Sample Rubric – Video Project

Promotional Video Project Rubric

Student Name: _________________________________

Task Description: Choose one (1) event that you are interested in and proceed to create a promotional video to showcase this event to the school and surrounding community. These videos will be included in the announcements and featured independently on the website. The presentation should include appropriate photographs, video, music, graphs, and other visual aids. The final project should be named as “Your Name_Title”, exported in H.264 format and shared with me and your client via Google Drive.

|ACTIVITY |Exemplary |Proficient |Partially Proficient |Incomplete |POINTS |

| | | | | | |

|Content/ |20 points |17.8 points |15.8 points |14 points | |

|Organization | | | | | |

| |The content includes a clear statement of |Information is presented as a connected theme|The content does not present a |Content lacks a central theme, clear point| |

| |purpose or theme and is creative, |with accurate, current supporting information|clearly stated theme, is vague, and |of view and logical sequence of | |

| |compelling and clearly demnostrated. A |that contributes to understanding the |some of the supporting information |information. Much of the supporting | |

| |rich variety of supporting information in |project’s main idea. Details are logical and |does not seem to fit the main idea or|information is irrelevant to the overall | |

| |the video contributes to the understanding|persuasive information is effectively used. |appears as a disconnected series of |message. The viewer is unsure what the | |

| |of the project’s main idea. Events and |The content includes a clear point of view |scenes with no unifying main idea. |message is because there is little | |

| |messages are presented in a logical order.|with a progression of ideas and supporting |Includes few citations and few facts.|persuasive information and only one or two| |

| |Includes properly cited sources. |information. Includes properly cited sources.| |facts about the topic are articulated. | |

| | | | |Information is incorrect, out of date, or | |

| | | | |incomplete. No citations included. | |

| | | | | | |

|Quality |15 points |13.35 points |11.85 points |10.5 points | |

| | | | | | |

| |Movie was completed and had all required |Movie was completed and contained all |Movie was made, but had very little |There was no movie, or tape was totally | |

| |elements. The video was well edited and |required items. Editing was not done as well |if any editing. Many poor shots |unedited with no transitions or audio | |

| |moves smoothly from scene to scene with |as it should have been. Some poor shots |remain. Video was very fragmented and|support of any kind. | |

| |proper use of transitions. Audio and other|remain. Movie is still somewhat choppy. Audio|choppy with little to no audio | | |

| |enhancements were well used. |and other enhancements were utilized, but not|reinforcement. | | |

| | |for maximum effect. | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeliness |15 points |13.35 points |11.85 points |10.5 points | |

| | | | | | |

| |All project deadlines were met. |Most project deadlines were met. Those that |Many project deadlines were not met, |Deadlines were regularly missed, having a | |

| | |were late did not have significant impact on |resulting in some impact on the |significant impact on the final project. | |

| | |the finished project. |finished project. | | |

|Final Score | | | | | |


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