



Article - Recognition……………………….………………….……………....3

Article II – Wages……………………………………………….…………….6

Article III – Association and Employee Rights….…………………………..7

Article IV- Paid Leaves…………………….…………………………………9

Article V – Unpaid Leaves of Absence………………………………………12

Article VI – Teacher Assignments………………………...…………………14

Article VII – Insurance……………………………………...………………..16

Article VIII – Evaluation……………………………………..………………17

Article IX- Grievance Procedure…………………………….………………18

Article X – Management Rights………………………….…………………..21

Article XI – Retirement Incentives…………………….…………………….22

Article XII – Effect of Agreement…………………….……...………………25

Appendix A-1 (2013-14)……………………………….……..……………….27

Appendix A-2 (2014-15)…………………………..…………………………..28

Appendix A-3 (2015-16)…………………………..…………………………..29

Appendix B-1 (2013-16)…………………………..…………………………..30

Appendix B-2 (2013-16)…………………………..…………………………..33




The Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 of White, Hamilton, and Gallatin Counties, Illinois (hereinafter “Employer” or “District”) hereby recognizes the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Education Association/IEA-NEA (hereinafter the “Association”) as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all regularly employed full and part-time teachers required to hold a certificate according to I.S.B.E. Document One. Excluded are aides, the superintendent and building principal(s). The term “bargaining unit member” or “employee(s)” when used hereinafter in the Agreement shall refer to all employees represented by the NCOE Education Association/IEA/NEA who are in the bargaining unit as above defined. The term “Employer” or “District” when used hereinafter in the Agreement shall refer to the Board of Education or its Administrative Agents.

1.2 Fair Share

1.2.1 Each bargaining Unit Member as a condition of his/her employment, shall join the Association or pay a fair share fee to the Association in an amount not to exceed the dues uniformly required of members of the Association, including local, state and national dues. Any employee who was a member of the Association but subsequently resigns or withdraws from the Association, shall be subject to a fair share fee to the Association under this provision of the contract.

1.2.2 In the event that the Bargaining Unit Member does not

pay his/her fair share fee directly to the Association a certain date as established by the Association, the Board shall deduct the fair share fee from the wages of the non-member.

1.2.3 Such fee shall be paid to the Association by the Board no later ten (10)

days following deduction.

1.2.4 In the event of any legal action against the Employer brought in a court or administrative agency because of its compliance with this Article, the Association agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel, provided:

A. The Employer gives immediate notice of such action in writing

to the Association, and permits the Association intervention as a party if it so desires;


B. The Employer gives full and complete cooperation to the

Association and its counsel in securing, giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trials and all appellate levels.

1.25 The Association agrees that in any action so defended,

it will indemnify and hold harmless the Employer from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of the Employer’s compliance with this Article. It is expressly understood that his save harmless provision will not apply to any claim, demand, suit or other form of liability which may arise as a result of any type of willful misconduct by the Board or the Board’s imperfect execution of the obligation imposed upon it by this Article.

6. The obligation to pay a fair share fee will not apply to any

Employee who, on the basis of a bonafide religious tenet or teaching of a church or religious body of which such Employee is a member, objects to the payment of fair

fee to the Association. Upon proper substantiation and collection of the entire fee, the Association will make payment in behalf of the Employee to a mutually agreeable non-religious charitable organization as per Association policy and the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board.



2.1 The attached salary schedule (Appendix A) will be in effect for placement and movement on the salary schedule for the bargaining unit members.

2.2 The Employer shall pay the bargaining unit members retirement contributions on behalf of each bargaining unit member.

2.3 Bargaining unit members shall be paid twice monthly.

2.4 Bargaining unit members shall have the right to choose whether they are paid on a nine (9) or twelve (12) month basis except for provision as stated in Article XI.

