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7UP ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN(Print Advertisment and Radio Commercial) TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 7UP PAGEREF _Toc303854667 \h 2BACKGROUND PAGEREF _Toc303854668 \h 2COMPETITORS PAGEREF _Toc303854669 \h 4RATIONAL OF CHOSEN APPROACH PAGEREF _Toc303854670 \h 6APPROACHES PAGEREF _Toc303854671 \h 7OBJECTIVES PAGEREF _Toc303854672 \h 10TARGET AUDIENCE PAGEREF _Toc303854673 \h 11DEMOGRAPHIC PAGEREF _Toc303854674 \h 11PSYCOGRAPHIC PAGEREF _Toc303854675 \h 12PROPOSITION PAGEREF _Toc303854676 \h 14PREMISE /SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc303854677 \h 15TONE AND MANNER PAGEREF _Toc303854678 \h 16BRAND CHARACTER PAGEREF _Toc303854679 \h 17BRAND VALUE PAGEREF _Toc303854680 \h 18CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc303854681 \h 19REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc303854682 \h 20APPENDIX…………………………………………………………………………………..217UPBACKGROUNDThe root of 7up goes back to 1920, when C.L Grigg put his advertising years in use. He was the founder of Howdy Corporation in St.Louis, Missouri. Howdy Corporation began producing orange juice in the first years. Soon after in 1927, his goal was to create a soda soft drink that would give some varieties for nation. Grigg spent 2 years to create the original taste of 7UP. For unbeatable taste of lemon- flavoured drink, Grigg tested 11 formulas, before he settle on the best taste. 7up was a caramel-colored, lithiated lemon- lime soda, with crispy lemon taste. With the popularization, of Howdy Orange, 7up crashed the market in weeks. Although it cost more than its competitor, it was sold well. On that time, 7up was known as Bib- Label Lithiated Lemon- Lime Soda. With 600 others brands of lime soda already exist, Bib-label Lithiated Lemon was third well sold soda in the whole world in 1940.The trouble of spelling the long name, Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon, Grigg changes its name to 7up. Not only has that, within few years, Grigg changed his company name to The Seven Up Company. Some argue on the reasoning behind the name 7up. Some say, It’s because, it was sold in seven ounce bottles. On the contradict, some claim, C.L Grigg named his new soda after a popular card game at the time, was known as 7UP. Another suggestion was after elimination 7 possible names, Grigg remarked “that’s seven up” and so that name was born. But the ultimate reason was, there was seven ingrident in 7up, and it was even referred in its original adverts as “Seven natural flavoured blended into a savoury flavoury drink with real wallop”.In 1950, lithium was removed from 7up. It was due on the fact, lithium is considered a drug. This drug could help curing hangover, and in this case, this drug should only available to public after MD’s prescription. Thus, they had to remove it, under regulation of Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Amendments.Shortly after great success of 7up, Coca- Cola Company introduced Sprite to compete with 7up in 1961.7UP really boom in the market when it boldly advertised and labeled itself as ‘The Uncola’ in their campaign. This advertising campaign was strong enough to change people’s option on soda even remarked itself as an alternative to colas. ‘The Uncola’ were synonymous with 7up from that day till now.After over significant advertising campaign, it campaign that moved nation was “No Caffeine” campaign. The campaign was coherent with growing concern of consumer on drink with excessive caffeine which effect consumer in long term. This campaign was later reused in 1982.In 1978, C.L.Grigg sold his company to Philip Morris.Over few years of operation, he later sold it to private investment group for 240 million. The company later merged with Dr Pepper Company. In July 1995, Dr Pepper/ 7up Company was bought by Cadbury Schweppes.As Seven Up Company and its logo are more familiar to the customer, the management wanted to introduce a new drink to hit its market. Thus, Cherry7up and Diet Cherry7up was debut with slogan, ‘Make 7 UP yours’.Soon after, 7up introduced a improved version of 7up, called 7up Plus. It contains calcium, vitamin C, real fruit juice and artificial sweetener, Splenda. Fido Dido is famous 7up character, it was introduced in 1987. Fido Dido symbolized today’s teen and young adult. He represents a honest, streetwise and optimistic and non-judgmental. He is made even closer to customer with his own fidosophy f life, such ‘’ It’s cool to be you”, “You are what you are, and what you are is okay”, “ Daily life is more than boring”, seriousness can be cured”, “I lost some time”, “Reward