|In this section: |

|* Photographs of the increase in biophoton levels in water after being energised by the Universal Harmoniser. |

|* The importance of water in physical health and spiritual well being. |

|* Body Balancing And Self Healing. |

|* Photographs of the biophoton levels in water after being energised by the Universal Harmoniser and the quartz crystal pyramid. |

|* Space Clearing Rooms And Buildings. |

|* Aligning and Correcting (clearing) the flow of energy from the Assemblage Point. |

|* Plus LINKS to TESTIMONIES from users of the energy products, + more PHOTOGRAPHS of the CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE of water - courtesy of |

|MASARU EMOTO IN JAPAN - after being energised by the Universal Harmoniser, + photographs of the products and links to our online |


|[pic] |

|We can see a complete difference in this photograph of energised water compared to those in the Enhancer range. This image shows the |

|effect of the Universal Harmoniser upon the structure of water and the image of biophoton activity resembles both a super nova and also |

|the cellular environment around the nucleus. It an example of the macrocosm and the microcosm being a reflection of each other. (See |

|Articles) |

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|Scroll down the page to see an amazing photograph of water energised by the Harmoniser + quartz crystal pyramid. |

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|The energies produced by the Universal Harmoniser surpass those of the Enhancers and are of a much higher vibration, penetrating and |

|working on a deeper level. It, therefore, has a more qualitative effect on water and within the human body and its energy fields. The |

|Universal Harmoniser epitomises the essence of nature, working through the simple process of implosion and explosion to maintain perfect |

|balance. |

|The Universal Harmoniser is slightly smaller than A6 size. They are available in two combinations with quartz crystal pyramids to amplify |

|and complement their energies. Please scroll down the page for descriptions on the available combinations. |

| |

|To see testimonies from users of the Universal Harmonisers, please CLICK HERE. |

| |

|CLICK HERE to see more photographs of the crystalline structure of water after being energised by the Universal Harmonisers, courtesy of |

|Masaru Emoto in Japan |

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|The Importance Of The Quality And Purity of Water In Physical Health & Spiritual Wellbeing |

|One of the important properties of Water is its ability to store and share information, and in particular photons - particles of light |

|(energy/information). As photons also exist in the living cells of plants, animals and humans, they are often referred to as biophotons in|

|biological systems. |

|As our cellular environment is composed of between 75 - 90% water, our cells store and emit photons too, which control vital processes. |

|DNA lies in the centre of every living cell, coiled like a snake or a serpent and is surrounded by water (intracellular fluid). As science|

|has now confirmed, our DNA is composed of light (energy) and emits this light (photons/biophotons) which contains instructions on how the |

|cell should behave and replicate. Thus, the biological cell receives information from our DNA in the form of light/energy via the cells |

|internal watery environment, simply because water stores and shares information. And water stores and shares information from ALL energy |

|sources, man-made or natural. |

|This inner light (energy from our DNA), gradually expands out from the centre of the cell, spreading throughout our whole body courtesy of|

|our internal watery environment, and finally extends from the body where it forms the Auric or Biophysical field courtesy of the water |

|molecules in the air around us. This is how, through water, we and our energy field interact and communicate with everything around us. |

|For example, when our internal bodily water stores energies or incoherent light from man-made toxic chemicals, additives, pesticides, |

|EMF's, mobile phones and their emission towers, other people's energies etc., these imbalanced energies or 'memory stores' then begin to |

|distort or scramble the coherent balanced light emitted from our DNA and the information from our DNA and the corresponding instructions |

|to our cells on how to behave, replicate etc., is altered and compromised. This process alters our energy fields in a detrimental way and |

|this corresponding imbalance in energy is then reflected in the physical as our biological cells begin to behave and replicate in |

|accordance with the distorted and imbalanced 'instructions' they are now receiving.. |

|As we humans are composed of 70-80% water, it becomes very apparant that the quality of the water in our body - aka its 'memory' - plays a|

|mojor role in our overall physical health and spiritual well being. Energy can only express itself in this physical reality through the |

|properties of water. Water stores and shares healthy AND unhealthy energy - information/memory - with ALL life forms. We humans are no |

|exception to the rule. |

|When we understand the properties of water and how this wonderful medium stores information/energy, we can begin to appreciate waters |

|contribution towards creating life in the first place and towards the 'illhealth' or 'good health' of all living things, and additionally,|

|how places or dwellings can become imbalanced over time, depending on the 'memories' they hold. |

|CLICK HERE to see more photographs of the crystalline structure of water after being energised by the Universal Harmonisers, courtesy of |

|Masaru Emoto in Japan |

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|For Body Balancing and Self-Healing |

|This package consists of Two Harmonisers and two quartz crystal pyramids. |

|Suggested uses: |

|1. Lying down comfortably, place one Harmoniser over the heart area with the crystal on top of it and the other Harmoniser over the navel |

|area with the crystal on top of it. This allows an individual with no 'healing' experience to simply and easily cleanse, balance and |

