The Prelude - WH&OMS

Order of Service?Procession of Buds of PromiseCall to Worship Always do what is right. Then you will live and own the land the Lord your God is giving you.? Deuteronomy 16:20InvocationDear Heavenly Father, we pray for a world that has love, peace, and justice. We pray for a world where those that are weak would be protected, a world where none would go hungry, those that have an over-abundance would share with those that do not have. We pray for a world that does not discriminate but elevates. We pray for a world where peace and justice reign. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.Choral Response Buds of PromiseBuds Hymn “Blooming All For Jesus” Hymn #676The Litany Matthew 7: 1-5 Leader: “Don’t judge other people, and you will not be judged.”People: You will be judged in the same way that you judge others. And the forgiveness you give to others will be given to you.Leader: “Why do you notice the little piece of dust that is in your brother’s eye, but you don’t notice the big piece of wood that is in your own eye?”People: Why do you say to your brother, “Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye? Look at yourself first! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye.”Leader: You are a hypocrite! First, take the wood out of your own eye. All: Then you will see clearly enough to take the dust out of your brother’s eye.Gloria PatriApostles CreedScriptures Micah 6:8 / Matthew 22:39Prayers#injustice, #gunviolence, #discrimination, #disabledpeople, #loveChoral ResponseSelection Buds of PromiseRemembering Marie L. ClintonBuds Information Motto/Colors/Slogan/PledgeSong of PreparationBuds Message #BudslivesmatterInvitation to Christian DiscipleshipOfferingRemarks Missionary BenedictionGod be merciful unto us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us and give us peace. Amen~ ~ ~Send all donations for the Marie L. Clinton Day Observance to yourDistrict President for remittance to the Executive Director.?#EmmettTill, #MalalaYousafzai, #TrayvonMartin, #SojournerTruth, #MichaelBrown, #HarriettTubman, #FreddieGray, #SandraBland, #NelsonMandella, #Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. What is this thing everybody is talking about? #missionsmatter, #socialjustice, #struggles? Every day we hear about some social injustice going on. As a matter of fact, the struggle didn’t just start with police killing an innocent youth, or people being jailed because they want equal rights, marches, protest, and sit-ins are nothing new. Selling a human being, abusing a child, discriminating because someone is in a wheelchair, or who doesn’t think like you do, isn’t the right weight or height, or skin color is just not right. He is like a rock. What He does is perfect. He is always fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong. He is right and fair. Deuteronomy 32:4. Social justice is a very important issue in the bible. God created the heavens and the earth and all the living creatures upon the earth. He created the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and our happiness is God’s desire. The Lord defends those who suffer. He protects them in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9.Why has the world turned from what God wants? Why do some people think they are better than others? Why are there two set of rules? Since the beginning, there has always been someone who wanted more. Eve thought she needed more than what God gave her. Cain killed Able because he wanted what was not his. Jacob and Esau fought over a birthright that only one could rightly have. Joseph’s brothers plotted to get rid of him because they thought he got more love. Rachael was jealous of Leah, Goliath thought that because he was bigger he could beat David. Justice means loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. Sometimes people do not love themselves, so they can’t love others. We as Buds of Promise must continue to study God’s word so we will know how to love and do right, and when we see someone doing wrong we must say something. To answer this question, Jesus said,?“A man was going down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers attacked him. They tore off his clothes and beat him. Then they left him lying there, almost dead.?It happened that a Jewish priest was going down that road. When the priest saw the man, he walked by on the other side of the road.?Next, a Levite[a]?came there. He went over and looked at the man. Then he walked by on the other side of the road.?Then, a Samaritan[b]?traveling down the road came to where the hurt man was lying. He saw the man and felt very sorry for him.?The Samaritan went to him and poured olive oil and wine[c]?on his wounds and bandaged them. He put the hurt man on his own donkey and took him to an inn. At the inn, the Samaritan took care of him. The next day, the Samaritan brought out two silver coins[d]?and gave them to the innkeeper. The Samaritan said, ‘Take care of this man. If you spend more money on him, I will pay it back to you when I come again.”?Then Jesus said,?“Which one of these three men do you think was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by the robbers?” The teacher of the law answered, “The one who helped him.” Jesus said to him,?“Then go, and do the same thing he did!” Luke 10:30-37#MissionsMatter #BudsofPromise are globally committed to social justice #BudslivesmatterMrs. Marie Louise Clay Clinton (1871–1934)Mrs. Marie Louise Clay Clinton was the organizer and first Superintendent of the Buds of Promise Juvenile Missionary Society. She was born in Huntsville, Alabama in1871. Mrs. Clinton was the wife of Bishop George Wylie Clinton. She loved children and, having none of her own, she dedicated her life to children’s work. She understood the importance of Christian training for very young children. Mrs. Clinton worked diligently to see that children be included as part of the General Missionary Society. In 1904, her request to include the children as an organized department of the Missionary Society was taken to the General Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. It was then that the department was adopted and, through her efforts, became permanently known as the “Buds of Promise” department in 1908. Mrs. Clinton served as the General Superintendent for 28 years (until 1932) and remained an enthusiastic worker until her death in1934.In 1951, the Missionary Convention in Wilmington, North Carolina voted that a day be set aside in order to honor the founder of The Buds of Promise Department. Because of Mrs. Marie L. Clay Clinton’s love and devotion to children and work of missions, the fourth Sunday of January is recognized as “Marie L. Clinton Day.”Buds InformationMotto: “Blooming All For Jesus” Colors: Green (growth) & White (purity) Slogan: The Three B’s: We Build with Zion, We Belong to Zion, We Believe in Zion.Pledge: To be reverent to God, useful to man, do God’s will and strengthen my faith with prayer.Buds Hymn: “I Would Be True” / Buds Theme Song: “Blooming All For Jesus”Marie L. Clinton DayBuds of Promise Juvenile Missionary Society“The Great Commission: #MissionsMatter”Globally Committed to Social Justice??Sunday, January 26, 2020Ms. Cynthia L. Revels-YoungConnectional Superintendent, Buds of PromiseMrs. Sandra B. CrowderInternational President, WH&OMS ................

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