offered to finder”, “ It’s too cool to be you”. Fido has become powerful image when he portrays himself as genuine, simple, chilled-out, quick-witted and sharp. Thus, the effort of introducing Fido Dido to make customer constantly recalled to 7up. However, Fido Dido, didn’t not act only on promotion based, but acted as role model and even moral campus for many teenagers out there. In 2011, PepsiCo Beverage decided to go green with the environment. They launched a plastic packaging EcoGreen which is 100% recyclable material. Their noble intention was to apply in Canada first, with 6milion pounds of plastic annually. It is noted that the long term prospects of this company is to use environmental friendly bottles only for soft drinks PETITORSThere are few competitors of 7up. Coca – Cola (market leader)PepsiSpriteMountain Dew100 plusReviveMineral drinks with added flavoursSparkling waterMineral drinksHot drinksSome of the competitors are a tight competition of 7up where they belong to almost the same market which is lemon flavored soda, which is Sprite and Mountain Dew. Of course the taste of 7up and their competitors are not the same, but somehow, potential customers would get confused or much worse assume all this three soda taste the same. The packaging of all three bottles are green in colour, and the usually are located in the same shelf next to each other in store.However the market leader is Coca – Cola. Although 7up and Coca Cola belong to completely different market, Coca Cola is one of the biggest competitors for 7up. Coca Cola is a dark soda with caffeine and the tasted stronger than 7up.7up of the other hand offers a lemon falvoured soda which is refreshing, and taste mild on the tongue. But as a market leader, Coca Cola have threaten 7up market by introducing Sprite and Mountan dew to the market. Ones, Coca Cola was bombarded with people concern on percentage of caffeine the Coca Cola per bottle. During the war, Coca Cola establish a new drink Sprite. When the market of 7up is not entirely affected, Coca Cola strengthen its market by introducing Mountain Dew.\Pepsi is also a competitor of 7UP. Tastes almost like Coca Cola, but 7up have a different set of lovers. Some people argue Pepsi taste much better than 7up. However, Pepsi is globally known as always the second in the market. When there is no availability of Coca Cola, most people will choose Pepsi for their option. This what 7up hope to change, people’s choice of soft drink when market leader if not available. To be able to compete with the market leader will take more than few years, but to change the second market leader is not impossible. In countries like India, Thailand and Africa, 7up is the market leader, but in the other part of the world, it remains as third.Another competitors of 7up is refreshing and hydrating drinks available on the market. 7up is always associated with refreshing taste, but when this isotonic drink also offers the same benefit. The other isotonic drinks also campaigned themselves as will keep you energized and alert all day. Although their campaign is not the same as 7up which only offers refreshing taste, tendency for customer to group 7up and its competitors are quite high. We see customers contemplating to choose whether 7up and isotonic drink.The new penetration of the market is mineral water with added flavours. This kind of mineral waters are added with fruit gist, herbals and mineral. One of the highest and famous brands for this type of water is Vitaminwater. It is marketed as ‘healthful alternative’. Thus people who are health conscious but at the same time wants to taste some sparkling flavoured will choose this alternative. Although in Malaysia, this drinks are not available everywhere, there are positioned in vending machine in strategic location such as waiting area in airport, and few business areas. Not only it claim to be mineral water, which is very good for our body, but it has added vitamins in it.On the other hands, sparkling water tastes just like mineral water with little added carbonates. Although competitions for between 7up and sparkling water is relatively low, it’s is still considered as rival for 7up.Much lower competitions in between 7up and other hot drinks. In Malaysia, hot drinks which are preferred Nescafe, Milo, Tea, Hoclicks and others. Although this two drinks is in completely different market. However, it serves as alternative for soft drinks, thus, it’s is also considered to be rival for 7up.RATIONAL OF CHOSEN APPROACHThe approach which I have chosen for this print advertisement is direct statement. This is because, it gives me a wider prospective for writing the idea. The statement ‘For those