Blogs @ Butler

Teacher: Alex PrittieRoom #: FORMTEXT ?????W 224Lesson # in unit: FORMTEXT ????? Period (s): FORMTEXT ?????6Topic: FORMTEXT ?????Song DynastySocial Studies Lesson Objective and Assessment:By the end of class the student will be able to: Describe elements of Song Dynasty cultureDescribe key innovations during the Song DynastyUnderstand how Chinese society changed as a result of the Golden Age (Song and Tang Dynasties)NCSS Thematic Standards FORMCHECKBOX Culture and Cultural Diversity FORMCHECKBOX Power, Authority, and Governance FORMCHECKBOX Time, Continuity, and Change FORMCHECKBOX Production, Distribution, and Consumption FORMCHECKBOX People, Places, and Environments FORMCHECKBOX Science, Technology, and Society FORMCHECKBOX Individual Development and Identity FORMCHECKBOX Global Connections FORMCHECKBOX Individuals, Groups, and Institutions FORMCHECKBOX Civic Ideals and PracticesSupporting Diverse Learners FORMTEXT ?????Not only do I use a very visual Powerpoint during this lesson, but I also have the students play a review game that helps students learn the content while having fun. Strategies/Activities Selected:Powerpoint – Many visualsTrashketball – A lighthearted review gameMethods for Instruction FORMCHECKBOX Class/Group Discussion FORMCHECKBOX Cooperative Learning FORMCHECKBOX Small Group FORMCHECKBOX Guided Practice FORMCHECKBOX Lecture or Direct Instruction FORMCHECKBOX Bookwork (Reading) FORMCHECKBOX Question/Answer FORMCHECKBOX Learning Stations FORMCHECKBOX Teacher Modeling/Demo. FORMCHECKBOX Journal writing FORMCHECKBOX Role Play FORMCHECKBOX Hands-on FORMCHECKBOX Inquiry Learning FORMCHECKBOX Game FORMCHECKBOX Simulation/Role Playing FORMCHECKBOX Independent Learning FORMCHECKBOX Other FORMTEXT ?????Use of Materials FORMCHECKBOX Teacher Manual pg # FORMCHECKBOX Student Text pg # FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Picture Books FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX More Activities That Teach FORMCHECKBOX Handouts: FORMCHECKBOX Manipulative FORMCHECKBOX Maps FORMCHECKBOX Artifacts FORMCHECKBOX Related Equipment: FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Adapted materials Use of Technology FORMCHECKBOX Cell Phone FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX CPS Clickers FORMCHECKBOX Elmo Document Camera FORMCHECKBOX Software FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Student Computers FORMCHECKBOX Teacher Computer w/LCD FORMCHECKBOX Video Clips/DVD FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Website FORMCHECKBOX Other FORMTEXT ?????Lesson Agenda Warm up: How will you support students in accessing prior knowledge, personal, real world and/or cultural connections? None – I want the kids to have enough time for the game during class.Transitioning and Stating Objectives: We talked about the Tang dynasty on Friday. After today’s lesson, you will have a better idea of how the Tang dynasty transitioned into the Song, what qualities made the Song dynasty unique, and the lasting legacy both of these dynasties had. Transition to Instruction: What support strategies will you use to scaffold students learning so they meet or exceed targeted? I use an engaging Powerpoint with numerous pictures to talk about the history of the Song Dynasty. I feel that the pictures that I use throughout this Powerpoint are necessary in understanding the culture of the Song Dynasty because much of it was rooted in art and architecture. My plan is to keep this section of the lesson to a maximum of 12 minutes because I want the students to have enough time to play the review game and discuss its significance at the end. Transition Guided Practice: For my guided practice, I am going to use a review game to help the students review what they have learned about the Tang and Song Dynasties over the last two classes. The review game is called trashketball. I will divide the class into two groups. I will then ask one student from one group to come up and answer a multiple-choice question about the Song or Tang Dynasties. If they get the question correct, they will get 1 point for their team and the opportunity to toss a tape ball into a wastepaper basket. There will be three spots to throw the tape ball from and each tape-line will be a different point value. It is my hope that this game will help get the students up and energized wile also sparking their interest in the content. Transition to Independent Practice and Conferencing: NoneTransition to Wrap up/Closing: How will you engage students in self-assessment and/or reflection on key concept?The Final component of my lesson will require students to simply share their opinion with the rest of the class. I will ask them which Dynasty they thought made the bigger difference to China today. Daily Assessment How do you know your students met your lesson objective(s) and to what degree?Bloom’s Taxonomy FORMCHECKBOX knowledge FORMCHECKBOX comprehension FORMCHECKBOX application FORMCHECKBOX analysis FORMCHECKBOX synthesis FORMCHECKBOX evaluationFormative: FORMCHECKBOX Class discussion FORMCHECKBOX CPS clickers FORMCHECKBOX Email teacher FORMCHECKBOX Entrance/Exit slip FORMCHECKBOX Teacher Observe FORMCHECKBOX Listened to conversations FORMCHECKBOX Quiz FORMCHECKBOX Thumbs up, neutral, or down FORMCHECKBOX Homework check FORMCHECKBOX Video quiz FORMCHECKBOX Voting FORMCHECKBOX Whiteboard Check FORMCHECKBOX Other – review game FORMTEXT ?????Summative: FORMCHECKBOX Test FORMCHECKBOX Project FORMCHECKBOX Report FORMCHECKBOX Presentation FORMCHECKBOX Final Exam FORMCHECKBOX Other FORMTEXT ????? Additional Teacher Preparation: Copy: FORMTEXT ?????Locate: FORMTEXT ?????Daily Reflection This would be a section at the end for the teacher to note any strengths or weaknesses of the plan. What are next the steps for students and how will you get them there? What worked well? FORMTEXT ?????I was very pleased with how this lesson went today. One thing that was definitely a strength was how nicely this lesson transitioned from the lesson I gave on Friday. We reviewed for a very brief period of time at the beginning of the class and then went seamlessly into the Song Dynasty. It was very refreshing to see students so engaged in the teacher-led component of my lesson. The students had many more questions today than they have in previous lessons and I was fortunate enough to know the answers to all of them. The best part of this lesson however, was the review game! Students were so excited to get out of their desks and actually play a game. The students knew the answers to nearly all of the questions and in many cases, didn’t even need to look at their notes. This tells me that they grasped the factual content of the lessons I taught both on Friday and today.The one weakness that I felt this lesson had was the conclusion. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to have the students continue playing the game that they seemed to enjoy so much, or cut them off to do the final closing conversation. In the end, I chose to let the students continue playing the game. In hind site, I should have stopped the game and had the final conversation because nearly the entire class was spent working with factual knowledge, and the conclusion I had ready for the students would have asked them to analyze what we were learning. In the future, I will stick with the plan the whole time because that’s why I made it! ................

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