IHSA BOYS BASKETBALL - Illinois High School Association


? mtroha@ ? Phone: 309-663-6377 ? Fax: 309-663-7479

2010 IHSA Boys Basketball State Final Instructions

The Peoria Civic Center will be the site of the 2010 Boys Basketball State Final Tournaments, Happening and the March Madness ExperienceTM. The tournament events will be conducted the weekends of March 11-13 and March 18-20. Other events will be conducted at the March Madness ExperienceTM between the two weekends.

The following are several very important notes and instructions regarding credentials for the IHSA Boy's Basketball State Final tournament(s) which Sports Editors/Sports Directors should share with personnel in their organization.

Please be aware! The IHSA General Media Pass (supplied to designated media in October will not be good for the 2010 Boys State Final Basketball Tournaments.

Working Press Credentials: Requests will be filled according to IHSA Policy No. 35 "Policies Regarding News Media Credentials and Working Assignments for IHSA State Series".

General Credential Information

Boys Basketball credentials will be issued by the IHSA Office according to the following plan: 1) The online Basketball Credential Request Form will be available online through the IHSA Media Center on February 2, 2009. Media are required to fill out the online Basketball Credential Request Form. This online form will serve as the request form for newspapers, television stations (over-theair and cable), radio stations (originating and non-originating), internet sites and basketball publications. The credential will be the same for both reporters and photographers (you do not need to indicate if you are ordering photographer or reporter passes). Once you arrive at the Peoria Civic Center, the Game Administration Staff will issue floor photo pass(es) on a session by session basis. Media outlets not appearing on the credential application page must contact Matt Troha (mtroha@) to apply for credentials.

2) General Credential Deadline: Requests for credentials from newspapers, television stations (over-the-air and cable), non-originating radio stations, radio stations originating only games their team plays in, internet sites and basketball publications must be done online by noon, March 11, 2009, for Class 1A/2A and noon, March 16, 2009, for Class 3A/4A. It is our suggestion for your company to make credential arrangements in advance. Credentials may always be canceled. Credentials requests will not be considered after the deadline(s).

3) Each media outlet requesting and receiving credentials for the respective tournament is encouraged to provide the IHSA Office, no later than April 1, with proof of coverage. Media outlets providing documentation will be guaranteed credentials to future boys basketball state finals. For daily and weekly newspapers, tear sheets are requested. For cable and commercial television outlets, a videotape of the news program(s) in which videotape taken at the respective state final was used is requested. For radio stations, an audio-cassette tape of the play-by-play and/or news program(s) in which the audio recorded at the respective state final was used is requested. For internet sites, a printout of the event coverage is requested to be mailed to IHSA.


? mtroha@ ? Phone: 309-663-6377 ? Fax: 309-663-7479

4) There will be a limit to the number of passes issued to any single media outlet as determined by IHSA. The criteria will include but not be limited to the following:

a) Circulation (daily and weekly newspapers), Subscribers (cable television), Market Size (commercial television), Audience (radio), Acceptance of site by IHSA (internet).

b) Local representation in the respective event. c) Space available for working press at the respective event. d) Previous coverage of IHSA events by the media outlet e) Media outlet's previous history of coverage documentation.

Instructions For News Media outlets listed in the online IHSA Media Directory: 1)The web address to order Boys Basketball Credentials is media/bkbcred 2)Once you enter this site, click on the company's name for which you are requesting credentials. 3)Complete the questions pertaining to your company's credential needs. 4)Once the form has been completed online and you have pressed the send button, the IHSA Office

will automatically have your request on file. 5)The IHSA Office will consider and/or process your request. 6) NOTE FOR RADIO-Broadcasting radio stations must fax in a hard copy of the broadcast application. Applying online will not get you seating on radio row.

Instructions For News Media Outlets not listed in the online IHSA Media Directory If your company is not listed in the online IHSA Media Directory and needs to order Boys Basketball Tournament Credentials, you must email at Matt Troha at mtroha@) to be considered. Include your company name, the names of those covering the event and what their responsibilities will be (reporting, photography, video, etc.). Websites should supply an address or link to their site.

How to Check on the Number of Press Pass(es) Issued to your company: 1)Go to media/bkbcred 2)Once you enter this site, click on the company's name for which you requested credentials. 3)The number of pass(es) issued to your company will be listed on this page by the Thursday prior to

the start of the State Final Tournament (Class 1A/2A = March 11; Class 3A/4A = March 18). 4)Any dispute in number of passes issued should be directed to Matt Troha at the IHSA Office.

