MyBeliefWorks™ - Money

[Pages:5]MyBeliefWorksTM - Money

Hi, this is Jimmy Mack and this is another in the series of MyBeliefWorksTM. This particular one is about money and everything that's associated with money. Changing beliefs on a conscious or unconscious levels differs from merely saying affirmations. Now, I'm in favor of affirmations ? I've seen changing beliefs on every conceivable level much more powerful in areas of conscious, the unconscious, DNA levels, this lifetime, all past lives, our soul level and all that's known or unknown, named and unnamed levels.

This will actually create the kinds of changes we're looking for at a much faster, profound and deeper way. You can always visit me at if you need more assistance. Now, hopefully most of you who are listening can test using applied kinesiology, muscle testing, perhaps sway and standing testing or even a pendulum, heavy or light ? or whatever form that you can get into so that you can reach a yes or no answer. If now, I'd encourage you to learn how to do this one day soon and perhaps Google that. But please know it's not necessary for these, because regardless of what form you may be using, it could be in fact that you're not clear enough to test the following statements that I'm going to say out loud. And that's okay because the good news is that I've encoded them and I've done this so much and for so long, I've experienced those changes. And I know that as you listen, they're in fact changing for you.

Now, some of them may sound odd or different, but if you already have the good stuff, not to worry because these will not leave you, but will actually be reinforced. The negative, weak stuff will act as if it's extracted and the more positive beliefs will actually be strengthened. I prefer that you were lying doing or sitting quietly as you listen. You can listen to these as often as you'd like for, perhaps, reinforcement or as a refresher ? although one time should actually do the trick.

This is all about obtaining, retaining and creating more abundance and money in our lives, here and now; as well as good fortune. And these statements are designed and have come from consciousness. They'll actually balance us out in a healthier way and increase our good fortune. Now, you're gonna recognize some pauses in-between these and, ideally, it's because I'm making the changes and that's what we want: to impact them on a deeper, more profound way. And so we're going to begin now:

1. I am clear now. 2. I've released all attachment and causes to being unclear now. 3. I'm running forward now, in the most positive way. 4. I've deleted out all negative weakness of body, mind and spirit here, now; especially

where money, finance and good fortune are concerned. 5. I've downloaded the most positive strengths of body, mind and spirit here, now; where

money, finance and good fortune are concerned.

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6. Good fortune flows in, around and through me here, now. 7. My good luck switch is turned on, now. 8. But bad luck switch is turned off, now. 9. My income exceeds all of my expenses and my debts. 10. Every day, in every way, my abundance increases. 11. I'm open to receiving the very best of what life has to offer here, now. 12. I'm worthy of receiving the very best that life has to offer here, now. 13. I'm deserving of all the best that life has to offer here, now. 14. I'm synchronized and coherent with a resonance in exchange of money. 15. I'm aligned with turbocharging my money. 16. I'm aligned with turbocharging my wealth. 17. I'm aligned with turbocharging my prosperity. 18. I'm aligned with good fortune and my good fortune's aligned with me. 19. My subconscious financial thermostat is set on `high'. 20. I'm aligned with becoming a rich person in all positive forms of the definition. 21. I've released my poverty consciousness from this and all other lives. 22. I've released any and all struggle and sacrifice around the energy of money and good

fortune. 23. My successes far outweigh my failures. 24. I've learned all the lessons I needed to from my failures. 25. I've released any and all fears of homelessness and losing. 26. I've released all my fears around losing everything. 27. I'm now aligned with a millionaire mindset. 28. I believe in my ability to be wealthy. 29. I believe in my right to be wealthy. 30. I believe in myself and I have the golden touch for all of my endeavors. 31. I know when, where how and why to invest money and save it wisely. 32. I believe money is clean. 33. I'm in harmony with divine timing. 34. I'm believe I'm worthy of, deserving of and open to receive abundance here, now. 35. I believe I'm the choice instead of a mere option. 36. I know when, where, how and why to allow prosperity to flow in me. 37. Prosperity flows to me. 38. I'm an attractor for wealth. 39. I'm an attractor for good fortune.

