It was rumoured, in the great halls of Phantom Publishers in Kelowna, that there was a winner of LOTTO MAX on Friday September 17th last and this good fortune was confirmed the next day. We must explain there are eight members of our staff who are engaged in the Editorial Department of the organization. They decided to buy a joint ticket on Lotto Max which with the Extra, costs $6.00. The problem now is that only six members participated, each contributing $1.00. The ticket won One Million Dollars. The result is we have two very unhappy members of the Editorial Department, who hope their associates will share. So far there is no indication this will happen. They have told Management they will resign if they don't receive a share. We also have a very unhappy Management Team who are told by all six winners that they will definitely resign their positions on October 1st. Without these people, the organization will not be able to function until new staff are engaged and trained.

After several lengthy meetings of the Executive, it was been decided to pay each of the two members of the Editorial Department, who did not participate in purchasing the ticket, a taxable bonus of $167,000 to continue working and train new staff, which is the amount they would have won had they been part of the group.

The Union Shop Steward (Hamish McNeil) is now involved and tells Management, "this is completely unfair" because, he contends, that all the other 108 members of the staff should also receive a bonus, if one is to be paid, and he will recommend to the Union that they close the plant down if Management persists with this plan.

Good fortune is not always what it seems. What do you think?

1978 -1997

Name this branch.

Put a name to this signature.

Dave Peterson seen at the recent RBC Seniors' Golf Tourney.


Joe McCracken was first to identify the mystery signature as that of Brian Gregson.

The mystery sub-branch was correctly named as Telkwa, B.C. by Art Bowman.

It was Robert Cherkas who recognized the list of Managers as all having served at Port Moody, B.C.

Peter Briscoe was able to identify correctly the branch where various managers served, the mystery sub-branch and the signature of Brian Gregson.

Doug Williamson was the only one to ask to see a picture of Rachel Hunter, whose resume appeared in the editorial of the last issue of the Newsletter. He said he would hire her, so we did.



A journal of my career with the Bank.

I was born in Vancouver and grew up in the Kerrisdale district. After graduating from High School my objective was to join the RCMP. Their training course did not commence until later so I decided to take a temporary position until that time. Despite the fact both my parents had, at one time or another, worked for the B of M, I secured employment with the Royal Bank.

So, in October 1954 I found myself knocking at the front door of Vancouver, Marpole branch to commence my career with the Royal that lasted some thirty nine years. I was greeted at the door by Charlie Merrick who introduced me to the Manager, Jim McGillivray and the Accountant, Bill Anderson.

It was a shock to learn in January 1956 that I had been transferred to Smithers, B.C. which was about as different an environment you could find from my life living at home in Kerrisdale. It was a very maturing time and an experience I'll never forget. Charlie Akenhead managed the branch and Mike Greer was the Accountant. My job was to be the Teller servicing the sub-branches in Houston and Telkwa. These were often difficult trips with the Bank's specially designed vehicle, in the cold and icy conditions of winter. In addition, the sub-branch premises were not heated so we were often cold while serving the public. During my stay in Smithers, I provided temporary staff relief in New Hazelton - working out of very primitive premises and serving the Sub-branch in Hazelton. The good part was I stayed in the new "Inlander Hotel" in Hazelton, operated by the Sargent family.

My transfer came in November 1956 when I was named Accountant at the new branch called Capilano Highlands in North Vancouver. Frank Milner was the Manager. There were 5 on staff including the Manager.

I then moved to Vancouver, Granville & Davie branch in 1958 where Ernie Tierney was Manager and David Lattimer the Accountant. Dennis Becker was the Assistant Accountant. Terry Merrick was also on staff.

On September 1, 1959 I was off to Victoria, Hillside and Quadra branch as Accountant, working with Parker Milner the Manager. I remember Virginia Dykes and Garry Barlowwho was newly hired as a Teller.

Vancouver, Hastings and Homer was my next stop in 1961 as 2nd Assistant Accountant. Ernie Tierney was the Manager and Lyle Muir the Assistant Mgr. I believe Jimmy Walker was the Accountant.


On June 24th, 1963 I was appointed Accountant at West Vancouver, Park Royal with Ray Lougheed as Manager. Brian Pitzel was the Assistant Accountant along with George Balzer.

It was during this time I married (June) and our first daughter was born.

Out of the blue, and I don't know why, in 1964 I was transferred to Montreal as a Bond Trader with Head Office Securities in Place Ville Marie. In 1966 we moved to Toronto (where our second daughter was born) with the same Department, trading bonds.

1968 brought us back to Vancouver, Granville & Robson where Wilf Pattenden was Manager and Dennis Becker the Assistant Manager.