2.5 Bargaining unit members shall be paid extra for additional duties as listed on Appendix B.

2.6 The employer shall pay the bargaining unit members’ ½ of 1% health insurance contribution to (THIS) on behalf of each bargaining unit member. If the amount goes above 1%, the District will only pay the ½ of 1% and it will be the responsibility of the bargaining unit member to pay above the amount. (Not to be included on Salary Schedules in Appendices).

2.7 Bargaining unit members may advance horizontally (change lines) on the salary schedule by presenting the district superintendent an official transcript on or before January 12th and September 12th of the current school year with pay

increases effective the next pay day.



3.1 School buildings may be used for Association meetings after regular school class hours, provided such meetings do not interfere with the instructional program. The Association representative shall arrange with the building principal for use of a room.

3.2 The Association shall have the right to use faculty mail-boxes for appropriate announcements relating to the conduct of the negotiating agent’s business on behalf of the members of the negotiating unit.

3.3 The Association shall be provided with bulletin board space as approved by the principal in each building. Only authorized representatives of the Association will use the bulletin boards for Association announcements and all material posted will relate only to the Association’s official business as negotiating agent of the teaching staff.

3.4 The Association shall be allowed access to and use of office equipment for the purpose of typing or reproducing Association material. The expense of such use shall be paid by the Association at the same rate charged to other organizations. The Association

shall reimburse the Board for the cost of supplies. The Association agrees not to use designated school equipment.

3.5 If any employee is required to appear before the Board, Superintendent, or building principal concerning any disciplinary matter, the employee shall be allowed a representative of the Association in any such meeting. Further, when any employee is required to appear before the Board, he/she shall be advised in writing of the reasons for the appearance and shall receive the written notice and reasons no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Discipline shall be defined as written reprimand, written warning notice(s), suspension (with or without pay) or dismissal. Discipline of tenured teachers shall be for just cause.

3.6 The Board packet will be given to the Association President and posted on the bulletin board prior to the Board meeting.

3.7 Two employees will be allowed two days each to attend the IEA Convention and the Board will provide the substitute. An additional eight (8) Association days per year will be allowed for Association business provided the Association pays for the substitute.



1. At the beginning of each school year, each employee shall be credited with twelve (12) days of sick leave, the unused portion of which shall accumulate from year to year to three hundred - sixty (360) days maximum, excluding the employee’s annual entitlement provided herein. Those employees with a minimum of sixty (60) days shall be given fourteen (14) days each year. Once an employee has accumulated sufficient days to gain the additional leave days, said employee will not drop to a lower level. The leave days may be used by a bargaining unit member for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions:

4.1.1 Personal Illness or Disability – The employee may use all or any portion of his/her

leave to recover from his/her own illness or disability, which include, in part, all disabilities caused by pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and recover there from.

4. 1.2 Medical or Nursing Care – The employee may use leave days to make arrangements for medical or nursing care for a member of his/her immediate family. Immediate family shall be interpreted as parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and legal guardians.

3. Bereavement – The employee may use sick leave days for bereavement of his/her immediate family. Immediate family shall be interpreted as parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brother-in- law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, and uncle or legal guardian.

4.1.4 Other Bereavement – The employee may use up to two days of sick leave per year for bereavement of friends or relatives not covered in 4.1.3 if approved by Unit District Superintendent.

1. At the beginning of each school year each employee shall be credited with three (3) personal/emergency days, accumulative to a maximum of four (4) days, including annual entitlement. Unused personal days shall be added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave at the end of the year.

4.2.1 Written request for personal leave days be made to the building principal at least

one week in advance.

4.2.2 Emergency situations can be approved by the principal verbally. One-half day personal leave may be approved by the principal.

4.2.3 Personal days may be taken for any reason.

4.2.4 The building principal may deny the request for personal day if adequate substitute teachers cannot be found. Personal leave days may be taken during the day preceding or following a holiday with the following limitations:

No more than one teacher per building may take a personal leave preceding or following a holiday. Personal leave on these days will be granted on a first come, first serve basis, with a restriction of one (1) per employee per school year. Personal leave requests must be made in the school office no sooner than 2 weeks prior to the first day of the school term.

