by Godwin C. Arikibe (Ph.D)


An Urgent Message to All Humanity



"If you love Me, keep my commandments". "If you keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love." Therefore, "Fear Elohim, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgement is come: and WORSHIP Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (John 14:15; 15:10; Revelation 14:7).

Dear Reader, you will learn what Satan has hidden from you since you begin to search for the truth. You will discover the difference between Yahshua Messiah and human invented `Jesus Christ' of the Western World you have been taught and worshipped. You will discover that creation of "another Messiah" has been the core deception, and deceiving people from OBEYING THE COMMANDMENTS has been the greatest weapon of Satan to eliminate mankind from the Kingdom of Yahweh. You will discover what Biblical Love actually means. You are about to uncover what obedience and faith in Yahshua really means. You will discover that Yahshua Messiah kept the Father's Commandments and left mankind example to follow. Finally you will discover that DISOBEDIENCE and REBELLION against Yahweh's WORD is the reason this age is passing away. To be saved from the oncoming great tribulation and wrath of Yahweh that will soon engulf this world, Yahshua Messiah reveals to us what we must begin to do before the anger of Yahweh commences. Read this Book with your BIBLE and DO what the Spirit of Yahshua directs you to do. Shalom! Remain blessed!


THIS BOOK IS NOT TO BE SOLD! It has been provided as a free educational service in the public interest, published by

Assembly of the Living YAHWEH

Printed in the United Kingdom

Scriptures in this book are quoted from Restoration Study Bible and Authorised King James Version (@ World Bible Publishers) except where otherwise stated.

Published By:

Assembly of the Living Yahweh

Y.M.C.A., Edinburgh House, Harding Road Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3AE

E-mail: tlcg.livingchurch@



CHAPTER 1 Contents .....................................................................................................5 Yahweh's Commandments: A Behaviour Transformer.........................6 Mother of Harlots: False and Fallen Churches.....................................15 Roman Empire Created Jesus Christ.......................................................21 Faith and Obedience Reveals Our Righteousness............................... 30 Grace Empowers Obedience to Yahweh's Law....................................33 Grace Accelerates Yahshua's Characters in Believers.........................34 Kingdom Gospel Abandoned...................................................................37 TRUE YAHSHUA MESSIAH AND "ANOTHER".........................................38 The Creator of Heavens and Earth Revealed........................................39 The WORD MADE FLESH..........................................................................41 CREATOR & GIVER OF TEN COMMANDMENTS ...................................50 Elohim of Israel Inhabited the Earth......................................................52 What is the Ten Commandments?....................................................57 YAHSHUA'S GREATEST COMMANDMENTS...........................................61 YAHSHUA's New Commandment. ........................................................63

CHAPTER 2 LAWS OF LOVE AND LIBERTY.................................................................65 LAW OF LOVE FOR YAHWEH.................................. ...............................65 Law of Liberty and Royal Law.................................................................66 LOVE OF YAHWEH, WILL OF YAHWEH and THE WORD .....................75 Magnification of the Law by Yahshua ...................................................77 Keeping the Law is Doing the Will of the Father..................................79 LAW LIKE A MIRROR REVEALS SIN IN US...............................................80 The Royal Law & Sin..................................................................................81 How can keeping Yahweh's law bring freedom? .................................81 The Obedient are the Overcomers.........................................................82


LAW OF LOVE FOR NEIGBOUR............................................................... 84 Law of the Kingdom .................................................................................85 Law of LOVE...............................................................................................86 The Greatest Commandments of Love Taught by Yahshua ...............98 Greatest Commandments .....................................................................101 Law of Spirit Replaced Law of Sacrifice ? That is `Not Good'............102 Grace - The Power of Obedience..........................................................105 Righteousness by Faith or Works, or Both?.....................................106 Contents of Grace or Fruit of the Spirit................................................108 Sabbath Day ? Not Sunday Sabbath......................................................109 What is the Mark of the Beast?........................................................112 Satan, Inventor of Sunday Worship ? Deceives the Whole World....117


Change of Sabbath to Sunday..................................................................118 Nine Tribes of Israel Disobeyed Yahweh's Law.....................................124 What Happened to Nine Tribes of Israel?..........................................125 The Israelite Igbos: Sons of Gad & Judah...............................................129 BIAFRA: SONS OF GAD SHALL BE FREE, IF THEY OBEY ELOHIM..........132 Mainstream Christianity Rejects the Law...............................................134

