Latin American Films available at Holy Cross

Latin American Films available at Holy Cross

Note: For more information on specific films, go to the Complete Index to World Film at and the International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers at


1. A hora da estrela/Hour of the Star (Suzana Amaral, Brazil, 1987), MRC SpH4. Based on the novel by Clarice Lispector.

2. Ache moyuba orisha ( Cristina González Gallardo, Cuba, 1990), MRC SpA11. Documentary

3. Amores perros (Alejandro González Iñárritu, Mexico, 2000), Music Library DVD144

4. Antes que anochezca/Before Night Falls (Julian Schnabel, USA, 2000), MRC DVD SpB1. Based on the memoir by Reinaldo Arenas

5. Azúcar Amarga/Bitter Sugar (León Ichaso, USA, 1996), MRC SpB14

6. The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez (Robert Young, USA, 1982), MRC SpB20

7. La Bamba (Luis Valdez, USA, 1987), MRC SpB1 and SpB21

8. Bananas Is My Business (Helen Solberg, USA, 1994), MRC EnB1. Documentary

9. La batalla de Chile: Lucha de un pueblo sin armas/The Battle of Chile: Struggle of an Unarmed People (Patricio Guzmán, Chile, 1975-1977), Dinand Video 1287. Documentary

10. La boca del lobo/The Lion’s Den (Francisco Lombardi, Peru, 1988), MRC SpL10

11. Brazil in Black and White: Skin Color and Higher Education (…) Dinand

12. Buena Vista Social Club (Wim Wenders, USA, 1999), MRC SpB18. Documentary

13. El bulto/Excess Baggage (Gabriel Retes, Mexico, 1993), MRC SpB12

14. Bye bye Brasil/Bye Bye Brazil (Carlos Diegues, Brazil, 1980), MRC SpB16

15. Cabeza de Vaca (Nicolás Echevarría, Mexico, 1991), MRC SpC4. See also a documentary on the making of the film: Those Who Made Our Cinema: Cabeza de Vaca, MRC SpSeries Th1

16. El callejón de los milagros/Midaq Alley (Jorge Fons, Mexico, 1994), MRC SpM35

17. Camila (María Luisa Bemberg, Argentina, 1984), MRC SpC9

18. Capitalismo salvagem/Savage Capitalism (André Klotzel, Brazil, 1993), MRC SpS21

19. Center for Defense Information: America, Policman for the Third World? (1991) Dinand Video 848, America's Arms Sales (1991) Dinand Video 836, Arming Dictators (1992) Dinand Video 853, Cuba at the Crossroads (1996) Dinand Video 879, Cuban-American Relations (1992) Dinand Video 839, The Road to US Intervention in Haiti (1994) Dinand Video 843, School of the Americas: At War With Democracy? (1994) Dinand Video 844. Documentaries.

20. Chicano: History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. DISC Special Collections. Documentary. See also a related 1994 documentary by the United Farm Workers, César Chávez, Dinand Video 825

21. Chulas fronteras (Les Blank, USA, 1976), personal collection. Documentary

22. Cidade de Deus/City of God (Fernando Meirelles, Brazil, 2002), Music Library DVD237

23. Cinema of the Humble (Michael Chanan, Britain, 1985), MRC SpC1. Documentary

24. Como agua para chocolate/Like Water for Chocolate (Alfonso Arau, Mexico, 1992), MRC SpC26, SpL7, and MRC DVD SpL1

25. Como era gostoso o meu francês/How tasty was my little Frenchman (Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Brazil, 1971), Dinand Video 1498

26. Confesión a Laura/Confessing to Laura (Jaime Osorio Gómez, Colombia, 1991), MRC SpC24

27. Corpus: A Home Movie for Selena (Lourdes Portillo, USA, 1999). Documentary

28. Crossover Dreams (León Ichaso, USA, 1985), MRC SpC11

29. Danzón (María Novaro, Mexico, 1991), MRC SpD2

30. A Day Without a Mexican (Sergio Arau, USA, 2004), MRC DVDSpD3

31. De cierta manera/One Way or Another (Sara Gómez, Cuba, 1974-1978), MRC SpC2

32. De ida y vuelta/Back and Forth (Salvador Aguirre, Mexico, 2000), MRC DvdSpB3

33. La deuda externa/Veronico Cruz (Miguel Pereira, Argentina, 1985), MRC SpV5. See also a related 1982 documentary, Battle for the Falklands, Dinand Video 61