Personal leave days may not be taken during the last two weeks of the school term unless the Building Administrator and Superintendent approve.

2. The Employer shall furnish each employee with a written statement at the beginning of each employee work year setting forth the total sick leave credit.

3. Any Employee called for jury duty during working hours shall be paid his/her full salary less jury duty pay not including per diem allowances. The employee

shall suffer no loss of benefits. Attendance pay for non-use of sick leave shall be established for employees at the following rates:

0 days absent $400

0.5 days absent $300

1 day absent $200

Bereavement days as defined in 4.1.3 shall not count against incentive pay. An employee may use up to two (2) bereavement days per school year as defined in 4.1.3. and not count against incentive pay. Checks will be payable by June 30 of the school year. Any teacher who has reached the maximum accumulation of (360 days) will receive double the above amount and be reimbursed at substitute pay per day for unused personal leave. Any employee taking advantage of the 6% retirement incentive will be ineligible to receive the above incentive pay.



5.1 Leaves of absence may be granted without pay to tenured employees as determined by the Board. Each approved leave of absence shall be of the shortest possible duration required to meet the purpose for the leave. Leaves of absence without pay for not more than one (1) year may be granted to tenured teachers according to the following conditions:

5.1.1 Written requests for leaves of absence without pay should be made at least sixty (60) days in advance, except in cases of emergency.

2. Dates of departure and return must be acceptable to the administration and applicant and determined prior to initiating the request.

3. Leaves of less than six (6) weeks, if acceptable to and approved by the administration, will not require Board approval or sixty (60) days notice.

4. Leaves may be granted for: Advanced study leading to a degree in an approved university. Educationally related travel if the applicant provides an itinerary and an explanation of how such travel will improve the educational program. Military service. Maternity or adoption. Temporary of relocation of spouse. Other reasons acceptable to the Board which will improve the education program in the District.

5. Employees on leave will retain seniority. A year’s seniority will be granted if the teacher works at least 120 full-time equivalent days during the school year.

6. Employees will not advance on the salary schedule unless working at least 120 full-time equivalent days in any given school year in which the leave is effective.

7. The employee shall inform the Superintendent of his/her intent to return for the following year by December 1 or April 1 for leaves scheduled to end with the following semester.

The teacher shall be returned to his/her former position, if the position still exists, or to a comparable position.



1. All teachers will be given notice of any change in their tentative assignments

at least thirty (30) days prior to the first school day.

2. Teachers who are assigned to more than one building within the District

shall have their schedules arranged to that travel time between such

buildings does not infringe upon the traveling teacher’s lunch period or preparation period.

3. Teachers who are assigned to teach in separate buildings within the District

and who are required to use their personal vehicles for transportation

between these separate buildings shall be reimbursed by the District at the

State rate as verified by Central Management Services on or before August 15 of each year provided that such rate shall not change during the year. Said payments are to be paid to the traveling teacher at the end of the school year.

4. Vacancies and Transfers

6.4.1 As soon as possible after learning of a vacancy in the District, the

Superintendent will post a notice in each attendance center. During the summer, the Superintendent will notify the President of the Association by mail. No position will be filled on a permanent basis until the vacancy has been posted for five (5) days. Application for transfer to a vacancy by an employee currently employed shall be given due consideration by the Board in making its decision on the position.

2. Any employee who has applied for a vacancy and is qualified for the

position may request in writing an interview by filing said request

during the five (5) days of the posting. The interview shall be

conducted prior to the completion of the posting unless the time

limit is mutually waived. The interview shall be conducted by the

Superintendent or his designate. Vacancies occurring between August 1 and the beginning of the school year are not required to meet the posting and interview timelines, but the district will make reasonable efforts to interview legally qualified current employees who might be interested in such position(s).

