Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise - Scheme of work ...

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 20

Duration of lessons: 1-2 hours (as shown)

This scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise this by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Resource checklist |Links to other units |

|1 |Unit introduction |Introduce the unit: outline the nature of the |Specification for this unit (learning aims, | |

| | |learning aims and onscreen test that learners will|unit content and assessment criteria) from | |

| | |be expected to complete for this unit. |Pearson. | |

| | | |Use authorised assignment briefs from | |

| | | |Pearson. Alternatively, use adapted or | |

| | | |centre-devised assignment briefs. | |

|Learning aim A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training |

|1 cont. |Topic A.1 Components of physical fitness: |Tutor presentation: summary of components of | |Topics A.1 and A.2 have links |

|(1 hour) |aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, speed, |physical and skill-related fitness. | |with: |

| |muscular strength, body composition. |Group discussion: linking fitness components to | |Unit 2 Practical Sports |

| |Topic A.2 Components of skill-related fitness: |sports performance. | |Performance (Topics C.1 & C.2) |

| |agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, components|Individual or paired activity: learners to link | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |for sports performance. |fitness components to sports performance and feed | |Fitness (Topic C.1) |

| | |back to the group | | |

| | |Tutor presentation: summary of the components of | | |

| | |fitness. | | |

| | |Group discussion: components of fitness. | | |

| | |Homework activity: learners to investigate fitness| | |

| | |components for successful sports performance. | | |

|2 |Topic A.3 Why fitness components are important for successful |Show a video/DVD of elite sports performers in |A video/DVD of elite sports performers in |Topic A.3 has links with: |

|(1 hour) |participation in given sports in terms of: |action. |action (useful videos are available from |Unit 2 Practical Sports |

| |being able to successfully meet the physical demands of the |Group discussion: importance of fitness components|). |Performance (Topics C.1 & C.2) |

| |sport in order to reach optimal performance |for successful sports performance. Prompt learners| |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |being able to successfully meet the skill-related demands of the|to draw on their own experiences. | |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| |sport in order to reach optimal performance |Tutor presentation: a sports profile followed by | | |

| |being able to perform efficiently |group discussion on fitness components for | | |

| |giving due consideration to the type of event/position played. |successful sports performance. | | |

| | |Paired activity: learners to complete a fitness | | |

| | |component profile for a sport of their choice and | | |

| | |feed back to group. | | |

|3 |Topic A.4 Exercise intensity and how it can be determined: |Tutor presentation: measuring heart rate. |Stopwatches |Topic A.4 has links with: |

|(1 hour) |intensity ( be able to measure heart rate (HR) and apply HR |Individual or paired activity: learners to | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |intensity to fitness training methods |calculate their maximum heart rate (HR max). | |Fitness (Topics A.2, A.3 & A.4) |

| |know about target zones and training thresholds. Be able to | | | |

| |calculate training zones and apply HR max to training: HR max = | | | |

| |220 – age (years) | | | |

| |be able to calculate 60–85% HR max and know that this is the | | | |

| |recommended training zone for cardiovascular health and fitness.| | | |

|4 |Topic A.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: Borg (1970) Rating of |Stopwatches |Topic A.4 has links with: |

|(1 hour) |know that the Borg (1970) (6–20) Rating of Perceived Exertion |Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale. |HR monitors |Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and |

| |(RPE) Scale can be used as a measure of exercise intensity |Group activity: measuring HR and training zones. |Conductivity gel |Exercise (Topic A.5) |

| |know about the relationship between RPE and heart rate where: |learners undertake physical activity |Access to sports hall or visit to local |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |RPE x 10 = HR (bpm) |activity to be followed by analysis of HR data |sports centre/gym |Fitness (Topics A.2, A.3 & A.4) |

| |application of the FITT principles to training methods, regimes |according to HR training zones. | | |

| |and given exercise situations. |Homework: learners to investigate the relationship| | |

| | |between HR and the RPE Scale. | | |

|5 |Topic A.5 The basic principles of training (FITT): |Tutor presentation: basic and additional | |Topics A.5 and A.6 have links |

|(2 hours) |frequency: the number of training sessions completed over a |principles of training. | |with: |

| |period |Group discussion: principles of training related | |Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and |

| |of time, usually per week |to learners’ own sports training and performance. | |Exercise (Topic A.5) |