In April 1969 I was transferred to the District General Manager's Department at 675 West Hastings Street to train on the Credit Floor. Jack Hilts, Harvey Botham and Bob Gulliford were the Credit Inspectors. Others in training at that time were Leo Fornari, Harvey Fisk and Don Gilchrist. W.D.H. Gardiner was the DGM.

March 1971, I was appointed Assistant Manager at Burnaby, Kingsway & McKay with Manager Peter Briscoe.

My first appointment as a Branch Manager came on October 23, 1972 when I followed Ron Little into Vancouver, Pender & Bute. Ken Bromley was my Assistant Manager.

I joined the District General Manager's Department in Vancouver, Royal Centre in 1974, where I remained for 19 years until my retirement. During this period I had various interesting assignments including Manager, Small Business Marketing; Manager, Independent Business Markets for B.C. District and Manager, Franchise Development.

Some associates who stand out in my mind, as being very supportive and helpful during those years, include Les Edmonds, Jack Ralfs, George Hack, Gerry Conly, Jim Thompson, Dave Laundy, Peg Byers, Hugh Burnett, Don Mayers, Bill McKinney and my Assistants: Al Sol, Len Schaan, Ed Kukucha and the two ladies, Freda D'Souza and Yasmin Kassam.

Following my retirement on June 30, 1993, I continued working in the financial field, forming my own company operating as a Franchise Consultant, which has kept me very busy and continues to do so. We live comfortably in West Vancouver and enjoy our 3 children and 6 grandchildren. *************************************************

Two cows are standing in a field. One says to the other, "What do you think about this mad cow disease?" "What do I care?" says the other. "I'm a helicopter."


Dave Lattimer perpetual trophy ? Mens' low gross

Winner ? Tony Pulice


Anne Lippert perpetual trophy ? Ladies' low gross

Winner ? Liz Waldref


RBC fall perpetual trophy low net

Winner Men- Bruce Waldref


Winner Ladies ? Debby Sharpe 74

Closest to the pin

Winner Men ? Tony Pulice

Winner ? Ladies ? Debby Sharpe

Longest drive

Winner Men ? Bill Popovich

Winner Ladies ? Marion Thurston

The tournament was held on a picture perfect day when 41 golfers competed for prizes donated by RBC. There was great fellowship, lots of fun and the organizers, Doug Bell and Len Huber, are to be congratulated for presenting such an outstanding event for the Pensioners.

Tony Pulice ? Winner

Liz Waldref - Winner


1910 ? 126 RBC branches are joined by 42 Union Bank of Halifax branches (excluding 3 international branches) and, after 10 duplicate branches are eliminated, the Royal Bank emerges with a consolidated total of 156.

1912 ? 101 Traders Bank branches join the Royal Bank system. After 16 duplicate locations are eliminated, the system stands at 314.

1917 ? 58 Quebec Bank branches bring a net gain of 38 branches, thus giving the Royal Bank a total of 375 branches.

1918 ? 110 Northern Crown Bank branches are trimmed to a net gain of 96 branches, thus boosting the Royal Bank's total to 526.

Rodger Dyke seen golfing at the RBC Pensioners' fall classic



No one was able to identify the group of Bankers who attended a credit course conducted at Harrison Hot Springs (circa 1974) by Peter McCaffery.

They are L/R: Len Huber, Ed Rolheiser, Bob Stuart, Vern Janz, Dave Allen, Chick Ruttan, and Peter McCaffrey. Middle Row: Ray Collishaw, Glen Stewart, Herb Nemitz, Bob Russell, Jim Thompson, Peter Lunsdsgaard, Floyd Varchol. Front Row: Bill Ma, Barry Anderson, Ian Morrison and Colin Liptrot.

1925 ? 217 Union Bank of Canada branches are pruned by 51 to give a net gain of 166 branches, thus bringing the Royal Bank's branch system to a total 792.

The Amalgamation numbers game bit is taken from "Quick to the Frontier" by Duncan McDowell