4. Employee Work Day Each employee shall be in his/her building no later than 7:50

AM. The employee’s work day shall end when he/she feels that his/her professional obligations have been met but no earlier than 3:20 PM. Teachers will remain a reasonable period of time after dismissal for parent conferences provided that the parents schedule the conference with the teacher in advance. Meetings or conferences required by the principal or superintendent will be called only when necessary, however, the district administration may extend the work day for a half hour before or after school for staff meetings up to ten (10) times per school year. Such extensions do not apply to institute days. An employee may schedule doctor appointments and other matters of necessity during the work day and not be charged leave under the following conditions:

1. The absence cannot exceed two (2) clock hours or two (2)

class periods.

2. The employee makes arrangements for coverage at no cost

to the district.



1. The Employer shall pay 100% of each eligible bargaining unit members

Individual group health insurance policy (Medical, Dental, and Vision) up to a maximum rate of $550.00 for school years 2016-18. Such policy shall be of equal or similar coverage and be approved by the Employer and the Association.

7.1.1 Any bargaining unit member upon retirement or on leave shall

be entitled to a continuation of insurance benefits, provided said member reimburses the District for the cost of the insurance premium five (5) days prior to the due date of said premium.

7.1.2 The Employer shall pay 100% of each eligible bargaining unit members’

Individual term life insurance policy in the face amount of $25,000 for the

length of the contract.



1. Evaluation will be based on the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield District

Number 3 Teacher Evaluation Plan which has been developed in cooperation with the Association. The evaluation process will be reviewed biennially by the joint committee of Association President and the administration. The Association shall appoint faculty members on the committee from each building site. The evaluation plan shall be in compliance with Senate Bill 7. Any changes in the plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Education and the bargaining unit.



1. Definitions – A Grievance shall be:

9.1.1 Any claim by the Association that this contract has been violated and that the contractual rights of the employees have been impaired.

2. All time limits consist of school days. Except when a grievance is

submitted fewer than ten (10) days before the close of the current school term, then time limits shall consist of all week days. Timelines may be extended by mutual consent. Grievance must be submitted within twenty (20) days of occurrence of grievance.

1. Procedures – The parties acknowledge that an employee and the Employer may resolve problems through free and informal communications, however, a grievance shall be processed as follows

9.2.1 STEP 1 – The grievant may present the grievance in writing to the immediately involved supervisor, who will arrange for a meeting to take place within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance. The Association’s representative, the grievant, and the immediately involved supervisor shall be present for the meeting. Within ten (10) days of the meeting, the grievant and the Association shall be provided with the supervisor’s written response, including the reason(s) for the decision.

9.2.2 STEP II – If the grievance is not resolved at Step I, then the Association may refer the grievance to the superintendent or the superintendent’s official designee within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Step I answer. The superintendent shall arrange with the Association representative for a meeting to take place within ten (10) days of the superintendent’s receipt of the appeal. Within the (10) days of the meeting, the Association shall be provided with the superintendent’s written response, including the reason(s) for the decision.

9.2.3 STEP III – If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step II, the Association may submit the grievance to final and binding arbitration, or a demand for arbitration is not filed with the Employer within ten (10) days of the date of the Step II answer, then the grievance shall be deemed withdrawn. If within ten (10) days of the filing of the demand with the Employer the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, the demand shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association which shall act as the administrator of the proceedings. The authority of the arbitrator shall be limited to rendering a decision based upon the terms of this Agreement, and shall not include the authority to change or modify any of the terms or conditions thereof.

2. Bypass – By mutual agreement, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed.

3. Class Grievance – Class grievance involving one or more employees or one or more supervisors, and grievances involving an administrator above the building level may be initially filed by the Association at Step II.

4. No Reprisals Clause – No disciplinary action shall be taken by the Employer against any employee because of the employee’s participation or refusal to participate in a grievance.