who have taste buds, It is a swag up’ is chosen for various reason. Among the reason was I want 7up to have an added attitude toward its product and customers that consume 7UP. When we say for those who have taste buds, it refers to sometime privilege, and exclusivity. Image of product reflect customers demands as in people who wants to be associated with certain image, they would more likely purchase the product. Although 7up is not an expensive brand, and it is affordable by all walks of life, still, when the product have a certain visibility in the market, it will be easier to target the product towards potential customers.The next reason why this statement is chosen were because it have youngster’s slang which will make the print advertisement more appealing to targeted customer because they feel like the advertisement is talking to them personally, using their ‘language’. The word swag is a common word in songs, in script of drama series, and now it is a common word in everyday life.For those who have no idea of the word swag. In even could be a word that associated with 7UP since they first knew the word from 7UP. The world Swag up derived from the word Swag which also means attitudes, while the meaning of Swag up is attitude towards sometime good, and those you have attitude, style and fashionable at the same is called swagger.For those who do not understand the meaning of the headline, they will be attracted to read at least some of early part of the body. From the early part of the paragraph will attract the readers more because the first question is based on several questions. The approach of this print advertisement is different from the typical advertisement, where the use of words and phrases are more likely towards conversation instead of announcement.The targeted customer is youngsters. Although some might argue that, teenagers don’t usually read long copy. However, being in the same group segmentation, I would say, teenagers attention will be given for those advertisement that is related to them most.From the headline to body copy, the message that are trying to be conveyed are information of the product, but in less serious manner and more conversational. This is because, teenagers will not appreciate a long and serious advertisement as they think it appears to be boring.APPROACHESApproach 1 – Be direct with an Offer or GuaranteeDrink 7up, then you’ll decide for yourself7up is the new trendPromise to be refresh all day longBe different, drink 7upApproach 2 – Make a statementWe make sure, we produce only the bestEnergise even without caffeineUn-Cola is way coolerTwist of lemon is soda, Ah!Now, you can drink & driveIts’ family time, it’s 7up timeFor those who have taste buds, its swagFor those who have taste buds, now this is a swag upWhen everything fails on you, 7up will neverCompanship for life, 7upIt makes your throat wants moreTaste like real lemonade with sodaApproach 3 – Use News in your HeadlineNo one could offer 7 different flavor in one tin, accept usIf a dog is man’s bestfriend, the 7up is man’s soulmateIntroducing 7up with improve formulaNow, only 7up quench your thirst for realNow, 7up wasnts you to try itNow, that’s the taste of familiarityNow we are 82 years, finally we got gist, 7UPFinally, a way of livingApproach 4 – the QuestionHow to pamper your stomach? Try usHow to know we are the best for you?Why comtemplating? You shouldn’tDo you know we are the only soda, treat your stomach good?We master your taste, don’t believe us?Can you indulge your throat and stomach as the same time?How we survived for 82 years? Because we have ballsAre your stomach growling, your throat droughty?Don’t be surprise, direct meaning of thrist is 7UPLong day at work? Don’t worry, grab 7up, it refreshApproach 5 – Show benefitYou don’t have to buy 7tin for 7 flavour. We have it allWe guarantee you for refreshing mood all dayWe wont hurt your teeth, nor your throat or stomach like cola.When you have hard tmes, with frizzy bubbly soda, it helpsFizz, Ah! Refreshing flavorFeel zappy, let the light soda lift u up7up again, 7up again, 7up again, you never regretApproach 6 – Use testomonials“I prefer 7up because it never fails to make me smile”“I choose 7UP for omral day even when I’m sick”“I don’t get stomachache when I drink 7up, even with empty stomach”I love the balance of lemon and soda”“The taste unite stranger together”“It’s a real swag”“I use it daily, for drinks, food, and even as medicine,Approach 7 – Create How toHow to not like 7up too much?How could you contemplate, when It’s the best?Three ways to enjoy your picnic? Pick the best location, drive your car to nearest store, pick up 7up.What you and a stranger