IB BIOLOGY -12 - Weebly



To the Parent/Guardian and Students:

Welcome to IB Biology-12 which is the second year of IB Biology. In the second year, two topics will be selected by your instructor from the following possible topics: Evolution, Neurobiology and Behavior, Microbes and Biotechnology, Ecology and Conservation, and Further Human Physiology. Each topic will be covered at an advanced level which will necessitate a fair amount of independent study on the part of each student. In addition, 60 hours of lab is also required by the end of the second year and each lab experience requires an extensive lab report. Two of those labs are internal assessment labs and are treated as “tests”.

All IB students are required to participate in a collaborative interdisciplinary project (G4P) to explore a topic in depth. Planning is begun in May and June of the Junior year and the completed project is due in December of the Senior year. A 4000 word essay on a selected topic is also due in the Senior year and should be completed by February.

I am always available for extra help should the need arise and will meet with students individually or in groups. To contact me , call the high school and leave a message, and I will get back to you by the end of the day. You may also reach me by e-mail at pconley@albany.k12.ny.us.

You will be notified by mail about our Open House and I look forward to meeting with you at that time.

Please read through this letter and the following information regarding the course expectations with your child, sign the bottom portion, and have your child return it to me in class TOMORROW. I am looking forward to having a successful year with your child and appreciate your continued support.


Ms. Pat Conley

I have read this letter and reviewed the course expectations with my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________

Student Signature______________________________________________

Ms. Conley

Office: Room 334; Classroom: 316

Class: IB Biology-12, Room 316

E-mail: pconley@albany.k12.ny.us

Website: conleysscience.


Regular attendance is essential for successful completion of this course. Missed class time often leads to poor performance and possibly failure of the course. If an absence occurs on a day when a graded assignment is due ( e.g. test, quiz, homework), a written excuse must be presented to me in regard to the student’s absence. The student’s missed work is expected to be made up on their first day back to class. Only documented illnesses, deaths, etc. are acceptable reasons for missing tests, quizzes, etc.


An exam will be given at the completion of selected topics. The student will be notified in advance of the test date. As stated previously, if the test is missed, the student must take it on his/her first day back to class either in the morning or after school and they must present a written, valid excuse for their absence. Missed tests must be made up within one week or the student will forfeit his/her right to take it. Students who arrive late will not be given extra time to finish.

Short quizzes will be given frequently and students will be given advance notice. There will be no pop quizzes. Missed quizzes may not be made up if the student is out due to an illegal absence. I will drop two quizzes at the end of each quarter for a total of 8 for the year. Students who enter late will not be given extra time to finish.

Homework assignments will be given frequently in the form of handouts or worksheets, or assignment from the text. A due date will be given for the homework after which the homework will no longer be accepted. This will be waived if the student can provide a written, valid excuse for not getting in the homework on time.

Final Project: All students will be required to complete a final project (topic of their choice) in the month following the final examination. This project will be an important component of their 4th quarter grade.


Grades will be calculated on a point system Also consider that your lab grade will be computed the same way and will make up 20% of each quarter grade. Class exams and quizzes will make up 50%, midterm and other district-designated tests, if required, will be 10%, and homework will make up 20% to total 100%. At the end of the year, your final grade will consist of the average of all four quarters. You must receive a 65% final average in my class to pass this course. You must pass the IB exam in Biology in May to receive your diploma or certificate.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the fact that this course could be accepted for college credit by certain universities, NO EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED. All students must complete all assignments in their entirety by the due date. If you are having difficulty with the material it is your responsibility to seek extra help and put in more time to your studies.

REQUIREMENTS: Pens (blue or black ink only) and pencils for writing, 3-ring-binder with paper, and textbook are required in class daily.


1. All students are to arrive on time and have all materials needed for class with

them. This includes a pen or pencil, 3-ring-binder with paper, and textbook.

2. There will be no inappropriate language used at any time while in the classroom.

3. All students will respect themselves and each other as well as the teacher. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. No throwing papers, pencils, etc. The classroom needs a positive atmosphere so that learning is enjoyable.

4. Any assignments given will be handed in on time. Students will only be given so much time to get them in, after which the student will receive a zero.

5. Students who miss class are responsible for keeping up while they are out. Contact me to find out what we are covering.

6. If a student is creating problems in class, not completing assignments, or failing tests consistently the following procedure will occur: Teacher will first discuss the problem with the student and if no progress is shown, contact by phone to parent or guardian will occur immediately.

7. I strongly advise against academic dishonesty (cheating). This includes all work done in or outside the classroom that results in a grade. Anyone caught copying another’s work will receive a discipline referral and the parent or guardian will be contacted. The student will receive a zero as will the student who allowed their work to be copied. IBO expects all students to do their own work and to exhibit integrity in regard to that work. Failure to do so could result in dismissal from the IB diploma program.

8. Quizzes will be given periodically and will be announced ahead of time. I strongly advise that students read over their class materials daily in order to do well. The two lowest quiz grades will be dropped at the end of the quarter. Students who miss a quiz must bring a note from a parent or guardian indicating there is a valid excuse for having missed class or they will not be allowed to make up the quiz.

9. Exams will be given after selected topics are covered and will take the whole class period. They will be announced in advance. Students who miss the exam must bring a note from a parent or guardian indicating a valid excuse for having missed the exam or they will not be able to make the exam up. Exams must be made up in a timely manner as indicated above either before or after school at a mutually agreed upon time.

10. Students are encouraged to ask questions during class if confused about a particular concept. Please raise your hand.

11. Eating and drinking are NOT permitted in the classroom.

12. AHS policies are in effect at all times (hat policy, coat policy, foul language, cell phones, etc.). Failure to adhere to the rules will result in a yellow card.. ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONE USE AT ANY TIME IN THE CLASSROOM!!!!

13. All classroom trash is to be discarded at the beginning or end of class. No one is permitted to throw away trash after the period begins.

14. No passes will be given out during class. Emergencies will be allowed and documented.

15. Each student will have a lab folder where completed labs will be stored. Folders will be kept in my office and you may access them but may not take them home. Written lab reports must be completed and handed in to me by the due date. Failure to do so will result in a zero for that lab and could result in possible failure of this course.

16. In the event of a fire drill, all students must stay with the class as attendance must be taken outside the building to ensure your safety. Prompt return to class is also expected. If you take off or do not return to class promptly, you will receive a yellow card; no questions asked. Please do not tell me you went to the bathroom.

17. Each student will receive 10 points upon returning the requested portion back to me signed by them and also by a parent or guardian.

18. Good luck during this new school year. I am sure you will find this course interesting and enjoyable. Hopefully, you will find this year a rewarding learning experience.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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