|strengthen their chakras and various energy fields of their body - from cellular level outwards, encompassing the whole biophysical/auric |

|field. See photographs under Biophysical Enhancers, which show how an increase in (bio)photon levels within our cells automatically |

|results in an expansion of the natural and protective energy fields of the whole body. |

|2. Lying down, place one Harmoniser on the forehead and the other between the feet with a crystal on top of each one. This can help the |

|body to ground negative energies and improve our intuition and psychic abilities. |

|3. While sitting and relaxing, place one Harmoniser under each foot. This stimulates the Zonal and Reflex Points of the feet as well as |

|the Meridians. |

|4. Holding a Harmoniser in each hand between the thumb and one finger, then by changing fingers we can clear and strengthen the meridians |

|through the fingers helping to balance the whole body. |

|5. Place drinks and food on the Harmoniser before consuming to improve their vibrancy and energy value. In addition to increasing the |

|levels of photons (light~energy) in food and drink, the Harmoniser helps to transmute imbalanced energies into a more balanced and |

|harmonious state. |

|6. As the energy fields of the individual are amplified and strengthened, this naturally helps Therapists in their healing work by |

|enabling them to locate areas of blockage/damage more readily and discern when they have been cleared. |

|7. Place by the bedside during sleep to help balance surrounding energies and likewise on the desk when working on the computer. |

|8. Full instructions for Aligning and Clearing the Assemblage Point provided (see below) and a Chart detailing the TEN (10) Major Chakras |

|+ relevant minor chakras + full cleansing and balancing procedures also provided. |

|If you would like to order this product please CLICK HERE. |

| |

|To see testimonies from users of the Universal Harmonisers, please CLICK HERE. |

| |

|CLICK HERE to see more photographs of the crystalline structure of water after being energised by the Universal Harmonisers, courtesy of |

|Masaru Emoto in Japan |

| |

|For Space Clearing Rooms And Buildings |

|This package consists of Four Harmonisers and Four Quartz Crystal Pyramids |

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|[pic] |

|This photograph is of water after being energised by the Universal Harmoniser AND the quartz crystal pyramid. The water was placed above |

|the apex of the pyramid crystal with the crystal sitting on the Harmoniser to show the effect this has upon the water molecules in the |

|environment and the air around us. Professor Schweitzer writes, 'In applying the set up you have proposed, the manifestation of 3D space =|

|LIFE, has multiplied itself as a chain of cubes. Your card has the multiplication factor in the form of circles = continuity. In addition,|

|the light reflective potential is enormous. This amount of Photon presence is a very good stimulator for ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) the |

|essential compound for photosynthesis.' |

| |

|ATP is a nucleotide molecule found in all cells. It is used to drive the thousands of biological processes needed to sustain life, growth,|

|movement and reproduction. Green plants use light (photons) to manufacture ATP as part of the process of Photosynthesis. It is the |

|synthesis of complex molecules needed by individual cells and is indispensable to the balance and over all health of the cell. |

|From the photograph, we can see how the photons, or light, are continually expanded (multiplied) uniformly, bringing the surrounding water|

|molecules into a likewise balanced or LIFE state of existence. This process continues over time, until we have a uniquely balanced and |

|healthy environment in which we can live and work. This is a natural, simple, yet very safe and effective way of achieving the Ultimate in|

|Space Clearing - creating a wonderful, safe, healthy and vibrant atmosphere around us. Which is excellent for us, our plants, animals and |

|not forgetting Mother Earth too. |

|This same expansion of life is also experienced within the human body when the Harmonisers are used for Self-Healing and Body Balancing. |

|A Harmoniser and crystal can be placed in each corner of a room or building to cleanse and balance the atmosphere and contents in this |

|way. See 'How our Products Work' on our Energy Products Page. |

|Modern medicine treats the symptoms rather than the cause of an illness. Feng Shui and Space Clearing techniques are helpful, but are |

|similar in the way they too treat the symptoms of negative energy rather than the cause. Unlike many other forms of Space Clearing that |

|merely force the negative energy elsewhere, the Universal Harmoniser helps to 'IMPLODE' negative energies, transforming them and then |

|'EXPLODING' purified energy back into the surrounding environment. As the expansion of purified energies works through resonance, the |

|cleansing process improves over time. |

|This Unique process REDUCES the amount of unbalanced energies in the environment and by producing a purer vibration in our living and |

|workplace, we are encouraging spiritual growth and restoration of balance within the physical body. |

|CLICK HERE to see more photographs of the crystalline structure of water after being energised by the Universal Harmonisers, courtesy of |

|Masaru Emoto in Japan |

| |

|To order this product please click here. |



|There is not a lot written about the Assemblage Point and we seem to have little understanding today of its important role in our physical|

|and spiritual life and wellbeing. Unfortunately, much of what has been written to date, is incomplete and inaccurate and appears to be |

|based on misunderstandings and miscomprehensions of its true function in our past and present physical and spiritual existence. See |

