tell about your first “love.” If you have never loved someone, have everyone in the group give you a hug.

Dave G said: “It is important to discern your idols and deal with them.” Why? Why can we not just live with our idols and with worshipping the Lord? What harm would it do to our lives? To our worship? To our families? In other words, why is this series important? How would the application of these principles change our day-to-day life?

How can love be an idol? Isn’t love a good thing? What does society/culture promise about love?


Read 2 Chronicles 33:21-25.

What are some idols in your life that might be noticed and adopted by your children? How does this make you feel? If you want them to avoid these idols, what is the only solution?

How do we identify whether what we love is an idol in our lives? How do we repent of it and put it in its proper place?

Read Genesis 29:14 -21

Why did Jacob fall that hard for Rachel? Why was he willing to do the unreasonable, almost the unthinkable to be with her? Do you think he ever gave any thought to the Lord and the Lord’s will during this pursuit?

The Lord does eventually use this relationship for God’s glory but what had to happen to Jacob first (see Genesis Gen 32:25, 31-32)? Why is it better to give our relationships over to the Lord early?

What do you think Jacob’s expectations for marriage were? How would he have pictured being married to Rachel? What realities probably hit Jacob? How did you picture marriage before you were married (or now, if you are single)? What realities have hit you? Why or how can unrealistic expectations be crushing to a marriage? How do we avoid placing expectations on others?

What happens when we look to a romantic relationship to give life meaning? What does that do to your relationship with God? Your identity? Your relationship with others? What is the solution and the protection against being suffocated in a marriage because of unrealistic expectations and not becoming prey by manipulative people?

Read Genesis 29:31-35

In what ways is it dangerous to find your identity and significance in someone else? How can you maintain love for someone else and yet not make them into an idol?

In the first couple of verses, what is driving Leah? Leah’s idol of love was not just on her husband but now on her children. What would that do to a child? How would they respond to that kind of weight by a mother? How can you love your children well without making them an idol? In the last verse, where is Leah’s focus?

How should the gospel,the fact that Jesus loves you ina personal way, shape our relationships? Is there any way this weik to live out the Gospel in a way you have not been doing lately? How canyou better put Jesus first this week?


Why is all of life ultimately disappointing if your identify, self worth, and significance are not based upon the Lord? In what ways is this true?  In what ways will you be disappointed?[iii]

Leah was the girl nobody wanted but God chose her to be a part of a magnificent story (Jesus).  Have you ever felt this way, that you were rejected? How could God use those experiences?  Have you healed from that?  Have you given it over to the Lord to be used? Or are you holding on to the hurt?

Emergence focused on the passage Romans 1:18-28

What is a good definition of sin? (Essentially, it means missing the mark of bringing glory to God, of obedience to God, or service to God… in that big circle, we see words like transgressions, corruption, and idolatry)

Read Matthew 22:37-40

What does Jesus calls us to do? Why is that hard? In what ways is this easy?

What is Idolatry? (It is the worship and love of something, which we place on the throne where only God should sit; in effect, we “degod” God)

What is the result of idolatry in our lives? (It will rap roots around your heart, that sprout fruits of sin, destruction and loss in your life)

What do you hope God will do in your life over the next couple of weeks? (Our hope is to grab the sin by its idolatrous root … and rip it out)

Read Romans 1:18-20

What does it mean that man is without excuse?

What is the height of God’s creation? (man)

Read Romans 1:22-25

What does man do in his foolishness? Does this exalt or lower man? God?

How has God wired us? (unceasing, outpouring worshiper) What does this mean for our day-to-day lives? What danger does this present?

Why is it dangerous to believe that a person rather than God can complete you? What would it hurt? How is that ultimately destructive in the lives of two different people?

Read 2 Samuel 13:1-3:11-15

What happens when you idolize love? What could it do to your relationships? Your thoughts? Your focus? Ryan pointed out idolizing love can make you a bitter, angry, perverted person)

In what ways does false worship destroy you?

Read Romans 1:24-28

Where does idolizing love eventually lead? (Divorce and being unequally yoked)

Read Genesis 29:35 how did Leah ultimately topple her idol of love?

Key Words and Further Study:

2 Chronicles 33:21-25 King Amon

Isaiah 53:2, John 1:11

SERVICE (fodder for ideas)

If your group has not yet signed up for a Saturday in October, working with Habitat for Humanity, please do so as soon as possible.  We want your group to be able to work together in order to become a closer knit group, so please sign up quickly because, on September 20th, we will be opening it up for individuals to volunteer.  It is only a 4-hour commitment and the work is not normally too difficult.  If you want to know which days and times are still available, please visit the Serving the World page on or .

Save a Life, Give Blood. The American Red Cross Blood Drive is coming to Jacksonville Chapel on Saturday, September 25,2010 from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Ministry Center South building.  Continental Breakfast will be served to everyone.

Do you love coffee? Pastries? Fellowship? Have you ever thought about the hands that serve those delicious treats on Sunday mornings? The Café Team is a close knit community looking to add some new servants. Right now, the Café works in two shifts, from either 7:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. or from 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is an immediate need for more men on the break down team, too. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please go to the Jacksonville Chapel website at or and click on “Join a Small Group.” In the left-hand corner, under “Type of Group,” choose “Service” and join the Café Team! Or the Ushers Team, the Welcome Desk Team or The Welcome Team Greeters. Helpers are needed in each of these teams. Give it a try and if it is not a good fit, try something else – but get involved and be willing to serve alongside other servants.


[i] Dave G pointed out that, when you make love an idol, you become easy prey for others to manipulate and use you

[ii] strong faith and close walk with the Lord

[iii] Nothing in this life is meant to hold that type of significance and so whatever we place our ultimate hope in, short of Jesus, will eventually fail us and disappoint us


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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