Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and ...

Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance in Head StartAge of children and family income eligibility1305.4 (a)Concho Valley Council of Governments Head Start/San Angelo Independent School District will use September 1st, as established by the local school district to determine the minimum age of all children eligible for Head Start. A child is considered to be a Head Start eligible and may be enrolled at the beginning of the program year as a three year old. As well children turning three years old after September 1st will be accepted by the program on their 3rd birthday according to eligibility, points calculated from the selection criteria and availability. 1305.4 (b)(1)At least 90% of the children enrolled will come from low income families. Children will be accepted according to their points calculated from the Selection Criteria.The program may accept 35% of families’ whose incomes are between 100-130% of the poverty guidelines. Children with an IEP developed by the LEA may be considered for participation regardless of income eligibility if the 10% of disability and 35% of 100-130% slots have not been exceeded. Only with the approval of the Concho Valley of Governments Administration (Grantee Head Start Director) will any children that are at 130% be considered for the program. All other 130% income families will only be considered for approval when all income eligible families have been exhausted. Children will be accepted according to their points calculated from the Selection Criteria.1305.4 (b)(2)The program maintains waiting lists of income eligible children, 130% and over-income children. Children with an IEP developed by the LEA may be considered for participation regardless of income eligibility if the 10% of disability and 10% of over income slots have not been exceeded. Only and with the approval of Concho Valley Council of Governments Administration (Head Start Director) will any children that are over-income be considered for the program. This number will not exceed ten percent of total enrollment. All other over income families will only be considered for approval when all income eligible Waiting List and 130% Waiting List has been exhausted and efforts have been made to find income eligible families. The Delegate must submit flyers and “Flyer Tracking” before approval is granted by the Grantee. 1305.4 (4) (c) (d)Family Service Worker/Representative must verify one of the following as proof of income: Money wages or salary before deductions; net income from non-farm self-employment; net income from farm self-employment; regular payments from Social Security or railroad retirement; payment from unemployment compensation, strike benefits from union funds, workers’ compensation, veterans benefits, public assistance (including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, Emergency Assistance money payments); training stipends, alimony, child support, and military family allotments or other regular support from an absent family member or someone not living in the household; private pensions, government employee pensions (including military retirement pay) and regular insurance or annuity payments; college or university scholarships, grants, fellowships and assistantships; and dividends, interest, net rental income, net royalties, and periodic receipts from estates or trusts; and net gambling. “No Income Letters” will be accepted only when one of the above is not available. The “No Income Letter” will state who pays their rent, if they receive food stamps, WIC, and/or Medicaid. Information pertinent to the family’s situation will be documented on the “No Income Letter”. “No Income Letters” must be approved by the ERSEA Manager/Specialist. TANF, SSI (Supplemental Security Income), foster children or homeless children will be categorically eligible for the program.1305.4 (4) (e)Family Service Worker/Representative or ERSEA Manager/Specialist will be the only people that will verify income. The “Eligibility Worksheet” will show type of income used to determine eligibility and the signature of the person who verified the income. The ERSEA Manager/Specialist will review the application for final approval, prior to placing the child on a “Waiting List”.Recruitment of Children, including Children with Disabilities1305.5 (a) (b) (c)Head StartACTIONTIMELINERESPONSIBLE PERSONDetermine the number of returning Students.FebruarySite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffRequest help from Policy Council, Policy Committee and parents to recruit families and children with disabilities. MarchSite Supervisor/Family Service Workers Management Staff, Center Directors, Family Service Representatives and ERSEA Manager/ SpecialistConsult with Agencies serving children with Disabilities to inform them of Head Start and make them aware of Pre-Registration dates for the upcoming school year.MarchDisability Manager/SpecialistDistribute flyers and brochures to (but not limited to):Agencies serving children with Disabilities DHS officeWICPublic LibrariesSchool DistrictsClinicsSheltersWorkforceConvenient and/or Grocery StoresLaundry MatsRestaurants CentersPost OfficeDr.’s officeDentist officeChurchesUtility officesCommunity CentersHousing Authority March-September(As needed)Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffCurrent Selection Criteria and Poverty Guidelines will be implemented for the upcoming school year, when applicable. April-MarchERSEA Manager/ SpecialistOver Income families will register for the upcoming school year. AprilSite Supervisor/Family Service Workers, Center Directors & Family Service RepresentativesChildren remaining on the current year Waiting List will be contacted to come and register for the upcoming school year.AprilSite Supervisor/Family Service Workers, Center Directors & Family Service RepresentativesInsert Recruitment information in parent newsletters, Director’s Report and Health Advisory meeting. AprilSite