have in common? Perhaps nothing but 7upApproach 8 – Show BenefitWe put heart and soul on every productionWe picked the best lemon, and produce the best soda, with mix of both, you get nothing but the bestWe make sure, all bottles goes out after supervisionWe love you, we love us, 7up is loved by us.We care, we love, we nurtureWe never compete to be the first, but we compete to produce othing but the bestDrinking 12 spoon of sugar in your drink? We served much lowerDon’t drink without knowing the sugar content. We produce less in a dozen then one bottle of theirs.HEADLINE AND BODY COPYHeadlineFor those who have taste buds, this is a swag up.Body copyWhen you see me behind glass door in a store, what would you do? When I’m yelling ‘Pick me,Pick me’. Could you hear me? or do you want me to scream louder to get your attention? Will that change your option then? Even if my peer pushed over and accidentally landed on your hand, what would you do? Pick me up or shove me back to the queue? 82 years of experience in beverage industries, we could guarantee you, we offer only the best. You know how? Our founder work hard not to produce one tasteful taste in one can, but seven others in the same drink. Now we are trying our best to protect our legacy, tradition and promise to serve you with the best picked lemons and best mixed soda. All the great things in life like 7 wonders of the world, 7 colours of rainbow, 7 levels of heaven, and our 7up is one of them. If you are embracing our competitors, all we could ask from you is to try us for one time, and know the differences yourself. Along with that, once in a while, when your stomach is growling, and your throat is droughty, the weather is so hot, you should try a glass of our competitor and one of ours.We never compete to be no 1, but we compete to produce only the best for you.7UP is best served with couple of ice, under shade of trees during hot sunny day, at parties, or drink alone.One thing for sure is, once you have tried us, it will be 7UP, 7UP and 7UP again all day, every day. Drive to the nearest store, and grab 7UP today.OBJECTIVESTo remind customer on the brand by promoting 7up, and advertising it more frequentTo give a better outlook for potential customers. Those have not tried 7UP, will be more willing to try this lemon soda next time.To position 7up back into the competitive market, and also into the heart of its customerTo re-establish the 7up outlook that once was family drink and much preferred than its competitors.To inform the customer on advantages of 7up compared to its competitors.To educate customer on benefits of drinking 7upTo achieve some brand value related to each individual with 7upTo reform the outlook of 7up in local and international marketTo differentiate 7up with its other immediate competitors To ease customer’s anger on last campaign of 7up which was claimed all its content are naturalTo encourage the young generations to try drinking 7upTo persuade its potential customer to drop their usual choice, and try 7up which offer better choice.To establish a better image among its shareholders and stakeholders by convincing those on years of experience 7up have.To reinforce the trust of quality their customers have on 7up brand.To increase sales of 7upTARGET AUDIENCEDEMOGRAPHICYoungster – the huge potential market of 7UP lies in young generation. Young generations that are targeted are among young students either school, high school and college students. However, young professionals are also included in this segment because of age factor. Young married couples with dual income and have no kids are part of young adults. This is due to their age factors their lifestyle pattern is almost the same.Age – Age which is highlighted to be focused on is between 15 years old to 24 years old. Group from early than the targeted group will depend from choice made by their parents, and the choices normally are milk, but very low tendency in choosing carbonated drinks. On the other hand, age of later than 24 years old have lost interest in drinking carbonated drinks. Occupation – Among the target group, most of them are students. Although they might depends on their parents money, however they have more freedom on choosing their own choice of preferences. While those who are working, young professional, makes it even easy target because they have more buying power than students. Then again, young married couples are those who both work, and support each other by dual income, and they still have no kids. In targeting this group, both wife and husband’s interest need to be fulfill, because targeting to this product is like targeting to pair. As young married couple their