CHAPTER 4 YAHWEH'S HOLY FEASTS OR FESTIVALS...................................................136 Spring Feasts ................................................................................................136 The Fall (Autumn) Feasts.............................................................................141 SABBATH WORSHIP: YAHWEH's Mark, Sign or Seal................................143 YAHSHUA' Final Warning on Worship.......................................................144 Death Sentence Awaits the Disobedient..................................................145 Obedient Servants will be Saved................................................................146 Why ELOHIM will Punish His Disobedient People? ............................149 Rejection of YAHSHUA Will Cause Massive Terror ..................................150 Assyria ? Beast: Rod of Yahweh's Anger Against Israel...........................152 Defeat of Assyria ......................................................................................... 153 Keep Yahshua's Greatest Commandments and Live................................155 Massive Error as a Result of Lack of Knowledge ......................................157 Do you Serve YAHSHUA, Yet Reject His Word? .....................................158 Follow YAHSHUA's Example.........................................................................159 Yahshua & Saints Will Rule with Rod of Iron ...........................................160




Nations and peoples are govern by laws, particularly, moral laws. Such laws are written to shape the way people live and govern themselves. For instance, nations such as the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Russia, China, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, etc. have one form of Constitutional law that is written or unwritten, designed to guide how the people should live. It is historically plausible that the laws of these nations particularly the English speaking people drew most of their legal principles from immutable Laws of YAHWEH, mainly the Ten Commandments, which promise inalienable and fundamental rights, freedom, dignity, love, joy and peace, that enable obedient users to live together as free beings. For instance, laws that address ? worship, stealing, murder, adultery, fornication, lies, fraud, covetousness, etc. are covered under the Ten Commandments (also known as moral law, spiritual law, or law of liberty). Moral laws are system of rules that guide behaviours of people in a society. It defines the character and actions the people are expected to exhibit that guarantee freedom and harmony for all. YAHWEH's Law is encoded in His LOVE characteristics. The Ten Commandments Law was given in Mt. Sinai [Horeb] through a COVENANT Yahweh made with Israel in the wilderness to provide them with moral behaviour, as exemplified by YAHSHUA's LOVE. YAHWEH ELOHIM, the author of Ten Commandments, gave mankind Ten Moral Laws that summarise His Way of Life. Yahshua's exemplary life demonstrates that this sacred law depicts Yahweh's love, character, and way of life. Thus the Ten Commandments law is meant to shape human characters, behaviours, and way of life, so that they can express good, just, holy and correct way of living for their spiritual and moral life, as well as perfect their conducts to command peace and tranquillity on earth.

Satan the Deceiver Opposes and Destroys the Law: Unfortunately Biblical history has proved that peoples and nations who persistently violate ELOHIM's Law sow to themselves seeds of evil ? hatred, quarrel, anarchy, violence, war, destructions, and death. However, the source of disobedience to YAHWEH's moral Law is traced to the adversary [enemy] called Satan the Devil (Gen 3:1-15; Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:15-19; Revelation 12:9). Satan advances his opposition against the living ELOHIM through false human representative(s) [priest, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist, etc.] who make himself [GOD] or object of worship, "so that he takes his seat in the temple of ELOHIM, proclaiming himself to be Elohim [`GOD']." His greatest hidden `mystery' [secret] is to ensure that lawlessness reigns in the world. The Bible clearly identifies Satan as the author and preacher of lawlessness. Satan teaches disobedience to ELOHIM's Laws. He opposes ELOHIM's Laws and His ways of life. Today, so many nations and peoples are reversing their Laws and Constitutions to suit the laws of "the god of this world" [Satan], so as to actualise Satan's desire to "take his seat in the temple of ELOHIM, proclaiming himself to be ["God"] and to be "WORSHIPPED" as ["God]" (2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:4-7). Notice, the inference ? [`God'] ? is craftly designed by Satan to redirect everybody to himself as if the name-identity is YAHWEH or YAHSHUA, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. This is massive deception! The deception began in Genesis chapter 3 where Satan deceived man to break



Grievous Consequences: Nations and peoples that violate YAHWEH's Law will sooner or later invite: terror, violence, wars, grievous destruction, persecution, great tribulation and wrath of YAHWEH upon themselves and the entire world. It is because of disobeying every one of the Ten Commandments, particularly forsaking the WORSHIP of YAHWEH in accordance to His Commandments that the great tribulation and the wrath of ELOHIM are coming upon the disobedient mankind (Revelation 2:22-23; 14:9-11). The Bible reveals that individuals, peoples, and societies that forsake the way of ELOHIM will lose their PEACE and TRANQUILITY, even their lives, because of rejecting the peaceful way of YAHWEH (read Leviticus 26:14-42; and Deuteronomy 28; Revelation 2:20-23 and 3:15-17). Living in lawlessness or without YAHWEH's law is simply saying, let's "continue in sin, that grace may abound" (Romans 6:1). YAHWEH forbid! GRACE does not nullify ELOHIM's Law (Romans 3:31). Rather grace strengthens believer's faith to OBEY or KEEP the Commandments of YAHWEH. In fact, Grace is MESSIAH's free gift that empowers a believer to obey the Law. The Scripture gave sufficient direction: "Fear ELOHIM and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man". YAHSHUA adds: "If ye love Me, keep my Commandments" (Ecclesiastics 12:13; John 14:15); "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love." Yahshua made it clear that to love Him is to keep the commandment. Everything we need in love is in the commandments. Unknown to many, Yahweh's commandments is what Satan hates most! He deceives Christendom to believe that the ten commandment laws are cancelled or destroyed. YAHSHUA says NO! "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose" (Matthew 5:17, NLT). Indeed, one of the reasons YAHSHUA came was to magnify the Law and to make it honourable, thus fulfilling the prophecy: "YAHWEH was pleased, for His righteousness' sake, to magnify His Law and make it glorious" (Isaiah 42:21, ESV). His Law was clearly magnified and made honourable in the gospels, particularly in Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7.