34. El diablo nunca duerme/The Devil Never Sleeps (Lourdes Portillo, USA, 1995), MRC SpD17. Documentary

35. Diarios de motocicleta/Motorcycle Diaries (Walter Salles, 2005), MRC DVDSpD4

36. Disparen a matar/Shoot to kill (Carlos Azpurua, Venezuela, 1990), MRC SpS17

37. Doña Bárbara (Fernando de Fuentes, Mexico, 1943) MRC SpD1

38. Doña Bárbara (Betty Kaplan, 1998), MRC DvdSpD2

39. Dona Flor e seu dos maridos/Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands (Bruno Barreto, Brazil, 1977), Music Library 400

40. El Dorado (Carlos Saura, Spain, 1984), MRC SpD16

41. Eva Perón (Juan Carlos Desanzo, Argentina, 1996), MRC SpE5 (compare with the 1996 blockbuster Evita by Alan Parker)

42. Fresa y chocolate/Strawberry and Chocolate (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 1994), MRC SpS16. Based on the short story by Senel Paz

43. Frida: Naturaleza Viva/Frida: Life in Motion (Paul LeDuc, Mexico, 1984), MRC SpF2. Compare with the 2002 blockbuster film by Julie Taymor; see also the related 1983 documentary Frida Kahlo, Dinand Video 218

44. Guantanamera (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 1995), MRC SpG5

45. Harvest of Peace (Turning Tide Productions, 1985), Dinand Video 801. Documentary

46. Hasta cierto punto/Up to a Point (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Cuba, 1983), MRC SpH1

47. Héroes de otra patria/Heroes from Another Land (Iván Dariel Ortiz, USA, 1998), MRC SpH8

48. The Hidden Story: Confronting Colombia’s Dirty Wa r (KAIROS, Canada, 2004), MRC SpH10. Documentary

49. La historia oficial/The Official Story (Luis Puenzo, Argentina, 1984), MRC SpO3

50. El jardín del Edén/The Garden of Eden (María Novaro, Mexico, 1994), MRC SpJ7

51. Latino Session (Len Dell'amico, 1989), MRC SpS24. Documentary

52. Lista de espera/Waiting List (Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 2000), MRC DvdSpW2

53. Lucía (Humberto Solás, Cuba, 1968), MRC SpL25 and Dinand Video 1539

54. Macu, la mujer del policía/Macu, The Policeman’s Wif e (Solveig Hoogensteijn, Venezuela, 1987), MRC SpM3

55. Las Madres:The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Lourdes Portillo and Susana Muñoz, USA, 1986). MRC SpM32. Documentary

56. Maluala (Sergio Giral, Cuba, 1979), MRC SpM36

57. Mambo Kings (Arne Glimcher, USA, 1992), MRC SpM6

58. El Mariachi (Robert Rodríguez, USA, 1992), MRC SpM8

59. María Candelaria (Emilio Fernández, Mexico, 1943) MRC SpM1

60. María, llena eres de gracia/Maria Full of Grace (Joshua Marston, USA-Colombia, 2004), Music Library DVD249

61. Mi Familia /My Family (Gregory Nava, USA, 1995), MRC SpM22

62. The Milagro Beanfield War (Robert Redford, USA, 1988), MRC SpM19

63. Missing (Costa Gavras, USA, 1982), MRC EnM3

64. The Mission (Roland Joffe, USA, 1986). Music library video 420

65. Miss Mary (María Luisa Bemberg, Argentina, 1986), MRC SpM17

66. Mi Vida Loca/My Crazy Life (Allison Anders, USA, 1993), MRC SpM2

67. La muralla verde/The Green Wall (Armando Robles Gody, Peru, 1970), MRC SpG2

68. No habrá más penas ni olvido/A Funny Dirty Little War (Héctor Olivera, Argentina, 1983), Personal collection. Based on the novel by Osvaldo Soriano