|Shopping For Spirit Parts Three & Seven For more information. |

|The Assemblage Point is a very important energy connection, which, when aligned correctly in the center of the heart chakra and when |

|functioning and flowing naturally from in to out, helps to purify our energy fields and protect us from all forms of external imbalanced |

|and, therefore, potentially harmful energies. The Assemblage Point (A.P.) represents our internal connection with Source, and NOT an |

|external connection, as many are encouraged to believe today. The A. P. is the purifying and balancing energy inherent in all living |

|things. It is our protective shield in this physical reality; it is the energy of unconditional love, the purity and the light that we |

|are. The energy, or filaments of light that make up the Assemblage Point, originate from within us and expands outwards, front and back, |

|encompassing the whole body in a kind of protective cocoon of energy - or so it should. |

|Unfortunately over time, due to the increasing and constant externalization of truth and spirituality in many ancient and developing |

|cultures, along with our openness - and the incessant pressure from officialdom - to give our power away to other people and certain |

|belief systems, coupled with that human weakness - the desire for more power, money and control - the Assemblage Point's natural exit |

|route at the rear of the body - the back of the heart chakra - has become locked, or blocked, at the juncture of the spine. |

|For thousands of years, we humans have, and are continuing to suffer from the loss of this purifying energy, which is, and has been, |

|unable to flow freely and naturally from the rear of our body. As a result, we are unable to adequately protect and purify the rear of our|

|energy fields. This leaves our energy field and the chakras at the back of the body vulnerable to attack from external imbalanced negative|

|energies and thought forms that have the potential to lodge in, or attach to, our energy fields, where they can cause imbalances that can |

|affect the 'memory' and purity of our consciousness and our energy fields. This imbalance can then create blockages which may present |

|themselves as upper or lower back pain, neck problems, tiredness and lethargy, emotional changes, anxiety, depression, mood swings and a |

|whole range of other physical and mental/emotional problems. |

|Sadly, today, because we have forgotten about the 'inner journey', the ability to look within us for the answers, the same is happening to|

|the Assemblage Point exit route from the front of the heart chakra. Our constant belief that the physical reality is the only reality |

|there is, and our belief that enlightenment, spirituality and physical health; in fact everything we need, exists outside of us, has once |

|again begun to alter the natural flow of the Assemblage Point, but worryingly, this time at the front of the body. (See Shopping For |

|Spirit - The Search For Truth Part Three and Seven, Under Articles Section, for more information). If this continues, the natural flow and|

|the purifying qualities of our A. P. will be shut down completely and we will become totally reliant on, and fed by, all the external |

|energies we have created over time, the majority of which are fear-based and therefore unbalanced. This process will affect our |

|consciousness and energy fields accordingly and human consciousness will decay even further with our collective actions gradually becoming|

|even less loving, sharing and caring than they are now. |

|This is why I believe it is essential that the energy flow from both the front and rear of the Assemblage Point is released, and this |

|energy is allowed to flow naturally from within us to without, if we are to re-establish a healthy physical and spiritual mind/body and |

|restore a 'health-before-profit' mentality into human consciousness. When the flow of energy is released from the A. P. at the back of the|

|heart chakra, an unparalleled level of purifying light energy is liberated. This restores the natural balance between the front and back |

|of the body, providing our energy fields with a level of protection and harmony that has been unprecedented in humans for many many years.|

|This process allows us to grow spiritually and evolve physically in a natural way. |

|In a recent workshop, it was demonstrated that the alignment of the Assemblage Point in the center of the heart chakra, the correction and|

|strengthening of the A. P.'s natural flow, both front, and most importantly, by unblocking the flow at the back, could be achieved very |

|effectively by using the Universal Harmonisers and a simple procedure. This process, in keeping with how Nature works, takes only about |

|fifteen minutes and can be carried out quite easily by absolutely anybody that has an interest in helping human consciousness and, |

|therefore, our contribution or not, towards restoring balanced health to humans and the environment of the Earth. This information, with |

|full instructions, IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING with all Universal Harmonisers. This will hopefully obviate the need for people to attend|

|for any training in this important procedure. |

|To order this energy product please CLICK HERE. |

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|To see testimonies from users of the Universal Harmonisers, please CLICK HERE. |

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|CLICK HERE to see more photographs of the crystalline structure of water after being energised by the Universal Harmonisers, courtesy of |

|Masaru Emoto in Japan |

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|See separate information for details of Equilibra's other energy products and our healing, self-development and self-awareness workshops. |

|For further information contact Steve on tel: (011 from US) +44(0)1642 872610 fax: (011 from US) +44(0)1642 876210 or |

|e-mail:enquiries@equilibra. |

|See our Shopping For Spirit - The Search For Truth (See Parts 3,4,5, 6 and 7) and Healing Energy And Water Articles for more information |

|on the properties of Water and how it affects all living organisms and the importance of the Assemblage Point (See Part Three and Part |

|Seven). |

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|[pic] |

|Water Enhancer |

|Biophysical Water Enhancer |

|Universal Harmoniser |

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