Supervisor/Family Service Workers, Center Directors & Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/Specialist and Management StaffAdvertise Pre-Registration in local newspaper.March or AprilSite Supervisor/Family Service Worker and ERSEA Manager/Specialist Pre-Registration AprilSite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffComplete applications with prospective parents.June-MaySite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffApprove all applications May-MarchERSEA Manager/SpecialistUpon approval of Head Start Application children will be placed on the Waiting List (Income Eligible, 130% or Over Income).May-MarchERSEA Manager/Specialist, Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker, DirectorTake applications from prospective parents as they inquire about the program.June & JulySite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffHead Start will begin accepting income eligible children with the highest points determined by the Selection Criteria from the Income Eligible Waiting List.JuneERSEA Manager/SpecialistContinue to accept income eligible children with the highest points determined by the Selection Criteria. July-AugustERSEA Manager/SpecialistRegistration (Flyers and brochures will be distributed throughout the community) when centers do not have a Waiting List. Early AugustSite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffAccept children from the130% or Over Income Waiting List when all eligible children have been exhausted. 130% and Over income children will only be accepted with the approval of the Grantee Head Start DirectorAugust-March ERSEA Manager/Specialist and Grantee Head Start DirectorConsult with Agencies serving children with Disabilities to inform them of Head Start program.SeptemberDisability Manager/SpecialistFlyers will be posted throughout the communities to maintain a Waiting List.September-MarchSite Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Staff ,Directors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Manager/ Specialist and Management StaffEarly Head StartACTIONTIMELINERESPONSIBLE PERSONChildren remaining on the current year Waiting List will be contacted to come and register for the upcoming school year.End of MarchERSEA ManagerRequest help from Policy Council, Policy Committee and parents to recruit families and children with disabilities. MarchERSEA Specialist and Management StaffConsult with Agencies (ECI) serving children with Disabilities to inform them of Early Head Start Waiting List recruitment dates for the upcoming school year.MarchDisability SpecialistDistribute flyers and brochures to (but not limited to):Agencies serving children with Disabilities DHS officeWICSocial Service Agencies MarchFamily Service Representatives, ERSEA Specialist and Management StaffCurrent Selection Criteria and Poverty Guidelines will be implemented for the upcoming school year, when applicable. April-MarchERSEA SpecialistComplete applications with prospective parents.April-MarchDirectors, Family Service Representatives, ERSEA Specialist and Management StaffApprove all applications and place on Waiting List(Applications approved will be valid through May) April-MarchERSEA Manager/SpecialistEarly Head Start will begin accepting income eligible children with the highest points determined by the Selection Criteria as slots become available.June-MayERSEA SpecialistSelection process1305.6 (a) & (b)The Selection Criteria will be reviewed by the ERSEA Manager and the ERSEA Specialist in December. If changes must be made to the Selection Criteria a meeting will held inviting parents, Site Supervisors/Family Service Workers, Family Service Representatives, Center Directors, Administrators , and members from Policy Council & Policy Committee. The “Selection Criteria” will be approved in February or March if revisions are made.Concho Valley Council of Governments Head Start, San Angelo Independent School District Head Start/Early Head Start will utilize the “Selection Criteria” to prioritize entry into the program. The “Selection Criteria” will determine point given to each family and the child with the highest points will be accepted into the program first except in some cases of children with disabilities. If children have the same amount of points, priority will be given to the 4 year old or the child that will be turning 4 first according to the date of birth and if children have the same date of birth the family who completed their application first has priority.1305.6 (c) (Head Start Act 640(d)(1))Not less than 10 percent of the total number of children actually enrolled in the Grantee’s Head Start and the Delegate’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs will be children with disabilities who are determined to be eligible for special education and related services as determined by the local education agency and/or the early intervention agency. The Disabilities Manager and the Disabilities Specialist will keep monthly records of the number of children with disabilities being serviced. In early January of the program year, the Grantee Disabilities Manager will make a determination if each program (Grantee HS and Delegate HS and EHS) has met the 10 percent requirement. If each program has met the 10 percent requirement no additional action will be taken, recruitment procedures will continue in an effort to maintain 10 percent of the total number of children actually enrolled are children with a disability. If a program (Grantee HS, Delegate HS or EHS) has not met the 10 percent requirement the Grantee Disabilities Manager will request a one or three year waiver from the Head Start Regional Office. The waiver will include the requirements outlined in ACF-PI-HS-09-04 issued 03-10-2009. If applicable the Grantee will request this information from the delegate agency. 