69. El Norte (Gregory Nava, USA, 1984), MRC SpN9

70. Nueba Yol I (Angel Muñiz, Dominican Republic, 1995), MRC SpN4

71. Nueba Yol III (Angel Muñiz, Dominican Republic, 1997), MRC SpN5

72. Ocho-A (Orlando Jiménez-Leal, USA, 1992), MRC SpE12. Documentary

73. La ofrenda: Days of the Dead (Lourdes Portillo, USA, 1989), MRC SpO5. Documentary

74. Los olvidados/The Forgotten Ones (Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1950), MRC SpO1. See also a documentary on the making of the film: Those Who Made Our Cinema: Los Olvidados, MRC SpSeriesTH3

75. Orfeu negro/Black Orpheus (Marcel Camus, Brazil, 1959), Music Library DVD236

76. The Panama Deception (Barbara Trent, USA, 1992), personal collection. Documentary

77. The Pérez Family (Mira Nair, USA, 1995), MRC SpP12

78. Piñero (León Ichaso, USA, 2001), MRC DVD SpP1

79. A Place Called Chiapas (Nettie Wild, Canada, 1998), Dinand Video 1523. See also various other documentaries on the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, MRC SpA13, SpC28, SpM33, and Dinand 1220

80. Plaff/Splatt (Juan Carlos Tabío, Cuba, 1988), MRC SpP4

81. El Pueblo Mexicano que camina /Long Journey to Guadalupe (Juan Francisco Urrusti, Mexico, 1995), MRC SpL17. Documentary

82. Puerto Rican Mambo (Ben Model, USA, 1992), MRC EnP1. Documentary

83. Quilombo (Carlos Diegues, Brazil, 1984). Dinand Video 1623

84. Real Women Have Curves (Patricia Cardozo, USA, 2002), MRC DVD SpR3

85. Reed, México insurgente/Reed: Insurgent Mexico (Paul LeDuc, Mexico, 1973), MRC SpR4

86. Retrato de Teresa/Portrait of Teresa (Pastor Vega, Cuba, 1979), MRC SpP6

87. Rodrigo D: No futuro/Rodrigo D: No Future (Víctor Gaviria, Colombia, 1989), MRC SpR3

88. Romero (John Duigan, USA, 1989), MRC SpR2 and DVD SpR2. See also the 1992 documentary Remembering Romero, Dinand Video 686

89. Salt of the Earth (Herbert Biberman, USA, 1954), MRC SpS1

90. Sara Gómez: su obra (includes the documentaries, De cierta manera, 1974, Y tenemos sabor, 1967, Iré a Santiago, 1964), MRC SpS27

91. School of Assassins (Robert Richter, USA, 1994). Dinand Video 755. Documentary

92. Selena (Gregory Nava, USA, 1997), MRC SpS22

93. Señorita extraviada/Missing Young Woman (Lourdes Portillo, USA, 2001), MRC SpS26. Documentary

94. Shotguns and Accordions: Music of the Marijuana Growing Regions of Colombia. DISC Special Collection. Documentary

95. El silencio de Neto/Silence of Neto (Luis Argueta, Guatemala, 1994), DISC Special Collections

96. Sin dejar huella/Without a Trace (María Novaro, Mexico, 2000), MRC SpW4

97. Son Sabroson: Antesala de la Salsa (Hugo Barroso, USA, 1999), MRC SpS23. Documentary

98. Stand and Deliver (Ramón Menéndez, USA, 1987), MRC SpS12

99. El Súper (León Ichaso and Orlando Jiménez-Leal, USA, 1979), MRC SpS13

100. Tango: Baile Nuestro (Jorge Zanada, Argentina, 1988), MRC SpT8. Documentary

101. Tortilla Soup (Maria Ripoll, USA, 2001), MRC SpT11

102. Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, USA, 1958), MRC EnT1

103. The Tree of Life (Bruce “Pacho’ Lane, Mexico, 1976), MRC SpT10

104. La última cena/The Last Supper (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Cuba, 1976), MRC SpL1

105. West Side Story (Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins, US, 1961), Music Library 135B

106. Yawar Mallku/Blood of the Condor (Jorge Sanjinés, Bolivia, 1969), personal collection

107. Y tu mamá también (Alfonso Cuarón, Mexico, 2001), Music Library

108. Yo, la peor de todas/I, The Worst of All (María Luisa Bemberg, Argentina, 1991), personal collection

109. Zoot Suit (Luis Valdez, USA, 1981), MRC SpZ1 and Dinand Video #935




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