5. Released Time – Should a Step II or III grievance hearing require that an employee or an Association representative be released from their regular assignment, the employee or Association representative shall be released without loss of pay or benefits.

6. Grievance Resolution – A grievance may be settled at any level without establishing precedent.

7. No Written Response – If no written decision has been rendered within the time limits indicated by a step, then the grievance may be advanced to the next step.

8. AAA Rules – Upon mutual agreement, the Expedited Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association shall be used instead of the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules.

9. Costs – The fees and the expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the parties.

10. Postponement – If only one party requests the postponement of an arbitration hearing, that party shall bear the cost of such postponement.



1. It is expressly understood and agreed that all functions, rights, powers, or authority of the administration of the School District and the Board of Education which are not specifically limited by the express language of this Agreement are retained by the Board provided, however, that no such right shall be exercised so as to violate any of the specific provisions of this Agreement.



1. The Board shall recognize the service of any full-time teacher who is eligible to receive regular retirement pension benefits, through the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) of the State of Illinois.

11.2 Retirement Incentive Plan

An employee tendering an irrevocable letter of resignation in conformance with the following conditions shall be eligible for a retirement incentive in up to each of his/her final for years of teaching.

To be eligible, the teacher must:

1. Be at least sixty (60) years of age on or before December 31 of the year of retirement; or

2. Be at least fifty-five (55) years of age with at least thirty five (35) years of creditable service as defined by the Illinois Teacher Retirement System by the last day of service in the school district; and

3. Have at least a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in the District.

4. Submit an irrevocable letter of resignation on or before December 31 to begin the retirement process.

5. An eligible employee shall be removed from the salary schedule and for each year of eligibility the employee’s creditable earnings will be increased by six percent (6.0%) over the employee’s TRS creditable earnings for the prior year of employment.

6. If an employee has an extra duty obligation at the commencement of the retirement incentive program and ceases to perform those services during the retirement incentive program period, the calculation of the employee’s six percent (6%) increase shall be reduced by the amount of the extra duty compensation.

11.3 Definitions

For purposes of the Article, TRS creditable compensation (earnings) includes (but is not limited to):

Salary for regular contractual teachings duties

Wages for substitute teaching

Wages for homebound teaching or tutoring

Earnings for extra duties performed that relate to teaching or supervision of students, and other assignments related to the academic program


Contributions to qualified plans eligible for tax-deferral under the Internal Revenue Code, Sections 401(a), 403(b) and 457(b)

Contributions to flexible benefit plans

4. Miscellaneous

Once an irrevocable letter of retirement is submitted, the employee will not be assigned any additional extra duties or TRS reportable duties not currently being performed without the consent of the employee.

In the event any employee has submitted his/her irrevocable letter of retirement, but fails to meet the eligibility requirements because of illness or life-changing circumstances, the Board, in its sole discretion, may allow the employee to rescind his/her letter of retirement, provided the employee returns to the Board any TRS creditable earnings paid to the employee in excess of the amount the employee otherwise would have received under the salary schedule for such year(s) in which the retirement incentive(s) were paid.

11.5 If, during the term of this Agreement, legislation is enacted and/or administrative rules are implemented that require the Board to pay a penalty to TRS or incur a greater cost than the cost than the costs generated by this Section, by reason of a teacher retiring hereunder, the provisions of this Section shall be null and void.

Employee shall not be paid in excess of six percent (6%) in any year. If any employee is eligible to receive salary or other TRS creditable earnings in excess of six percent (6%) in any year, any amount in excess of six percent (6%) shall be paid to the employee in the next succeeding school year(s).

If after submitting an irrevocable letter or retirement, the employee resigns from or is removed from duties for which the employee was compensated the previous year (i.e., Schedule B, extended contract and/or stipends), the employee’s TRS creditable earnings will be adjusted accordingly.

