IB Mathematical Studies

IB Mathematics HL

Instructor: Mr. Scott Phillips

Room: B – 12

Textbooks: Calculus of a Single Variable, 7th Edition and Mathematics HL (core), Haese & Harris Publications

Required Topics on the External Assessment (May, 2014)

Topic 1 – Core Algebra

Topic 2 – Functions and Equations

Topic 3 – Circular Functions and trigonometry

Topic 4 – Vectors

Topic 5 – Statistics and Probability

Topic 6 – Calculus

Topic 9 – Option: Calculus

Portfolio, Internal Assessment (Jan 2014)

The portfolio is an individual piece of work involving the collection of information or the generation of measurements, and the analysis and evaluation of the information or measurements. It can be an investigation or a modeling portfolio.



I. SUGGESTED MATERIALS: 3-ring binder (1 inch); paper; pencil; graph paper; scientific or graphing calculator.*

*Much of higher-level mathematics classes require the use of graphing calculators. We have classroom calculators for use at school; however, it is recommended that students purchase graphing calculators for their own use. We recommend the Texas Instrument Model 83+ or Silver or the TI 84+ or Silver. If you do purchase a calculator, we would appreciate receiving the UPC code off the box as the school can redeem these to obtain additional equipment.

Students need to take notes during class to have examples to consult when doing homework. Use a 3-ring binder divided into 2 sections: (a) Notes/Examples and (2) Assignments. Textbooks must be brought to class each day, along with the notebook, paper, and pencil. Several sheets of graph paper should be stored in the notebook for periodic usage.

II. ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments will be given daily. Part of the homework process is to correct their homework thoroughly. This means that the student not only needs to mark answers that are right or wrong, but also correct the process to arrive at the solution.

Students have the opportunity in class to ask about problems they missed or did not understand. After going over an assignment, a two question Homework Check containing problems from the assignment will be given. Homework Checks will be graded as follows:

• 4 points – both problems are correct and appropriate and supporting work is shown.

• 2 points – one of the problems is correct with appropriate and supporting work.

• 0 points – both problems are incorrect and/or the work is not appropriate and supportive to the problems

III. GRADES: Grades will be updated weekly on Pinnacle so parents and students can keep track of progress.

Student grades will be based on summative assessments (which include chapter tests and/or quizzes) and comprise 60% of the grade. Formative assessments (such as Homework Checks, labs, and quizzes) make up 40% of the grade. (Note: Quizzes will be labeled “summative” or “formative” at the discretion of the teacher.)

IV. RETAKE POLICY: A student has one opportunity per grading period to retake any summative assessment on which a D or an F was earned. In order to retake the student must:

1. Obtain a Retake Check-list form.

2. Correct all errors on test by redoing the problems on a separate piece of paper (showing all supporting work). The student may get help from the teacher, another student, a tutor, or use textbook and notes.

3. Verify the corrections are correct with the teacher’s key. Problems still wrong must be redone until they are correct.

4. Obtain the initials of the teacher indicating all corrections are done. Use these corrections to study for the test retake.

5. Retake the test on the day/time designated by the teacher. If you are unable to retake at the designated time, advise the teacher in advance and arrange an alternate time. The original test and initialed corrections must be turned in at the time of the retake.

6. The higher score will be awarded.

The district grading scale is:

90% – 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

0 – 59% F

V. ABSENTEEISM: When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what assignments and notes were missed and make up that work promptly (typically 1 day is allowed for each day absent).

VI. EXTRA HELP: Extra help is encouraged and available upon request. Help is available before school daily (7:00 – 7:20).


1. No talking or getting out of your seat during lesson presentation.

2. Be in your assigned seat when the final bell rings.

3. Be prepared daily with textbook (bring to class every day), notebook, paper, completed homework, and pencil.

4. Do not bring food or drink into the classroom (water is permissible)

5. Be honest. Do your own work. Students who cheat will receive a zero. Students are encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments, discussing the problems and working together. However, copying another student’s homework paper is cheating.

6. When class time is provided to start the homework assignment, each student is expected to work on the assignment given.

7. Electronic devices (cell phones, IPods, MP3 players, etc.) must not be visible during class. If the appearance of electronic devices is a continual problem, a discipline referral will be given. BYOT days will be an exception.

An infraction of the above rules will results in any of the following consequences:

1. Warning

2. Seat change and/or student conference

3. Parent conference and/or discipline referral

VIII. TEACHER CONTACT: If you have any questions regarding your child, please e-mail me at gsphilli@volusia.k12.fl.us. If you have no access to e-mail, the school’s phone number is 756-7200. (Leave a message and I will return your call.)


Often appropriate PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies can be utilized effectively to enrich classroom instruction and accomplish identified objectives. If you give permission for your child to view such materials, you do not have to do anything. (NOTE: NO sections of “R” rated movies will ever be shown per Volusia County School Board policy.) If you do NOT wish to grant permission for your child to view any PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies identified by the teacher as effective in teaching the curriculum, please contact me via e-mail at gsphilli@volusia.k12.fl.us or send a note in with your student.


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