1305.6 (d)Concho Valley Council of Governments Head Start-Grantee and San Angelo Independent School District Head Start-Delegate will develop and maintain waiting lists reflecting points calculated from the “Selection Criteria” to assure that eligible children enter the program as vacancies occur. Each child that is on the waiting list must have a complete application that has been approved by the ERSEA Manager/Specialist for enrollment. Children will be placed on the appropriate waiting list. When the “Income-eligible Waiting List” has been exhausted staff will post flyers and document postings on the “Flyer Tracking”. The “Flyer Tracking” must be submitted to the ERSEA Manager/Specialist. Waiting List will be maintained from June – March.San Angelo Independent School District Early Head Start-Delegate will develop and maintain Waiting List reflecting points calculated from the “Selection Criteria” to assure eligible children enter the program as vacancies occur. Each child that is on the waiting list must complete a portion of the application to be placed on the appropriate waiting list. Children will be placed on the appropriate Waiting List. Enrollment and re-enrollment1305.7 (a)Each child enrolled in the Head Start Program will be allowed to remain in Head Start until they are eligible for public school. 3rd year students will have to re-enroll. Income eligibility and “Selection Criteria” will be re-established. Head Start children transferring from the Grantee to Delegate or Delegate to Grantee will transfer under the income and criteria established at enrollment. 1305.7 (b)In both Head Start and Early Head Start, funded enrollment level will be maintained: vacancies will be filled as soon as possible but not to exceed 30 calendar days. The Concho Valley Council of Governments Head Start and San Independent School District Head Start will not fill a vacancy when 60 calendar days or less remain in the program’s enrollment year. 1305.7 (c)If a child has been found income eligible and is participating in the Head Start program, he or she remains income eligible through that enrollment year and the immediate succeeding enrollment year. 3rd year students will have to re-enroll. Early Head Start children will remain eligible while participating in the Early Head Start Program. Early Head children that will be transitioning into the Head Start Program will have to submit current income and complete a Head Start application.Attendance1305.8 (a)Attendance will be monitored weekly by Classroom Staff, Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Center Director, Family Service Representative, and ERSEA Manager/Specialist. Attendance will be submitted weekly to the ERSEA Manager/Specialist, Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker, Family Service Representative and Center Director. At the end of each month the average daily attendance will be calculated and documented on the “Monthly Attendance Report” by the Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker and Center Director and submitted to the ERSEA Manager/Specialist and Family Service Representative for review. When the Grantee falls below 85% the Site Supervisor/Family Service Worker will complete an “85% Below” form that explains why the attendance fell below 85% and the steps taken to rectify the problem. The “85% Below” form is due to the ERSEA Manager on the 5th of each month. When the Delegate falls below 85% the Center Director will complete an “85% Below” form that explains why the attendance fell below 85 % and steps taken to rectify the problem. The “85% Below” form is due to the Family Service Representative on the 5th of each month. The Family Service Representative will submit the “85% Below” to the ERSEA Specialist and the ERSEA Specialist must submit this form to the ERSEA Manager on the 10th of each month.1305.8 (b)Each day a child is absent the clerk/Site Supervisor will contact the family and document efforts and reasons the child was absent on the “Daily/3-Consecutive Days Absence Report”. If a child is out due to an illness (attach Dr’s note, if available) or family emergency no further action is required. If a child is out for 3 consecutive days and no contact has been made a home visit will be conducted by the Family Service Worker/Representative and documented on the “Daily/3-Consecutive Days Absence Report”. When these absences are resulting from other factors including temporary family problems that affects the child’s regular attendance will be addressed by the Family Service Worker/Representative who will provide the appropriate family support and will be sensitive to each family situation. Information gathered will be documented on the “Narrative” form and the benefits of regular attendance, while being sensitive to each family circumstance. “Daily/3-Consecutive Days Absence Report” will be submitted to the ERSEA Manager/Specialist and Family Service Representative on the 3rd consecutive day.1305.8 (c) An “Attendance Action Plan” will be developed by the Family Service Worker/Representative when a child is absent 6 days out of a month and absences are not well documented. Family Service Worker/Representative will meet with the family to develop the “Attendance Action Plan”. The “Attendance Action Plan” must be submitted to the ERSEA Manager/Specialist upon completion. Family Service Worker/Representative will monitor the child’s attendance weekly and review any “Daily/3-Consecutive Days Absence Report”. When chronic absenteeism continues the ERSEA Manager/Specialist will determine whether it’s feasible for the child to continue in the program or may consider the child’s slot an enrollment vacancy. At this time, the Family Service Worker/Representative will send the family a drop letter showing the date(5 calendar days from the date of the letter) the child’s slot as an enrollment vacancy. Policy of fees1305.9Concho Valley Council of Governments Head Start-GranteeSan Angelo Independent School District Head Start/Early Head Start-Delegate will not charge a fee for the participation in the Head Start and Early Head Start. ................

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