This benefit is only available whenever an employee if first eligible to retire without an ERO cost to the Board, he or she must retire by the end of the school year in which he or she first gains eligibility. Failure to retire at the end of the year in which he or she first gains eligibility will forever foreclose the employee from employment with the District. An employee who is less than sixty (60) years of age but who has thirty-five (35) years of creditable service cannot defer eligibility until he or she reaches age sixty (60). Eligibility occurs only once.



1. Complete Understanding - The terms and conditions set forth in this

Agreement represent the full and complete understanding between the parties hereto which may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from, or modified only through mutual consent of the parties. The Association agrees that all negotiable items have been discussed during the bargaining leading to this Agreement, and agrees that negotiations will be re-opened on the effect of any item contained in this Agreement during the life of this Agreement. The Employer retains its statutory right to manage the school district.

2. Savings Clause – Should any article, section, or clause of this Agreement be

declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that article, section, or clause shall be deleted from this Agreement to the extent that it violates the law. The remaining articles, sections, and clauses shall remain in full force and effect.

3. No Strike – During the term of this Agreement, employees represented by the

Association agree not to strike, or engage in or support or encourage the concerted refusal to render full and complete services in the school d

district or to engage in or support any activity whatsoever which would disrupt in any manner the operation of the schools.

4. Terms of Agreement – This Agreement shall become effective immediately

upon signing, and shall continue in effect until 11:59 PM on the day prior to the first teacher attendance of the 2018-2019 school year. This Agreement is signed this 22nd day of June, 2016.

In witness thereof:

For the NCOE Education For the Board of Education

Association, IEA/NEA School District No. 3

____________________ ______________________

President President

________________________ ___________________________

Secretary Secretary

Appendix A-Salary Schedule

2013-2014 (Includes TRS)

|Years |BS |BS+15 |BS+24 |MS |MS+15 |MS+24 |

|1 |29243 |29706 |29938 |30170 |30633 |31134 |

|3 |29943 |30406 |30638 |30870 |31333 |31834 |

|5 |30968 |31431 |31663 |31895 |32358 |32859 |

|7 |32193 |32656 |32888 |33120 |33583 |33814 |

|9 |33393 |33856 |34088 |34320 |34783 |35014 |

|11 |34681 |35189 |35444 |35698 |36206 |36460 |

|13 |36257 |36855 |37156 |37454 |38052 |38352 |

|15 |37865 |38521 |38868 |39210 |39898 |40244 |

|17 |39409 |40187 |40580 |40966 |41744 |42136 |

|19 |40985 |41853 |42292 |42722 |43590 |44028 |

|21 |42561 |43519 |44004 |44478 |45436 |45920 |

|23 |44137 |45185 |45716 |46234 |47282 |47812 |

|25 |45713 |46851 |47428 |47990 |49128 |49704 |

|27 |47289 |48517 |49140 |49746 |50974 |51596 |

|29 |48865 |50183 |50852 |51502 |52820 |53488 |

|31 | |51849 |52564 |53258 |54666 |55380 |

|33 | | | |55014 |56512 |57272 |

| |750 | | | | | |



Appendix A-Salary Schedule

2014-2015 (Includes TRS)