MY CAREER By Dave Jenks

During my career with the Bank I did not travel too far. I started in 1963 at Vancouver, Robson and Bute and finished in 2002 at Vancouver, Georgia and Burrard. At Robson and Bute I started as a Junior Clerk with Frank Johnson, Manager and Jack Brewer, Accountant. I ended my career 39 years later in 2002, after 22 different positions covering two provinces. A Teller in Revelstoke followed, working with Dale Trask, Manager and Kane Kangro, Accountant. Richmond, #3 and Park was next as 5th Assistant Accountant; Cy McRae, Manager, Bob Ludwig Accountant and Garry Wiggins, Senior Assistant Accountant. It was then off to Vancouver, Main and 8th as 2nd Assistant Accountant. Gordon Butler was Manager; John Kerschbaum, Accountant; Murray Robbins, Senior Assistant Accountant. Then off to Whalley Branch and Sandy MacDonald, Manager. Vanderhoof as Accountant was next with Hugh Burnett, Manager. It was in Vanderhoof where I earned my pilots license. Victoria, Main was a great stop as Senior Assistant Accountant with Reg Wilde, Manager; Ron Little, Assistant Manager; Garry Barlow, Accountant. At this stop in my career I met my wife of 40 years, Marilyn. Before we could get married I was transferred to Vancouver, Commercial and Gravely as Accountant and worked with Ray Mitchuk, Manager; John Knechtel, Assistant Manager and Reg King, Loans Officer. Margaret Durrant was Assistant Accountant. Next was a longer stop in three positions in the B.C District: Systems/Operations Department working with three Managers; Bill Galbraith, Dave Fisher and Richard Bodt. I also worked with a great bunch of people: John Fawcett, Maurice Lees, Gary Stowe, Rod MacDougall, John Craig, Gerry Derbyshire, Bob Stitt, Pat Craig, Charlotte Glazier and the list could go on. I was then transferred to Vancouver, Royal Centre as Manager Administration and worked with two Managers: Les Edmonds and Tom Bleackley. Many others were part of that great team including, over a few years; George Rushton, Bob Stewart, Leo Fornari, Jim Laughlin, Terry Callon, Phil Durston, Wendy Langlois, and Colin Hulford. Having observed the lenders in Royal Centre, I thought this may be a good career change. I started training in the Blue Room at Vancouver, Main and Hastings -then to the playpen in the nursery on the 35th floor Credit Department with Bill Squires, Terry McDermott, Leo Fornari, Bud Wisewell, and Derek Nicholls. During that time I took the Peter McCaffrey 3 week credit course in Montreal. After graduating from the credit floor, I was transferred back to Vancouver, Main and Hastings as a Senior Account Manager, Commercial Banking- a job in my career I liked very much. I worked with Dave Christie, Manager; Clive Schindler, Assistant Manager; John King took his place also with Bruce Jones, Dave Macdonald, Deiter Klopper and of course, Bill Ma. Many stories could be told of the times and fun had at that branch.

In late 1984 the Bank was starting a Head Office Training Centre for Credit and Sales Training in Business Banking and I was asked if I would go back to Toronto and head up the training for Independent Business. I jumped at the opportunity and spent over 13 great years in Metro Toronto and Ontario area, living in Oakville. In the training job I worked with Lyle Littlejohn. The Independent Business training team included Anne Bourbonniere and David Sutherland. After training I went to Head Office Corporate Banking as Group Product Manager, Financing Products in the Corporate Marketing Department which also included

marketing for Roylease Limited. I worked again with Vice- President Richard Bodt. Our team also worked closely with Mike Baptista and Norm Achen and many of the Head Office departments. I then headed- up Business Banking Marketing for the newly formed Ontario District (areas outside Metro Toronto) and worked with Wayne Dinwoody, Mike Baptista again and Pat Palmer. I then became Area Manager, Hamilton Ontario; then to Area Manager, Toronto West working with Roger Creasor, then George Gaffney and Bruce Jones. My last job in Ontario was Area Manager, Mississauga where I took over from Bill Mills. It was in 1995 that Marilyn and I were in a horrific car accident outside Hamilton. That changed my view of life and my career. I was turning down positions to move up the ladder, so we came to a life decision that it was time to turn west again and I applied for, and got, the position of Manager, Retail Marketing in BC Districtworking with Rod Pennycook and Bruce Jones and the BC retail banking team. Over the years I had experienced many changes and reorganizations in the Bank and there was one last one for me in 2000. At that time I assumed my last position as Manager, Operations and Marketplace Support, working with a great team including Ruth Meyson, Rod MacDougall, Don Mayers, Karen Borning-Olsen, Mike Paget and many more including supporting the District Head, Anne Sutherland and the Vice Presidents. I retired at the end of April 2002, having worked for a wonderful company, leaving me with a great bunch of friends. My pension has allowed Marilyn and I to spend many months in the Coachella Valley in Southern California during the winter and to travel to the places in the world we wanted to explore. We enjoy our wonderful family, son Alan, daughter Andrea and 3 grandchildren.

Thank you Royal Bank and all those people I worked with over the years.



Mark your calendars now for Tuesday December 7th, 2010 to attend the Christmas Lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel, 791 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. The official notice containing details and the application will be going out shortly. $20.00 each this year, $45.00 for guests.



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