Assignment 1: Rock and Roles (Oral Exercise)

Rock and Roles

Part 1: In pairs choose a song you enjoy, one that describes an intimate romantic relationship at any stage of growth or even destruction between two people.  You may choose any song, from any genre, but make sure it is appropriate for school because we will be listening to it in class. 

Consider the lyrics carefully, and analyse the situation based on your reading and research of role expectations, negotiations and any other content from this unit.  Aim to answer some questions that anthropologists use:

□ What is the structure and purpose of the relationship?

□ Is the relationship traditional or non-traditional?

□ What is each person’s role?

□ How does courtship and/or marriage take place?

□ What are the values of the individuals?

□ How is recreation and leisure time spent?

□ What forms of non-verbal communication exist?

□ How much physical and/or verbal contact is there between the individuals?

□ What decisions and behaviours related to role expectations are evident?

□ How are language and writing used?

□ What is the nature and source of conflict between the individuals?

□ What role negotiation has occurred, or would you recommend?

*You may not be able to answer all the questions, but aim to be as thorough as possible.  Use specific lyrics as evidence for your analysis. 

Part 2: Create a media piece that represents the relationship in the song. The media piece can be anything from a collage, music video interpretation of the song or an item that best represents the relationship.

Part 3: Make point form notes, and use them to prepare an oral presentation for your song analysis.  For your presentation:

□ Identify main topic\subtopics, with support.

□ Develop an introduction and conclusion.

□ Use appropriate tone and technical vocabulary.

□ Speak clearly and loudly.

□ Be aware of your pace: avoid rushing, and pause between ideas.

□ Make sure you can pronounce all the words accurately.

□ Rehearse! Be creative and have fun with it!

□ Should be about 5-7minutes in length



|Rock and Roles Rubric |

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(50 - 59%) |(60 - 69%) |(70 - 79%) |(80 - 100%) |

|Knowledge and Understanding |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some ability |- demonstrates some ability to|- demonstrates thorough |

|- demonstrates ability to |ability to choose credible |to choose credible secondary |choose credible secondary |ability to choose credible |

|choose credible secondary |secondary resources related |resources related to role |resources related to role |secondary resources related |

|resources related to role |to role expectations and |expectations and negotiations|expectations and negotiations |to role expectations and |

|expectations and negotiations|negotiations | | |negotiations |

|Thinking |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some ability |- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates thorough |

|- demonstrates ability to |ability to evaluate credible |to evaluate credible |ability to evaluate credible |ability to evaluate credible |

|evaluate credible secondary |secondary resources related |secondary resources related |secondary resources related to|secondary resources related |

|resources related to role |to role expectations and |to role expectations and |role expectations and |to role expectations and |

|expectations and negotiations|negotiations |negotiations |negotiations |negotiations |

|Communication |- explains role expectations |- explains role expectations |- explains role expectations |- explains role expectations |

|- explains role expectations |and negotiations in a variety|and negotiations in a variety|and negotiations in a variety |and negotiations in a variety|

|and negotiations in a variety|of traditional and |of traditional and |of traditional and |of traditional and |

|of traditional and |non-traditional intimate |non-traditional intimate |non-traditional intimate |non-traditional intimate |

|non-traditional intimate |relationships with limited |relationships with some |relationships with |relationships with thorough |

|relationships |effectiveness |effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |effectiveness |

|Application |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some ability |- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates extensive |

|- responds with a variety of |ability to respond with a |to respond with a variety of |ability to respond with a |ability to respond with a |

|social science theories in |variety of social science |social science theories in |variety of social science |variety of social science |

|connection with real life |theories in connection with |connection with real-life |theories in connection with |theories in connection with |

|situations |real-life situations |situations |real-life situations |real-life situations |

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity.


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