buying power are dependent to one another.Gender – There is no discrimination in gender in targeting 7UP. Since 7UP is a general product, which means it appeals to both female and male respectively.PSYCOGRAPHICSoft drinks will generally attract young adults. They have the willingness in trying new things in the market. Not only that, young adults are easily targeted during an advertising campaign.Young teens are the largest demographic segmentation of nation, even in Malaysia. Thus, the market preferences could change in short time just by changes of choices made by teenagers. Even the soft drink’s market leaders choose to market their product solely to teenagers.Young adults are usually from the comfortable belongings. They usually make up of 25% to 50% of population of every country. This targeted audience is conservative, and usually stick with what their familiar with. Most teenagers choose their choice based on what they have tried at home, or things they have been trying since child. This stigma could be change if our soft drink product could challenge in market leader and alter the taste of teenagers now days which nowhere impossible.Young adults are those aged from 15 to 24 years old. They usually belong to certain social group. This social group could be from school or work, or even in their workplace. How these effect their lifestyle? They usually will change their attitude, belief, and choice based on what preferred on that particular social group. So, if one member of their social group change from using a Nokia phone, to Blackberry, tendency for others to change in just a matter of time.Thus, in targeting to this group of people, the best way to look at it is by tackle one of the members of the particular social group. Then the other will follow, and this trend will even circulate to other social group.When they are influenced, their usually bring their attitude, belief or choices back to their home. That is when, the whole family indirectly will be influenced. Despite a lack of social status, their attitudes nevertheless tend to affect the rest of society. Comfortable belongings group is mostly content with comfort of home, family, friends, and community. If we could convince them to drink 7up, we would show the comfort they will have when the share this drinks with their close ones. However, despite using a family values in this campaign, using peer pressure will more likely to have an effect on them. The latest discovery assumed teenagers are becoming a global teen more and more each day. This is due to their social network and their focus in expanding their network worldwide. The pattern which is obvious among these young adults is their will updates their liking and their hatred to their page for other people to see. For example, Shah, aged 22. He is student in Limkokwing University. He defends on his parents allowance of RM 2000 per month. He enjoys having outdoor activities with friends like swimming, playing badminton, karokae – ing, and sitting in mamak stalls for hours. He admitted, he usually eat outside daily, and only dine at home 2 to 3 times at home per month. His time usually finish outside and most of the time, he is with his friends. He also says, he didn’t bring bottle of water to college, and when he is thirsty, while having his lunch, he prefers chilled soft drinks. He has 399 friends in Facebook, and 90 friends in twitter. One day he posted in his facebook and twitter, his liking of 7up and it brings good memories of his childhood. At least there will be 50 people commented on his status, asking why, and how it tasted like. While, perhaps in twitter there are 20 commented on the same status, this is what it’s called by global teens. After reading his Facebook or Twitter status and those who are close with him might want to taste 7up. Not only people he knew in Malaysia, but he knew people from Singapore, Thailand, and others, they might even want to taste 7up. 7up is an easy product as in people just need to spend some few ringgits to taste it, unlike an expensive product. From impromptu interviews with few college students, they see character Fido Dido represents them the most and we able to catch their attention with his ‘cool’ character and his ‘fidosophy’ (public awareness messages in their advertisement).PROPOSITIONThe 7up is a white soda which mainly made of lemon and soda. However, there are 7 others flavours available to fulfill quench of thirst. Unlike other soft drinks which are very gassy, and too sweet, 7up is just a right flavor for all time. Some says, you can drink soft drink, especially the carbonated drink when you have empty stomach. However, the best part about 7up is