Ms. Ryan's Reading Resources

Overall Key Question/Task for Unit 2 – Using Schema (CAFÉ Comprehension Lesson Use Prior Knowledge to Connect with Text)

Texts Used: Comprehension Connections by Tanny McGregor Chapter 3 & The CAFÉ Book by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser Pg 158

Overall Key Question: What is schema and how do I use it to help me understand what I read?

• Task 1: What is schema and how does it help us as thinkers?

o Concrete experience – lint roller

• Task 2: What is schema and how does it affect our feelings?

o Sensory exercise – one minute schema determiner

• Task 3: Use your schema to make a connection to the song Rachel Delevoryas By: Randy Stonehill

o Concentric circles of connection

• Task 4: Use your schema to make a connection to Norman Rockwell’s painting High Dive.

o Thinking stems

Subject: Reading Topic: Using Schema - 1 Grade:

|Planning |Standard: RL1 |1 |

| | |Restate KQ/T |

| |Key Question/Task: What is schema and how does it help us as thinkers? | |

| | |1 |

| |Model Student Answer: Schema is our own prior knowledge about something. My sister has Down |Explain what schema is |

| |Syndrome so I know that you have to be patient with kids who have special needs. (example given | |

| |from Comprehension Connections) |1 |

| | |State your own schema about a topic |

| | | |

| | |1 |

| | |Explain how it helps you as a thinker |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| | |Total |

| | | |

| | |Rubric |

| | |Materials: lint roller, small lightweight paper (already written with thoughts, |

| | |feelings, experiences, relationships, and passions) and several plain pieces of paper |

| | |for students, RRJ, printed label with Key Questions |

| |Oral Response to Key Question/Task |Written Response to Key Question/Task |

|Secret |Schema is our background knowledge that makes us unique from others and helps us to dig deeper | |

|(How-To Clue) |into our reading. | |

|Importance (How learning |“If we are able to access our personal schema, we have a better chance for making a meaningful | |

|this will make us smarter) |interaction with a text.” | |

|Hook/Real Life Example |“Turn and talk to one another about what makes you unique and special.” Explain that no one else | |

| |has experienced life in just the way you have. Your background or prior knowledge is different | |

| |from everyone else’s. We call this your SCHEMA. | |

|Modeling (Watch the |Use a large lint roller and have the students pretend it is their brain. The brain is ready to |Schema is all of my background knowledge I have picked up throughout my life. I have |

|teacher answer the KQ/T) |stick to whatever it comes in contact with. On these little strips of paper are things that have|been to a lot of baseball games so I know that there are 9 innings. This helps me when |

| |stuck to my brain through the years. |I play, watch, or read about baseball. |

| |“Throughout my life I have picked up millions of experiences, thoughts, and feelings and they’re | |

| |all rolled together into my SCHEMA.” Tear off schema sheet (sticky sheet) and use it as a | |

| |concrete example of schema. | |

|Guided Practice with |Allow a student to model with their own schema on the strips of paper. Allow the student to roll|Model student explains their schema and how it helps them as thinkers. |

|discussion and checks for |the lint roller across her schema papers. | |

|understanding | | |

|Independent |Allow each child to do the same and then hold on to their schema sheet as a concrete reminder. |Students write their schema they picked up on their schema sheet and how it helps them |

|Practice |Allow time for the students to construct answers to key questions in RRJ. |as thinkers. |

| | | |

|Discussion (reflection on |Have children share out some of the prior knowledge they picked up with their lint roller and | |

|learning) |written responses. | |

|Assessment/ |Lint roller sheet (schema sheet) |Written responses |

|Artifact | | |

|Closure |You will be able to make authentic deep connections based on your own experiences to better | |

| |understand what you read. | |

Subject: Reading Topic: Using Schema -2 Grade:

|Planning |Standard: RL1 |Rubric |

| | |1 |

| |Key Question/Task: What is schema and how does it affect our feelings? |Restate KQ/T |