| |intensity: how hard an individual will train |Individual or paired activity: | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |time: how long an individual will train for |tutor to introduce circuit training to learners | |Fitness (Topics A.2, A.3 & A.4) |

| |type: how an individual will train |learners to design a circuit training session. | | |

| |by selecting a training method to improve a specific component |Follow-up activity: learners to deliver or | | |

| |of fitness and/or their sports performance. |participate in the circuit training sessions they | | |

| |Topic A.6 Additional principles of training: |have designed. | | |

| |progressive overload | | | |

| |specificity | | | |

| |individual differences/needs | | | |

| |adaptation | | | |

| |reversibility | | | |

| |variation | | | |

| |rest and recovery | | | |

| |application of the principles of training to training methods, | | | |

| |regimes and given exercise settings. | | | |

|Learning aim B: Explore different fitness training methods |

|6 |Topic B.1 Requirements for each of the following fitness |Topics B.1 and B.2 are to be incorporated into |Access to sports hall or visit to local |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(2 hours) |training methods: |each delivery of each training method (Topic B.3).|sports centre/gym |with: |

| |safe, correct use of equipment |Tutor presentation: introduction to flexibility |Guest speaker: sports physiotherapist. |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |safe, correct use of training technique |training, followed by group discussion. | |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

| |requirements for undertaking the fitness training method |Group activity: learners to undertake and | | |

| |application of the basic principles |experience a range of different stretches using | | |

| |of training (FITT) for each fitness training method |different types of flexibility training. | | |

| |linking each fitness training method to the associated |Guest speaker: presentation from sports | | |

| |health-related/ |physiotherapist, followed by question and answer | | |

| |skill-related component of fitness. |session. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Topic B.2 Additional requirements for each of the fitness | | | |

| |training methods: | | | |

| |advantages/disadvantages | | | |

| |application of exercise intensity to fitness training methods | | | |

| |application of principles of training to fitness training | | | |

| |methods | | | |

| |appropriate application of fitness training method(s) for given | | | |

| |situation(s) | | | |

| |appropriate application of fitness training method(s) to given | | | |

| |client needs, goals, aims and objectives. | | | |

| |Topic B.3 Fitness training methods for: | | | |

| |flexibility training: static, ballistic, PNF technique. | | | |

|7 |Topic B.3 cont.: |Tutor presentation: circuit training. |Access to sports hall or visit to local |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(2 hours) |strength, muscular endurance and power training: |Group activity: learners to take part practically |sports centre/gym |with: |

| |circuit training |in the method.** |Access to relevant equipment for circuit |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |aerobic endurance: | |training method |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

| |circuit training. | | | |

|8 |Topic B.3 cont.: |Tutor presentation: training with free weights. |Access to free weights or a gym |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(2 hours) |free weights. |Group activity: learners to take part in the |Access to local sports centre/gym |with: |

| | |method.** | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| | |Visit to a local sports centre or gym for learners| |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

| | |to have an induction to weight training and use | | |

| | |free weights. | | |

|9 |Topic B.3 cont.: |Show a video/DVD of plyometrics training and |A video/DVD of plyometrics training and |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(1 hour) |plyometrics. |exercises. |exercises |with: |

| | |Group activity: learners to take part in the |Access to a sports hall and equipment for |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| | |method.** |undertaking plyometrics training |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

|10 |Topic B.3 cont.: |Individual activity: learners to design their own |Access to sports hall/gym |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(2 hours) |aerobic endurance training: |personal exercise programme. |or visit to local sports centre/gym |with: |

| |continuous training |Group activity: learners to take part in the | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |fartlek training |method.** | |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

| |interval training |Individual activity: learners to review their | | |

| |circuit training. |personal exercise programme. | | |

|11 |Topic B.3 cont.: |Tutor presentation: speed training. |A video/DVD about training for speed (not |Topics B.1, B.2 and B.3 have links|

|(1 hour) |speed training: |Show a video/DVD: different types of drills used |included in this pack; please source own) |with: |

| |hollow sprints |to develop speed, including sport-specific drills.| |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |acceleration sprints |Group activity: learners to take part in the | |Fitness (Topics A.4 & C.1) |

| |interval training. |method.** | | |

|Learning aim C: Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels |

|12 |Topic C.2 Importance of fitness testing to sports performers and|Tutor presentation: introduction to fitness |Guest speaker |Topic C.2 has partial links with: |