you can drink it with empty stomach, gastric stomach or uneasy stomach, and 7up act as remedy for it.In terms of availability, 7up is placed almost nine out of ten outlets of any groceries store and even supermarket.7UP soft drink is a soft drink which is mild yet refreshing at the same time. Once you tasted 7up, it will be your choices of drink. While drinking 7up, you could finish cans and cans of it without feeling bloated, and experience sugar rush. The best statement to describe 7up drink is, you couldn’t stop till the last drop. Since the product is not dedicated for certain market segmentation, thus 7up do not hold exclusive image of the brand. It caters for those who love the taste of lemon with soda which will give thirst satisfaction without too much carbonate.The main proposition of 7UP is associating 7UP to be linked with new attitude among teenagers now days. With headline which address to them, with their own youngster language or slang automatically gives the customer feeling of related. When someone talks like them, their attitude towards the product or services will vary.PREMISE /SUPPORT7UP soft drink has been in market for 82 years where the name 7UP is no longer new to mind of customer. Nevertheless, this product has been seen quite often in various store and supermarket. Yet still, the action to initiate purchase of 7UP is relatively low among teenagers. Some parents who are familiar with 7UP will still purchase this soda, but those young generation are fully un-convinced.The advertisement and promotion for 7UP are relatively low especially in countries like Malaysia, India and others. Thus, knowledge n 7UP, (product benefit & other flavours) is low. Product benefit of 7UP is huge, which could serve as marketing purpose of 7UP.7UP is no longer need to advertise its existence in the market, but it must able to spread out information on brand awareness, remind customer of the taste of 7UP, and to increase brand loyalty towards 7UP.Based on a survey done, with 7 respondents, as a number of questionnaire where asked, and their attitudes and knowledge on this 7UP was studied. All respondents are from Limkokwing Universty, aged between 19 to 24 years old. Based on the results, all 7 respondents have drank 7UP before, and 6 out of 7 respondents prefer to drink 7UP more than its near competitor. However, sadly, their knowledge on 7UP products, and it’s benefits are low. None of them were aware of 7 flavours available in one can of 7up. Five respondents know that 7UP could cure stomach discomfort, while others don’t.This survey is done on general based on understand what 7UP means for them, and how they relates to this soda drink.TONE AND MANNERAggressive, Informative, Persuasive, and ConversationalThe tone and manner of the advertisement is aggressive. Headline of the print advertisement is ‘For those who have taste buds, This is a swag up. This phrase is sure to catch people attention by provoking certain feelings in them, which will lead them to read further. The headline reads as those who have taste, which was meant to say those who have a good taste in everything they do, even their drink choice will sure to pick only 7UP. It also displays some attitudes by portraying message as those who drinks 7UP belongs to privileged or special group that will be envied by all. ‘Swag’ meaning according to Urban dictionary is appearance, style or the way he or she presents themselves. Swag is made up of your overall confidence style, and demeanor. Swag can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall swagger. You gain swag, or Swag up by performing swag worthy actions that improve this perception. Swag down means negative things, or you are a failure. Also the choices of words used in the body copy suggest or trying to initiate and action to its potential consumers. The early part of the body copy shows potential customer’s perception and questioned the customer back on what will be their action. It is a different approach than other advertisement where it aggressively put customer to question their own decision. Since our advertisement is to provoke changes in their preferable choice, we need to add values or attitudes towards it, so that it will be its brand image and will set it different from its rmative in this advertisement lay on the body copy where few benefits of 7up are written for the audiences. Not only that, It inform the customer on the real 7 taste on flavours in 7up which most of the potential customer are not aware of. Persuasive can be seen is the first part and the last part of the body copy. The print advertisement subtlety persuades its potential customers to the take action.BRAND CHARACTER7UP