| | | |

| |Model Student Answer: |1 |

| |Schema is our prior knowledge about something. It can make us feel happy like when Mrs. McGregor|Explain what schema is |

| |brought up King’s Island Amusement Park. | |

| | |1 |

| | |State your own schema about a topic |

| | | |

| | |1 |

| | |Explain how it makes you feel |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| | |Total |

| | | |

| | |Materials: Chart paper, markers, RRJ, printed label with Key Questions |

| |Oral Response to Key Question/Task |Written Response to Key Question/Task |

|Secret |If students have prior knowledge about something then it increases readers feelings of self | |

|(How-To Clue) |confidence and their willingness to take risks. | |

|Importance (How learning |“If we are able to access our personal schema, we have a better chance for making a meaningful | |

|this will make us smarter) |interaction with a text.” Tanny McGregor | |

|Hook/Real Life Example |Create a T chart on a graphic organizer. Inform the students that you will write a topic on the | |

| |top left of the paper in a moment and the children have only 30 seconds to call out their | |

| |thoughts, feelings, opinions and experiences with regard to the topic. Write a topic that you | |

| |know most students have experience with i.e. a local Amusement Park. Record the responses on the | |

| |left side of the chart. Then tell the students you are going to repeat the exercise. This time, | |

| |choose a topic that you know is unfamiliar to most students i.e. a foreign town. | |

|Modeling (Watch the |“I noticed that you were energized as soon as you saw the topic! I didn’t even have to say |Written on chart paper: Schema is my background knowledge. It affects my feelings |

|teacher answer the KQ/T) |anything. You filled the 30 seconds with your knowledge, opinions, and firsthand experiences. |because as soon as I saw the topic (amusement park), I immediately thought about my |

| |You were confident and didn’t hesitate to share your thinking.” |favorite roller coaster. It put a smile on my face thinking about how fast we whip |

| | |around the corners. Having schema on a topic helps me to connect to a happy feeling. |

|Guided Practice with |“Now I want you to reflect on the second half of the chart. Think about your thinking here. | |

|discussion and checks for |What was going on in your mind when you saw the topic?” | |

|understanding |Example student responses: “I didn’t want to say anything the second time because I was afraid to| |

| |be wrong. I shared a lot of thinking about Kings Island because I knew what I was talking | |

| |about.” “We did the same thing on both sides of our T-chart, but it sure seemed different the | |

| |first time than the second. What was your thinking like with the first word?” “What was going on| |

| |in your mind when you saw the second word? | |

|Independent |Allow time for the students to construct answers to key questions in RRJ. |Students explain schema and how it affected their feelings whether |

|Practice | |positively/negatively. |

|Discussion (reflection on |Have children share out some of their written responses about how schema affected their feelings.| |

|learning) | | |

|Assessment/ |Written responses | |

|Artifact | | |

|Closure (summary of |Write SCHEMA with a broad tipped marker over the amusement park side. “Schema makes all the | |

|learning and what comes |difference. It’s your feelings, experiences, thoughts, and opinions all wrapped up into one. | |

|next) |It’s everything you’ve ever seen, tasted, smelled, felt or heard.” The presence of schema | |

| |increases a reader’s feelings and willingness to take risks and connect to what is known. | |

Subject: Reading Topic: Using Schema-3 Grade:

|Planning |Standard: RL1 |Rubric |

| | |1 |

| |Key Question/Task: Use your schema to make a connection to the song Rachel Delevoryas By: Randy |Restate KQ/T |

| |Stonehill and explain how it helps you to better understand the song. | |

| |Model Student Answer: |1 |

| |I can make a text-to-self connection to Rachel Delevoryas. This song reminds me of a kid on my |Using the concentric circles of connections, state which connection you are making |

| |bus who gets picked on everyday just like when Rachel was called ugly. This helps me to | |