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40. I'm an attractor for prosperity. 41. I'm an attractor for the deal. 42. I'm a magnet for wealth. 43. I recognize and capitalize on opportunity. 44. I'm free to take financial gambles at will. 45. I believe that chance and odds are in my favor here and always. 46. I believe prosperity is mine here, now. 47. I am claiming free-flowing prosperity here and now. 48. I'm putting grace and ease into all that I do. 49. I'm open to all lucky financial possibilities. 50. I've released all allergies to paper money, finance, good fortune. 51. I've released all my allergies to checks and all forms of paper money and money. 52. I've released all my allergies to plastic as it pertains to credit cards. 53. I have released any and all allergies to gem stones, precious stones, rarities and

collectibles. 54. I use credit cards and money without fear. 55. I use credit cards and money without resentments. 56. I use credit cards and money without future thoughts. 57. I use credit cards and money without afterthoughts. 58. I'm aligned with my bank and it is aligned with me. 59. I'm at ease with banking and bill paying, in general. 60. I'm at ease with and aligned with banking and bill paying transactions. 61. I'm aligned with internet banking in any and all forms. 62. I'm aligned with sending and receiving electronic funds. 63. It's safe and comfortable for me to send and receive forms of money through the mail. 64. I'm aligned with direct deposit. 65. I'm aligned with, open to, and deserving of and worthy of being pampered. 66. I resonate with luxury, luxurious events, places and things. 67. I'm aligned with receiving room service. 68. Any of my setbacks are a setup for a better and brighter future. 69. I'm tapped into the infinite source of all there is. 70. There's an infinite source of supply for me to tap into; and I'm doing that here, now. 71. There is and I am more than enough, financially with money and good fortune. 72. There is always enough. 73. I am capable of and I am satiated and satisfied.

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74. Profound, positive things happen for me when I least expect it. 75. The winds of change are in my favor here, now, filled with good fortune and all forms of

money. 76. I intend and co-create more and better with a source of all there is. 77. I'm redirected and inspired; and good fortune and favor follow me. 78. Today and every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to do better and make more. 79. I am blessed with ability, courage and creativity here and now; and good fortune follows

me. 80. Bigger and better good fortune is on its way to me here and now. 81. I'm preparing for events more expensive and more profitable than myself. 82. I'm released of any and all overwhelm and ruts. 83. I'm encouraged and upbeat about my life. 84. Positive abundance flows in, around and through me now. 85. Positive manifestations flow in, around and through me now. 86. Positive good fortune flows in, around, and through me here and now. 87. Positive wealth flows in, around and through me now. 88. Positive health flows in, around and through me now. 89. I have a golden and Midas touch in all my endeavors. 90. Everything I touch and communicate with turns out for the best in my favor and filled

with good fortune. 91. My energy is in balance and good fortune and money float in, around and through it now. 92. My positive good fortune and money beliefs are now my reality maker. 93. My positive emotions and soft focus belief effectuate positive good fortune and changes

in my favor here, now. 94. When one door closes, a better one is opening for me here, now. 95. I will rise up and live in faith and in financial favor. 96. I'm in the flow and live with a positive cadence, here, now. 97. The symphony of a fortunate life plays to me. 98. Traumas are being released from me when I speak the truth here, now. 99. Financially, it's okay to say `no' and stick up for myself. 100. I'm coming into my due good season now and success and good fortune now. 101.I am prepared and promoted in all ways on a more positive level, now. 102.God breathes in my direction and the supernatural prospers me. 103.The impossible has now become the possible and miracles rise to meet me. 104.God is now going to exceed my expectations.

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105.I believe God favors me and God believes in me too. 106.I believe I am highly favored and recognized as highly favored. 107.I deserve to succeed. 108.My purpose is being fulfilled and I live in faith, favor and good fortune. 109.I believe I'm on course and if and when it changes, it's for my financial good fortune and my best. 110. Positive financial choices chase me down. 111. I am a financial victor. 112. I am financially fully loaded and a prize of great value and good fortune. 113. I'll dare to stretch and succeed and, as a result, I'll financially succeed in all good fortune. 114. I'm in a zone of faith and financial favor. 115. I feel stable, safe and financially successful. 116. I'm redirected, on track and financial abundance flows towards me now. 117. Divine favors, divine connections and heavenly blessings of good fortune are upon me now. 118. I'm in the vibration of positive attraction, expectation and receiving here and now. 119. I'm changing my thoughts, my essence and my life's direction and it's all for good fortune. 120.Spirit is fulfilling my wildest dreams now as I remain unattached to outcome. 121.I believe, trust and have patience. 122.All good things flow in, around and through me here and now. 123.Success and good fortune flow in, around and through me now, regardless of where I live, or what I'm doing or who I'm with here, now. 124.Success flows to me.

Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557

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