brand character can be explained through it mascot which is Fido Dido. The cartoon character is made very much to resemble characteristic of 7UP. 7UP is a product under the parent company of Pepsi Co., thus the mission and vision of Pepsi Co will have influenced or effect on the product of 7UP. Vision of 7UP is such that PepsiCo’s responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which they operate – environment, social, economic -- creating a better tomorrow than today.How these have influenced 7UP? Well the mascots of 7UP Fido Dido represents a teen cartoon which portrays himself as simple, cool, unique and quirky personality. He is known for ‘King of Cool’ by his honest, optimistic and streetwise.The most uncommon about mascot of 7UP and other competitors is that, Fido Dido always comes up with a ‘fidosophy’ which is his own method of believing on how things should be life. Fido Dido have serve 7UP to bring 7UP closer to the customers. Fido Dido’s philosophies are directed to youngster, as there are other ways to look at the world than how you perceive it. Slogan such as ‘Daily life is more than boring’, ’Seriousness could be cured’ and many more.7UP concerns on the social aspects have resulted character of Fido Dido. This character has made 7UP to be powerful presence in the mind of customers, directly and indirectly, purchasing of 7UP increased substantially.BRAND VALUEBased on their brand character, their value will be mirrored from their activities conducted annually. In 2009, the growing concerns in green environment have increase which resulted 7UP to collaborate with an international company from Dublin.In Dublin, the newest and greenest transportation options called Ecocabs, where 7UP have taken 7 of them, and each of it carries the advertisement of 7UP. Over 65,000 passengers were treated to free, environmentally friendly and emission free jaunts across and around the city centre compliments of 7UP free.Although this actions taken by 7UP is not a brand management where there are no actual sales profit derived and have not rocketed the brand experience, but also showed the brand to making a very positive contribution to the local environment.In the same context of green eco, friendly product, 7UP are the first in the market to produce a 100% biodegradable plastic. This technological breakthrough resulted in 7UP to spends millions of money in order to be able achieving its motives. This Eco Green plastic is said to be applied in Canada first, where 6 milion bottles are produced for each year. As pioneering the breakthrough of technology have demonstrated in few advantages where good and noble intention of 7UP is taken seriously. 7UP portrays that the money making policy have not and will not overshadow its responsibility towards the country, economy and social.CONCLUSION7UP soft drink is a very well-known brand and the brand name serves a good memory in the mind of customers. As a brand which matured by the age, 7UP have establish a good reputation with its good deeds, and noble intention. Sales of 7UP might not be rocketing as much as the market leader, however, it could be said that the sales of 7UP are stagnant (high but not increasing). By doing a simple questionnaire and informal interview with youngster by the age of 20 to 24 years old, I encounter many responses on 7UP. Most of the respondents have tried 7UP and most of them at least not all liked the taste of the product. In asking why they changed and choose the competitors, they have no answer. I have tried to theory of peer pressure myself. During last one month of collecting research data, and doing this assignments, my choice of drinks have change and I only ordered for 7UP all the time. To my surprise, they are few friends which are close to be began to like 7UP and they too have change their choices of soft drinks. Thus peer pressure is applicable and it works.Thus, to draw conclusion, 7UP is still marketable to many others, and if there are aggressive advertisement and promotional campaign, 7UP is no longer the third choice, it could move the ladder easily. REFERENCESBrand Values of 7UP.Retrieved from . Retrieved on 14 September 2011Brand Values of 7UP.Retrieved from . Retrieved on 14 September 2011Case study of 7UP. Retrieved from . Retrieved on 13 Septemeber 2011Sugar content of 7UP. Retrieved from on 13 September 2011Pepsi and 7up. Retrieved from on 12 Spetember 2011Marketing strategies Of 7up.Retrieved from on 12 September 2011Coca Cola Marketing. Retrieved from . Retrieved on 10 September 20117up and history. Retrieved from . Retrieved on 09 September 2011 ................

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