| |understand how Rachel must of felt. |1 |

| | |State your connection |

| | | |

| | |1 |

| | |Explain how it helps you understand the text (song) |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| | |Total |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Materials: Song Rachel Delevoryas found on Youtube, thinking stems chart, concentric |

| | |circles of connections chart, post-it notes |

| |Oral Response to Key Question/Task |Written Response to Key Question/Task |

|Secret |Readers make connections in three ways: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world. | |

|(How-To Clue) | | |

|Importance (How learning |Schema can make the difference for readers. Thinking about the kinds of connections they can make| |

|this will make us smarter) |and how these connections make the text come alive. | |

|Hook/Real Life Example |Listening to the song Rachel Delevoryas by: Randy Stonehill | |

|Modeling (Watch the |Students listen to the song. The teacher demonstrates her response on chart paper. |Teacher makes her own response: I have a connection to the lyric “she couldn’t control |

|teacher answer the KQ/T) | |all her wild brown hair”. This reminds me of a girl I went to school with who was |

| | |always made fun of because of her frizzy hair. I can understand this song more because |

| | |I know how she felt. |

|Guided Practice with |Listen to the song one more time. Using the thinking stems, students write their own connection. | |

|discussion and checks for |They then place the post-it on the concentric circles of connections poster. Students should | |

|understanding |notice that most fall in the “read to self” spot because the song is so easy to connect with. | |

|Independent |Make connections to own self-selected text during Read to Self. | |

|Practice | | |

| | | |

|Discussion (reflection on |Share with the group a connection you made while reading to self. | |

|learning) | | |

|Assessment/ |Answer to key question/task. | |

|Artifact | | |

|Closure (summary of |By noticing and naming this strategy it leads up to the bigger, deeper ideas that are even more | |

|learning and what comes |meaningful. | |

|next) | | |

Subject: Reading Topic: Using Schema Grade:

|Planning |Standard: RL1 |Rubric |

| | |1 |

| |Key Question/Task: Use your schema to make a connection to Norman Rockwell’s painting High Dive. |Restate KQ/T |

| | | |

| |Model Student Answer: |1 |

| |I am able to make a text –to-self connection to the painting High Dive. I can relate to the way |Using the concentric circles of connections, state which connection you are making |

| |the boy feels because I felt the same way the first time I tried to ride a bike. I was too | |

| |scared to even try. |1 |

| | |State your connection |

| | | |

| | |1 |

| | |Explain how it helps you understand the text (picture) |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| | |Total |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Materials: thinking stems chart, concentric circles of connections chart, post-it notes |

| |Oral Response to Key Question/Task |Written Response to Key Question/Task |

|Secret |Art gives us an effective way to further scaffold strategic thinking. | |

|(How-To Clue) | | |

|Importance (How learning |One of America’s greatest story tellers didn’t use words. With his right hand, Norman Rockwell | |

|this will make us smarter) |painted timeless themes that still evoke emotion and activate schema. | |

|Hook/Real Life Example |Show the painting High Dive by Normal Rockwell. | |

|Modeling (Watch the |Teacher models connection on chart paper. |I am able to make a text –to-self connection to the painting High Dive. I’m remembering|

|teacher answer the KQ/T) | |when I was younger at my Uncle Larry’s pool when my dad would try to teach me how to |

| | |dive. I can understand how the boy feels because he also looks as terrified as I was. |

|Guided Practice with |Students make their own connections on post-it notes. The come up to the painting and stick the | |

|discussion and checks for |post-its around it. | |

|understanding | | |

|Independent |Practice making connections in your own self-selected books during Read to Self. | |

|Practice | | |

| | | |

|Discussion (reflection on |Share with another student a connection you made while reading today. | |

|learning) | | |

|Assessment/ |Students written response to key question/task. | |

|Artifact | | |

|Closure (summary of |Having schema and making connections promotes a deeper understanding. | |

|learning and what comes | | |

|next) | | |


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