|Years |BS |BS+15 |BS+24 |MS |MS+15 |MS+24 |

|1 |29893 |30356 |30588 |30820 |31283 |31784 |

|3 |30593 |31056 |31288 |31520 |31983 |32484 |

|5 |31293 |31756 |31988 |32220 |32683 |33184 |

|7 |32593 |33056 |33288 |33520 |33983 |34534 |

|9 |33793 |34256 |34236 |34720 |35183 |35414 |

|11 |34893 |35356 |35588 |35820 |36283 |36514 |

|13 |36469 |37022 |37300 |37576 |38129 |38406 |

|15 |38045 |38688 |39012 |39332 |39975 |40298 |

|17 |39621 |40345 |40724 |41088 |41821 |42190 |

|19 |41197 |42020 |42436 |42844 |43667 |44082 |

|21 |42773 |43686 |44148 |44600 |45513 |45974 |

|23 |44349 |45352 |45860 |46356 |47359 |47866 |

|25 |45925 |47108 |47572 |48112 |49205 |49758 |

|27 |47511 |48684 |49284 |49868 |51051 |51650 |

|29 |49077 |50350 |50996 |51624 |52897 |53542 |

|31 | |52016 |52708 |53380 |54743 |55434 |

|33 | | | |55136 |56589 |57326 |

| |1000 | | | | | |



Appendix A-Salary Schedule

2015-2016 (Includes TRS)

|Years |BS |BS+15 |BS+24 |MS |MS+15 |MS+24 |

|1 |30543 |31006 |31238 |31470 |31933 |32434 |

|3 |31243 |31706 |31938 |32170 |32633 |33134 |

|5 |31943 |32406 |32638 |32870 |33333 |33834 |

|7 |32968 |33431 |33663 |33895 |34358 |34859 |

|9 |34193 |34656 |34888 |35120 |35583 |35814 |

|11 |35393 |35856 |36088 |36320 |36783 |37014 |

|13 |36681 |37189 |37444 |37698 |38206 |38460 |

|15 |38257 |38855 |39156 |39454 |40052 |40352 |

|17 |39865 |40521 |40868 |41210 |41898 |42244 |

|19 |41409 |42187 |42580 |42966 |43744 |44136 |

|21 |42985 |43853 |44292 |44722 |45590 |46028 |

|23 |44561 |45519 |46004 |46478 |47436 |47920 |

|25 |46137 |47185 |47716 |48234 |49282 |49812 |

|27 |47713 |48851 |49428 |49990 |51128 |51704 |

|29 |49289 |50517 |51140 |51746 |52974 |53596 |

|31 | |52183 |52852 |53502 |54820 |55488 |

|33 | | | |55258 |56666 |57380 |

| |1000 | | | | | |




| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2013-2014 |2014-2015 |2015-2016 |

| | | | | |


|HIGH SCHOOL | | | |

|0-5 | |1724 |1758 |1793 |

|6-10 | |2304 |2350 |2397 |

|11-15 | |2876 |2934 |2993 |

|16+ | |3454 |3523 |3593 |

| | | | | |


|BOOTH AND NCO | | | |

|0-5 | |653 |667 |680 |

|6-10 | |860 |877 |895 |

|11-15 | |1078 |1100 |1122 |

|16+ | |1295 |1321 |1347 |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |4607 |4699 |4793 |

|6-10 | |5615 |5727 |5842 |

|11-15 | |6620 |6752 |6887 |

|16+ | |7632 |7785 |7941 |

| | | | | |

|H.S. BASEBALL | | | |

|H.S. SOFTBALL | | | |

|0-5 | |2016 |2056 |2097 |

|6-10 | |2448 |2497 |2547 |

|11-15 | |2876 |2934 |2993 |

|16+ | |3313 |3379 |3447 |

| | | | | |

|H.S. VOLLEYBALL | | | |

|0-5 | |3168 |3231 |3296 |

|6-10 | |3741 |3816 |3892 |

|11-15 | |4322 |4408 |4496 |

|16+ | |4895 |4993 |5093 |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |1222 |1246 |1271 |

|6-10 | |1441 |1470 |1499 |

|11-15 | |1658 |1691 |1725 |

|16+ | |1875 |1913 |1951 |

|X | | | | |

| | |2013-2014 |2014-2015 |2015-2016 |

|H.S. TRACK | | | | |

|0-5 | |1223 |1247 |1272 |

|6-10 | |1441 |1470 |1499 |

|11-15 | |1656 |1689 |1723 |

|16+ | |1875 |1913 |1951 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |3358 |3425 |3494 |