Radio Station Information Located On Next Page


? mtroha@ ? Phone: 309-663-6377 ? Fax: 309-663-7479

Credentials for Originating Radio Stations Requests to originate an entire Boys Basketball State Final Tournament or both Tournaments must be made via broadcast application form and fax no later than March 1, 2010. Radio stations originating at both boys basketball state final tournaments will be given priority in seat location at the state final site over those radio stations originating at only one (1) tournament. Wherein possible, a station will be assigned the same seat location for each of the tournament(s) it actually originates. If a conflict occurs, consideration shall be given to listening areas served and the number of games contracted to broadcast. With these factors being equal, priority shall be given to past performances of stations in broadcasting state tournaments.

1) Stations covering the whole basketball tournament: Requests for permission to broadcast (all or at least six of the eight tournament games) from radio originators must be received and rights fees paid prior to March 1, 2010. Please use the following procedure by going to the Media Center on the IHSA Web Site:

a) Download the regular IHSA Broadcast Application from the Media Center and indicate which Boys Basketball Tournament(s) your station will be covering.

b) Enclose a check made payable to the Illinois High School Association ($150.00 per tournament) with the Broadcast Application and mail it to the IHSA Office. Radio Originations will not be approved without payment. IHSA will be accepting Master Card and Visa payments for radio originations. Contact Matt Troha at the IHSA Office (309) 663-6377 to use your credit card or with any questions. The IHSA will not invoice companies for rights fees.

c) Information on phone lines will be posted in February. Any station who has already sent in a broadcast application at that time will be contacted with the information. Please ignore any phone line information posted throughout this document until then.

2) Stations only covering their hometown team: The following procedure shall apply to Originating Radio Stations covering their hometown team:

a) Download a regular IHSA Broadcast Application from the Media Center and indicate which Boys Basketball Tournament(s) your station will be covering. If you are accepting a feed, indicate so on the space provided on the broadcast application.

b) The IHSA will have phone lines available for an additional cost of $75.00 per line. If you wish to use an IHSA phone line, please note that on your Broadcast Application and include the $75.00 fee in the payment you submit.

c) Enclose a check made payable to the Illinois High School Association ($150.00 per tournament) with the Broadcast Application and mail it to the IHSA Office. If you are using an IHSA phone line for an additional $75.00, please include that amount in the payment you submit. Payment must be received in the IHSA Office prior to the state tournament. Radio Originations will not be approved without payment. IHSA will be accepting Master Card and Visa payments for radio originations. The IHSA will not invoice companies for rights fees.


? mtroha@ ? Phone: 309-663-6377 ? Fax: 309-663-7479

Stations originating from the March Madness Experience: Every station approved to originate shall receive two (2) press passes. Stations originating at least a one-hour show from the March Madness ExperienceTM in the Exhibit Hall adjacent to Carver Arena will receive one extra pass (upon making prior arrangements with the Peoria Area Convention & Visitors Bureau as outlined below) for admission to Carver Arena. This pass is not an extra seat at the station's assigned announcing location, but an access pass into the arena where the games are played. If your station is broadcasting a one-hour show from the Exhibit hall, indicate your station's need for 3 credentials on the online basketball credential form.

Making arrangements with the Peoria Area Convention & Visitors Bureau: A letter on company stationery stating the station's commitment to do the show from the March Madness ExperienceTM and the time requested to use one of the media kiosks in the Exhibit Hall should be emailed or faxed (309-663-7479) to Matt Troha (mtroha@) or Susan Galloway at the Peoria Area Convention & Visitors Bureau at (309) 282-3287. Any questions regarding scheduling time at the media kiosk should be directed to Susan Galloway at (309) 282-3287.

Credentials for Non-Originating Radio:

Requests for credentials must be made to the IHSA Office as outlined above. In addition, the following shall apply for non-originating radio stations. 1) There will be a limit of one (1) non-originating radio credential issued only to a station covering its hometown team's participation in the tournament. 2) Such station(s) covering a hometown team originating daily shows from the March Madness ExperienceTM shall be eligible to obtain additional credentials as agreed to by the station and IHSA Office. 3) Requests for non-originating radio credentials from stations without a hometown team participating in the state tournament will not be honored.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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