|(2 hours) |coaches: |testing. | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |baseline data |Guest speaker: sports coach/county-level sports | |Fitness (Topics A.1 & A.4) |

| |training programme design |performer to discuss the importance of fitness | | |

| |goal setting. |testing in their training regime, followed by | | |

| | |question and answer session. | | |

| |Topic C.3 Requirements for administration of each fitness test: |Individual or paired activity: learners to | | |

| |pre-test procedures |research and design an informed content form. | | |

| |standard test methods/equipment | | | |

| |purpose of each test | | | |

| |measurement and processing of of test results | | | |

| |selection of appropriate fitness tests | | | |

| |reliability, validity and practicality | | | |

| |advantages and disadvantages. | | | |

|13 |Topic C.1 Fitness test methods for components of fitness |Paired of small group activity**: learners to |Fitness testing equipment for the sit and |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(2 hours) |Topic C.3 Requirements for administration of each fitness test |undertake the sit and reach test during lesson |reach test and grip dynamometer test |partial links with: |

| |Topic C.4 Interpretation of fitness test results: |time and interpret their results. |Published normative data tables for |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |In the context of: |Tutor presentation: grip dynamometer. |interpretation of test results |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| |flexibility: sit and reach test |Paired or small group activity: learners to |AS 6 Sit and reach test – data collection | |

| |strength: grip dynamometer. |undertake the test during lesson time and | | |

| | |interpret their results.** | | |

| | |NB. Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 are covered within | | |

| | |delivery of each fitness test. | | |

|14 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: multistage fitness test. |Access to sports hall |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(1 hour) |In the context of aerobic endurance: |Paired or small group activity: learners to |Fitness testing equipment for the multistage |partial links with: |

| |multi-stage fitness test |undertake the test during lesson time and |fitness test |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |definition of VO2 max. |interpret their results.** |Published normative data tables for |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | |NB. Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 are covered within |interpretation of | |

| | |delivery of each fitness test. |test results | |

|15 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: forestry step test. |Fitness testing equipment for the Forestry |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(1 hour) |In the context of aerobic endurance: |Paired or small group activity: learners to |step test |partial links with: |

| |forestry step test. |undertake the test during lesson time and |Published normative data tables for |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| | |interpret their results.** |interpretation of test results |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | |NB. Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 are covered within | | |

| | |delivery of each fitness test. | | |

|16 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: Illinois agility run test. |PS 15 Illinois agility run test |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(1 hour) |In the context of: |Paired or small group activity: learners to |Access to sports hall |partial links with: |

| |speed: 35m sprint |undertake the tests during lesson time and |Stopwatches |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |speed and agility: Illinois agility run test. |interpret their results.** |Cones |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | | |Published normative data tables for | |

| | | |interpretation of test results | |

|17 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: vertical jump test. |Fitness testing equipment for the vertical |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(2 hours) |In the context of: |Paired or small group activity: learners to |jump test |partial links with: |

| |anaerobic power: vertical jump test |undertake the tests during lesson time and |Lewis nomogram |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |muscular endurance: one-minute press-up, one-minute sit-up. |interpret their results.** |Published normative data tables for |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | | |interpretation of test result | |

|18 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Group activity: learners to calculate their Body |Weighing scales |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(2 hours) |In the context of body composition: |Mass Index (BMI). |Height stadiometer |partial links with: |

| |Body Mass Index (BMI) |Tutor presentation: Bioelectrical Impendance |Fitness testing equipment for the BIA test |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| |Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). |Analysis. |Published normative data tables for |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | |Paired or small group activity: learners to |interpretation of test results | |

| | |undertake the tests during lesson time and | | |

| | |interpret their results.** | | |

|19 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Tutor presentation: skinfold testing. |Fitness testing equipment for taking |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(1 hour) |In the context of body composition: |Practical demonstration of skinfold testing |skinfolds or video/ DVD |partial links with: |

| |skinfold testing. |technique from teacher/tutor or show via a | |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| | |video/DVD. | |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

|20 |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 cont.: |Paired or small group activity: learners to |Fitness testing equipment for taking |Topics C.1, C.3 and C.4 have |

|(2 hours) |In the context of body composition: |determine their percentage body fat. |skinfolds |partial links with: |

| |skinfold testing. | |J-P nomogram |Unit 5 Training for Personal |

| | | |Published normative data tables for |Fitness (Topic A.4) |

| | | |interpretation of test results | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC First Sport

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise



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