Believers Keep His Commandments & His Love: YAHSHUA affirms that ELOHIM will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. Everyone will be judged by the WORD that the Father and the Son, YAHSHUA MESSIAH, commanded. For YAHSHUA said: "The one [person] who rejects Me and does not receive my Words has a judge; the WORD that I have spoken will judge him on the last day" (John 12:48). YAHSHUA adds: "For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent Me has Himself given Me a Commandment ? what to say and what to speak. And I know that His Commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told Me." "Whoever has My Commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him... Whoever does not love Me does not keep my Words. And the Word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me" (14:21, 24). In a passionate plea, YAHSHUA reiterates that if we LOVE HIM, we should keep His Commandments as He received it from the Father and kept it, or else, the same Words or Commandments of the Father, which men reject, will judge them in the last day. Mankind is commanded not to live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of YAHWEH (Matthew 4:4). His


Word include ? keeping all His Commandments: having no other elohim; keeping Sabbath day holy; and keeping the Holy Feast days e.g. Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpet, Atonement, Tabernacles and Eighth Day. If they fail to honour His Commandments but keep men's traditions or commandments e.g. Easter, Christmas, Halloween; washing of hands and feet; observing other traditions of men (see Mark 7:6-13) and following `another Messiah', then where is their obedience, which is the whole duty of man (Eccl. 12:13)?

Oh! Many say, `those Feasts are for the Jews'. Others say, the law have been cancelled. Who said? Which law? Sacrificial law or Spiritual law? False teachers do not understand the difference between the Sacrificial and Spiritual law. They do not know which law is removed, neither do they know the law that can never be broken or removed. If we fail to keep the Spiritual law or the Moral Law, we'll not have any part in Yahshua because He came to `magnify and to make the law honourable' (Isaiah 42:21). If someone fail to do and to teach the law, he or she will NEVER enter the Kingdom because the person does not LOVE Messiah who commanded the keeping of the Law (Matthew 5:19; John 14:15, 21; 1 John 2:3-4). Love of Messiah is keeping His Law as He kept His Father's Commandments (John 15:10). If one's preaching and teaching is not based on the law and the testimony of the prophets which Yahshua upheld, there is no light in him (Isaiah 8:20; Matthew 5:17). The truth is that the Spiritual law came from Israel and through them the whole world receive the oracle of Yahweh because salvation came from them (think of their deliverance from Egypt and this latter days' salvation through Yahshua Messiah). If YAHSHUA said, "Salvation is from the Jews" [John 4:22, ESV]. Apostle Paul admits that the Jews had advantage over ? the Gentles ? "because that unto them [Jews] were committed the oracles of YAHWEH" (Romans 3:2; also read, Romans 11:1324), how then does any one question what YAHWEH has ordained? Would these debaters who are looking for ways to reject the Word of YAHWEH truly argue that `salvation' and `oracles' given to the Jews are for the Jews alone? Messiah said that Salvation starts from the Jews before it gets to the Gentiles. He never limits salvation to Israelites alone! Does the argument against observance of the Spiritual law, Sabbaths keeping, and Holy Feasts not contradict faith in YAHSHUA MESSIAH who is the giver of salvation and oracle of YAHWEH? How can one think he has faith in Messiah without keeping His Commandments? Does it not amount to rejecting YAHSHUA MESSIAH ? the Source of Truth? Since the false teachers are claiming that the Commandments of YAHWEH are for the Jews and they would not practice them, it means they practice "another gospel" and follow "another MESSIAH". Thus, rejection of YAHWEH'S COMMANDMENTS LAW shows that they do not serve nor worship Him but `another'. Without doubt, YAHSHUA MESSIAH who kept the Father's Ten Commandments Law, and `Jesus Christ' who hate and reject the Ten Commandments, particularly the first four, are different. Do you really know that there is difference between the two?

How carelessly men reject the TRUTH, and refuse to follow the living YAHSHUA MESSIAH, who commanded us to DO and TEACH the LAW of the Father (Matthew 5:19; James 2:10-12). Yahshua told us to teach all nations, baptising them in His Name, "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Yahshua taught the commandment law (Matthew 5:17-19; 19:17-22; 22:37-40; John 14:15; 15:10; also read Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7). Also Yahshua taught us to keep the Father's Feasts (John 13:117; Matthew 26:26-29; John chapter 7). Yahshua (not Jesus) says His everlasting covenant law



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