Holy Scriptures 1 YaHshua Servants Bible - Fog of Religion

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Holy Scriptures 2 YaHshua Servants Bible

Translation of the

Holy Scriptures

Books in order of the


YaHshua Servants Reading Bible Revision


The YaHshua Servants Bible Version was built on the American Standard of 1901AD which is in Public Domain. which is an American revision of the King James Version, both in Public Domain. This is a reading bible not a study bible.

The YSRB is presented by -- please go to web site for articles and studies pertaining to the truth of the scriptures as first delivered to His Apostles and then to us by the written word. These are letters to us and a record of our Savior's instructions and words of prophecy concerning what is to come, what must come to pass leading up to His return.

The YSRB is given totally free it is set in English except for peoples and places to help in the reading to give the reader a better understanding of people and places in the books. The Gospel Books will follow the example of the Tanak, placing the Book of John first as we see the wording, "In the beginning..." identical to that of the First Book of the Tanak. Also, the Book of John is last, but speaks as if it is first which should remind us of what our Savior said about the last being first. When we read John's Gospel first we see where the Church is supposed to be after the experiences of the other Three Gospel accounts, after many years of trial and error, of the people living and trying to be good Jews, and then enter the Gentiles and the changes, etc. We see John's Gospel focusing on what is really important. Reading John first explains the other Gospels in many ways, as you will see when you put the last first.

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We see the holy Scriptures being from the Hebrew scriptures given by the word of YaHWeH as well as the book of Revelation which was given to John by words of the messiah YaHshua, the rest of the books new testament some would call it are letters written by witnesses as events unfolded these men were inspired and were witnesses these letters are very important they prove the messiah has come as the prophecy's declare and according to the law, but not given as the Hebrew scriptures were except the book of Revelations.

The design of these books was not so much on chapter and verse but to maintain a reading style closer to the older manuscripts that were not chopped into chapter and verse sets, breaking the flow of reading the text as it was meant to be read.

We have found that certain problems with chapter verse settings in where people take verses out of context and some chapters end where the flow of scripture continues on, in many cases creating misunderstanding and doctrinal issues.


From the very beginning names have had meaning and still do. The Creator named his first creation and then allows created man, made from the elements of this Earth, to name the animals of that creation -- Genesis gives an account of this in Genesis 2:19. Prophets of old were named and given names that either described their mission or the time they lived in, sometimes a name that described their mission or duty in life ? names had meaning.

Later it became the custom for people to name themselves or their children with a name that was either the name of their God or contained the name of their god, or gods. Reading the Books of the Kings we see that while the kings rebelled against YaHWeH they had named many of their children by His name, but had eventually forgotten the meaning of this. Just as today, people are very religious, and many use the name of God but have little or no understanding of what or who He really is, they sing, "HalleluYaH", but understand nothing of what they are saying, not unlike the people of ancient Israel.

The English translators try to tell you the names are the same but in this you can see they are not, they are not announced the same, in most cases, especially when it comes to His Name. Some try to tell us the names are transliterated from the original languages, relying on the reader's ignorance to pass this off as truth. The purpose of

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"transliteration" as opposed to "translation" is to produce a sound of the same phonetic value as found in another language ? to produce the same sound ? to preserve the sound, the vocalization of a name from the one language to the other. In the English versions, like the KJV the translators have not done this, they have replaced the transliterated name of our Savior and God with a completely different name. Jesus, is not a transliterations of His Name, the Name He was given at birth ? the name JESUS never existed some 400 years ago, the Latin form being, IESUS.

If we look for a closer transliteration we do find it in the KJV bible, in the Old Testament, in the Book of Joshua. The Name Joshua is the Old English transliteration of our Savior's Name given to Him at birth. This name "Joshua" in today's modern transliteration would be "YaHshua". Neither of these transliterations are even close to the false name, JESUS, or IESUS as a transliteration. We find His Name in the Old Testament, transliterated from the Hebrew into English but when we come to the New Testament we see something entirely different, a different name altogether, another name, and a name that is not His Name. In the RNB we have endeavored to restore and correct this great harm done to your bible. No translation is perfect, but to change the Name of the one and only Savior of the Universe is diabolical and that is putting it mildly.

To translate a name is to give a name meaning and to transliterate is to reproduce a name into the same sound in a different language using that different language's lettering with the objective being to mimic the original sound and pronunciation of the object name. We give you in this translation the transliteration of people and places for a better understanding of the scriptures.

The Messiah (Messenger of YaH, or the Anointed of YaH) was given a Name that would be found among men, not among angels, not in heaven, and this name would express who and what He was to do and be. That name would be a Name "found among" men, a Name delivered to Yosef and Miryam to be given to Him. When the Child, YaHshua, was taken on the 8th day and presented as the first born He was named as they were instructed to name Him.

Miryam and Yosef did as instructed by the angelic messenger Gabriel and named Him YaHshua, the Name placed on Him by His Heavenly FATHER, and that Name was not Jesus, a transliteration, more accurately, of the Zeus.

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Consider ACTS 4:12:

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." NIV

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." RVS

"Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." KJV

A name found "among men, by which we must be saved" -- not might, not maybe and not perhaps but "must". When that was written the bogus name "Jesus" did not exist. We see the modern twisting of the name "Joshua", a name found in the Holy Bible, as "among men", which, when properly pronounced, is "Yahshua".

One whole book carries this Name found among men, the Book of Joshua, again, properly pronounced, YaHshua.