|6-10 | |3557 |3628 |3701 |

|11-15 | |3753 |3828 |3905 |

|16+ | |3956 |4035 |4116 |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |1586 |1618 |1650 |

|6-10 | |1875 |1913 |1951 |

|11-15 | |2158 |2201 |2245 |

|16+ | |2448 |2497 |2547 |

| | | | | |

|H.S. ASST. SOFTBALL | | | |

|H.S. ASST. |BASEBALL | | | |

|0-5 | |1451 |1480 |1507 |

|6-10 | |1716 |1750 |1785 |

|11-15 | |1975 |2015 |2055 |

|16+ | |2240 |2285 |2331 |

| | | | |


|0-5 | |3817 |3893 |3971 |

|6-10 | |4465 |4554 |4645 |

|11-15 | |5113 |5215 |5319 |

|16+ | |5760 |5875 |5993 |

| | |1270 |1270 |1270 |

|H.S. GOLF | | | | |

| | | |


| | | | | |

|0-5 | |1295 |1321 |1347 |

|6-10 | |1441 |1470 |1499 |

|11-15 | |1584 |1616 |1648 |

|16+ | |1724 |1758 |1793 |

| | | |

| | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |1295 |1321 |1347 |

|6-10 | |1441 |1470 |1499 |

|11-15 | |1584 |1616 |1648 |

|16+ | |1724 |1758 |1793 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |717 |731 |746 |

|6-10 | |792 |808 |824 |

|11-15 | |860 |877 |895 |

|16+ | |937 |956 |975 |

| | | | | |

|G.S. TRACK | | | |

|0-5 | |746 |761 |776 |

|6-10 | |948 |967 |986 |

|11-15 | |1153 |1176 |1200 |

|16+ | |1359 |1386 |1414 |

| | | | | |

|G.S. ASST. BASEBALL |868 |885 |903 |

| | | | | |

|G.S. ASST. SOFTBALL |868 |885 |903 |

| | | | | |



|0-5 | |2592 |2644 |2697 |

|6-10 | |2952 |3011 |3071 |

|11-15 | |3313 |3379 |3447 |

|16+ | |3670 |3743 |3818 |

| | | | | |


|0-5 | |860 |877 |895 |

|6-10 | |936 |955 |974 |

|11-15 | |1006 |1026 |1047 |

|16+ | |1078 |1100 |1122 |

| | | | | |

|G.S. BASKETBALL 5TH |818 |834 |851 |

| | | | | |

|G.S. BASKETBALL 6TH |818 |834 |851 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | | | | | |

| | | | |2013-2014 |2014-2015 |2015-2016 |

| | | | | | | |


|SPONSOR | | |1288 |1314 |1340 |

| | | | | | | |

|G.S. CHEERLEADER | | | | |

|SPONSOR (2) | | |1151 |1174 |1197 |

| | | | | | | |

|H.S. CHEERLEADER | | | | |

|SPONSOR | | |1652 |1685 |1719 |

| | | | | | | |


|CLUB SPONSORS | | |717 |731 |746 |

| | | | | | | |

|SPANISH CLUB SPONSOR | |717 |731 |746 |

| | | | | | | |

|FCCLA / FFA | | |1577 |1609 |1641 |

| | | | | | | |

|PEP CLUB | | |1007 |1027 |1048 |

| | | | | | | |

|BAND DIRECTOR | | |4680 |4774 |4869 |

| | | | | | | |


|SPONSOR | | |1151 |1174 |1197 |

| | | | | | | |


|ANOTHER TEACHER | |18.76 |18.76 |18.76 |

| | | | | | | |

|VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR | |1441 |1470 |1499 |

| | | | | | | |

|YEARBOOK | | |1652 |1685 |1719 |

| | | | | | | |

|WYSE | | | |829 |846 |863 |

| | | | | | | |


|BOOTH, NCO | | |643 |656 |669 |

| | | | | | | |



| | | | | | | |

G.S. YEARBOOK 500 510 520



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