Every Day Accessibility Review: - Pearson Education

Every Day Accessibility Review:

Check Your Screens for the Most Common Accessibility Errors in 12 Easy Steps!

Just Once, To Get Started:

• Set Up Some Favelets in Firefox, IE or Safari

• Get the Web Developer Toolbar (WDT) for Firefox

• Get Contrast Analyser

Answer these Questions to Check Your Work:

Tip: Don’t see everything mentioned in a favelet alert? Turn off CSS.

| |Tools to Help |PG # |

|1. Do all active images have alt-text that indicates what the link or |Active Images Favelet |30 |

|button does? | | |

|2. Do all decorative images & redundant images have null (alt=””) alt |Formatting Images, |29 |

|text? |Larger Image, and Smaller Image Favelets | |

|3. Do all information images have alt-text that provides the same |Larger Image Favelet |32 |

|information that the image provides? | | |

|4. Is the page organized with headings? Are they marked as headings? |Headings Favelet |9 |

|5. Can you access everything using the keyboard? |Tab, Shift + Tab, Space, Enter, Arrow Keys|6 |

|6. Is it clear what element is in focus while you use keyboard access? |Tab, Shift + Tab, Space, Enter, Arrow Keys|7 |

|7. Did you use html tags (ol, ul, li, blockquote, quote, dl, dd, dt) for |WDT > Outline Custom |[pic] |11 |

|their intended purpose? |Elements | | |

|8. Are all on-screen form labels connected to their form fields using |Form Labels Favelet |14 |

|markup? If a form field has no onscreen label, is a title attribute used | | |

|to label it? | | |

|9. Will your page be read in a logical order in a screen reader? |WDT > Miscellaneous > Linearize Page |4 |

|10. Does your text meet color contrast tests for [pic] at level AA? |Color Contrast Analyser |26 |

|11. Are there captions for video and transcripts for audio? |36, 37 |

|12. Is all of the important information in video available through standard audio or through added audio |31 |

|description? | |

For full test plan and information on requirements see:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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