However, it is never used in reference to the Messiah in the King James New Testament even though this would be far more accurate than the false name "Jesus" -- it is not even an honest attempt at preserving the only name "by which we must be saved", and modern translations, to their shame, have followed in the footsteps of the King James Version.

His Name has been changed and the inquiring mind should be asking, Why? Take the time to do a little research on the translations of the Bible you own and you will see the real miracle ? the miracle found in the truthfulness and integrity of the MESSAGE, a message leading to the changing of lives, and about the Salvation to come ? this incredible message, and warning, has never changed, no matter how many hands it has passed through or book burnings it has survived it all and remains the same, bringing people to repent of their fallen nature.

It is up to us as individual believers to search and research and to believe what we see and what we read until shown otherwise and when that does occur we must be willing to change, to adjust to the new knowledge, based in the word itself no matter what language you are reading it in, the MESSAGE has remained the same. Satan has not been able to touch this message, the "declaration of and about the Son of the

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Living God", our FATHER in Heaven, so he, Satan, has managed to influence man to think the NAME means nothing and changing it is not a problem. Some Evangelicals call the Name, Jesus, a Greek Nick Name ? shameful as that sounds to those of us know the truth. There is still only one Name found on this Earth through and by which we must be saved. Not by the Name but to whom that name declares as Savior, Messiah, and Son of the Living God. Our Savior YaHshua was named by the FATHER Himself and the false name, JESUS, pronounced as HeyZeus (the Zeus, a Greek God) is a modern invention, a false name, a bogus name, a name that calls on the Zeus. This is the truth, the plain truth, the truth correctly divided ? YaHshua or YaHoshua, or YaHushua but never the bogus JESUS.

The Holy Bible, no matter the language it is printed in is pure in, its message and the revelation concerning our Creator remains intact. We are instructed to "study" and to "test every spirit" and to take care, "rightly dividing the Word of Truth", be it the Bible translation, be it in English, Greek, Spanish or Chinese.

All we have now, whether it be in Hebrew or Greek, are translations only, we do not have the originals. The publishing in every language has put the inspired truth into everyone's hand. We hope this translation, the YaHshua Servants Bible, gets you closer to the original Books in thought and meaning as knowing and restoring some of these names, especially His Name to the text is a KEY a vital KEY in unlocking a deeper message and understanding, and understanding Satan does not want you to see.

There is a glossary at the end of the books giving the Hebrew or English word descriptions to aid in seeing the names found throughout this version. The primary Name, the one Name to focus on is the Name of the God of Israel and of our Savior, restored. The other names are secondary and point to our one true God and Savior YaHshua, as you will see when you become accustom to reading this version. His Name above every name -- and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places,

Eph 1:21 "...far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come." (Php 2:9) Therefore FATHER also highly exalted Him, and gave to Him the NAME which is above every name;

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Keeping this in mind we know HIS Name above every Name and that includes all and any other names found, or restored in this version, the YSB. We pray this version finds a place in your reading, as that is the purpose of this version, to be read so the reader can see the verses open up as never before, the message, the meaning, and the prophetic words taking on a new light. We hope and pray that light shines on you.

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HEBREW ( TANAK order) ...................................................GREEK (Common order)

TORAH Genesis (B'RESHEET) .................................................................Genesis


Exodus (SH'MOT) ......................................................................Exodus

Leviticus (VAYIKRA) ...................................................................Leviticus

Numbers (B'MIDBAR) ...............................................................Numbers

Deuteronomy (D'VARIM) .........................................................Deuteronomy

NEVIIM Joshua (YAHOSHUA) ..........................................................Joshua

Major Judges (SHOF'TIM) ............................................................Judges

prophets 1 Samuel (SH'MU'EL ALEF) .............................................Ruth

2 Samuel (SH'MU'EL BET) ...............................................1 Samuel

1 Kings (M'LAKHIM ALEF) ................................................2 Samuel

2 Kings (M'LAKHIM BET) .................................................1 Kings

Isaiah (YESHA'YAH) ........................................................2 Kings

Jeremiah (YIRMEYAH) ...................................................1 Chronicles

Ezekiel (YECHEZK'EL) ........................................................2 Chronicles


Hosea (HOSHEA) ...........................................................Ezra


Joel (YO'EL) ....................................................................Nehemiah

prophets Amos (AMOS) ...............................................................Esther

Obadiah (OVADYAH) ....................................................Job

Jonah (YONAH) .............................................................Psalms

Micah (MIKHAH) ..........................................................Proverbs

Nahum (NACHUM) ......................................................Ecclesiastes

Habakkuk (HAVAKUK) .................................................Songs of Solomon

Zephaniah (TZ'FANYAH) ..............................................Isaiah

Haggi (HAGAI) ...............................................................Jeremiah

Zechariah (Z'KHARYAH) ...............................................Lamentations

Malachi (MAL'AKHI) .....................................................Ezekiel

KETHUBIM Psalms (TEHILLIM) .........................................Daniel

The Writings Proverbs (MISHLEI) ........................................Hosea

Job (IYOV) ........................................................Joel

Songs of Solomon (SHIR-HASHIRIM) ............Amos

Ruth (RUT) .......................................................Obadiah

Lamentations (EIKHAH) .................................Jonah

Ecclesiastes (KOHELET) ..................................Micah

Esther (ESTER) .................................................Nahum

Daniel (DANIEL) ..............................................Habakkuk

Ezra (EZRA) .......................................................Zephaniah

Nehemiah (NECHEMYAH) ..............................Haggi

1 Chronicles (DIVREI-HAYAMIM ALEF) ..........Zechariach

2 Chronicles (DIVREI-HAYAMIM BET) ...........Malachi


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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