Planet Earth in a Nutshell - ArvindGuptaToys

Planet Earth in a Nutshell

Planet Earth in a Nutshell

Biman Basu


Published by Vigyan Prasar Department of Science and Technology A-50, Institutional Area, Sector-62 NOIDA 201 307 (Uttar Pradesh), India (Regd. Office: Technology Bhawan, New Delhi 110016) Phones: 0120-2404430-35 Fax: 91-120-2404437 E-mail: Website:

Copyright: 2008 by Vigyan Prasar The contents of the publication may be used by students, science communicators and agencies (Govt. and Non-govt.) for spreading the message of the International Year of Planet Earth - 2008. With due acknowledgment.

(The illustrations in this book have been taken from various sources and websites. Acknowledging all is an impossible task. We are thankful to the authors and illustrators, often unknown, whose illustrations have been included in this volume.)

Planet Earth in a Nutshell Author: Biman Basu International Year of Planet Earth - 2008 Publication Series. Project Conceptualisation & Implementation: B.K. Tyagi Assisted by : Anurag Sharma and Navneet Gupta Cover and layout design: Pradeep Kumar Production Supervision: Subodh Mahanti and Manish Mohan Gore

ISBN : 978-81-7480-169-2

Price: Rs. 65

Printed by: Rakmo Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi


Foreword .................................................................................. vii Preface ...................................................................................... xi 1. Third Rock from the Sun ............................................... 1 2. Layers of the Earth ....................................................... 11 3. Continents on the Move .............................................. 20 4. Air, Water and Rocks ................................................... 36 5. The Dawn of Life .......................................................... 49 6. Life Unlimited ............................................................... 55 7. Greening of the Earth ................................................. 63 8. The Human Invasion ................................................... 72 9. Timeline of Life on Earth ............................................. 82

References ...................................................................... 86


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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