Unit Title: It’s Ancient History Skill: Compare and Contrast

Unit Title: It’s Ancient History Skill: Compare and Contrast Assessment: Geography Thematic Essay

|Aim & Objective |Standards |Activities/Plan |Resources |?’s for Assessment: |

| | | | |Weekly Quiz or Unit Assessment |

|AIM: Why is it necessary to study history|2,3,4,5: Historians, |Mini Lesson on different styles of social |Set up stations with mini group |What to Produce |

|and what type of social studies fields |anthropologists, archeologists, |studies. |activities: Small archeological dig, |How to Produce it |

|exist? |Geographers, economists, and | |political science questions/article with |Who to produce it for |

|Objective: Swbat identify the major |political scientists |*Stations with the style of work done by social|issue, economist chart etc. | |

|fields of social studies and the | |scientists for the students to gain a sense of | |What social scientist relates best to the above |

|responsibilities associated with these | |what professionals in this field do. | |questions? |

|positions | | | | |

|AIM: How will the Neolithic Revolution |2,3: World History and Geography |Mini Lesson: |Create a story for prior to the Neolithic |The development of organized societies is most |

|change the way the face of the world? | |-The way life was prior to the Neolithic |Revolution and then after it. This could |closely associated with which event? |

|Objective: Swbat describe the Neolithic |Do Now: What was the world like in |Revolution |be a class work activity | |

|Revolution and discuss its impacts. |the BC years? |- What is the Neolithic Revolution | |Paleolithic Revolution |

| | |- How will it change and influence life | |Neolithic Revolution |

| | | | |OldStone Age |

|AIM: What affect does geography play on |2,3: World History and Geography |Mini-Lesson on potential geographic features. |Desks to stack, boundaries to demonstrate |Name and describe three geographic features and |

|the development of early civilizations? | |Make the geography come alive, stack desks to |different geographical features. |their influence over society |

|Objective: Swbat assess the role in which|Do Now: How did the Neolithic |demonstrate mountains and why they protect | | |

|geography influences development |Revolution change the way in which |societies while isolating them. | | |

| |people lived? | | | |

|AIM: What are the five characteristics of|2,3,5: World History, Geography, |Mini-Lesson: the five characteristics of |Chalk board, overhead, projector. Allow |What are the five characteristics of |

|civilization? |and Political systems |civilization are located in the texts, but |students to read or discuss the cultural |civilization? |

|Objective: SWBAT identify the five | |include things like political set up, writing |aspects of civilization. | |

|characteristics of civilization. |Do Now: What makes something or |systems, technology, social order etc. | | |

| |someone civilized? |Geography of the territory should be noted as | | |

| | |well. | | |

|AIM: What are the five characteristics of|2,3,4,5: |Mini-Lesson: |You can do an activity today or another |Name and describe the two Rivers that surrounded|

|Ancient Sumer? |World History, Geography of Sumer, |-Geography of Sumeria: Rivers |day where you allow students to create |Ancient Sumeria. How did geography influence the|

|Objective: Swbat apply the five |goods or technology, and political |- Religion |cuneiform writing on clay or play-dough. |development of Sumer(ia)? |

|characteristics of civilization to |system coincides with religion. |-Politics | | |

|ancient sumeria. | |-Technology | | |

| |Do Now: Can you apply some of the 5|-Advanced cities | | |

| |characteristics of early |-Writing System (Cuneiform) | | |

| |civilization to our civilization | | | |

| |today? | | | |

Unit Title: Skill: Assessment:

|Aim & Objective |Standards |Activities/Plan |Resources |?’s for Assessment: |

| | | | |Weekly Quiz or Unit Assessment |

|Aim: How will the 5 characteristics of |2,3,4,5: world history, geography, |Mini-Lesson on Egypt: |Projector, Overhead, or board |What geographical factors protected Egypt from |

|civilization apply to Egypt? |economy (goods), and political set |Nile River Predictable |Pictures of a cataract etc. |outside invasion? |

|Objective: Swbat apply the five |up. |Sahara Desert | | |

|characteristics of civilization to Egypt.| |Religious practice(pharaoh) | | |

| | |Papyrus | | |

|Aim: How does the geography of ancient |2,3: World History and Geography |Mini-Lesson on how to compare and contrast |Compare and contrast graphic organizer. |How can geographical features influence the |

|Sumer compare and contrast to Ancient | |using necessary information |You can make this as a table in word and |social development of civilizations and future |

|Egypt | | |fill it in either on the board or on the |countries? |

|Objective: Swbat compare and contrast the| |Independent writing: Where would you rather |overhead with the students. | |

|way in which geography affects the | |live and why? (support answers) | | |

|development of both Egypt and Sumeria | | |Working on compare and contrast skills. | |

|Aim: Why did the Ancient Egyptians |2: World History: Religion and |MUMMIFY A CHICKEN |Vaseline: Embalming fluid | |

|mummify their pharaohs and citizens? |Customs |This takes some arrangement, but the students |Salt: Natron Salt | |

|Objective: Swbat identify and apply their| |seem to enjoy it |Rubber Gloves | |

|knowledge of mummification to the | | |Styrofoam Cups: Canopic Jars | |

|activity | |Have the students read an article on the |Foil Roasting Pans: Holds the activity | |

| | |process of mummification prior to the activity |3-4 Cleaned Raw Chickens | |

|Aim: How will the 5 characteristics of |2,3,4,5: World History, Geography, |Mini-Lesson: Apply the 5 characteristics of |Free write activity: Reflect on this |What technology came from the Indus River |

|civilization apply to the Indus River |Economy, and Political set up |civilization to the Indus River valley. |prompt: Ancient Civilizations have no |Valley? Is it still important for us today? |

|Valley | |Describe their lifestyle and discuss how they |application to our modern day lives and it| |

|Objective: Swbat apply knowledge of the 5| |compare and contrast to Sumeria and Egypt |is not important to learn them. | |

|characteristics of civilization to the | | | | |

|Indus River Valley | | | | |

|Aim: How will Ancient China fit into the |2,3,4,5 |Mini-Lesson on China |Notes/Outline with a mini lesson. Allow |What is the mandate of heaven and why can’t you |

|5 characteristics of Ancient China | |-Geography: Rivers etc |the students to discuss which civilization|go against it? |

|Objective: Swbat apply the 5 | |-Most isolated and what this means for them |they would want to live in and why? | |

|characteristics to Ancient China | |-Religion and Politics | | |

| | |- Mandate of Heaven/Dynastic Cycles | | |

Unit Title: It’s Ancient History Skill: Compare and Contrast Assessment: Thematic Essay: Geography

|Aim & Objective |Standards |Activities/Plan |Resources |?’s for Assessment: |

| | | | |Weekly Quiz or Unit Assessment |

|Aim: How do you write a well constructed |2,3,4,5: Use examples relating to |Restate the theme in the intro and conclusion |You can find past Regents including former|QUIZ TODAY: Create the quiz from the questions |

|thematic essay? |world history, geography, etc of |Use the task to create an outline |thematic essay prompts at |in this column from this week and last week. |

|Objective: Swbat identify the necessary |the ancient civilizations. |Perfect body paragraphs should include who, |nysed. | |

|components of compare and contrast essay | |what, where, when, why, and how | | |

|(QUIZ DAY) | |Discuss transitional sentences |Split the period into half instruction, | |

| | | |half quiz. This quiz will inform your | |

| | |Quiz in the later portion of class |tracking | |

|Aim: How do these ancient civilizations |2,3,4,5 |Allow the students to do group work to create a|Discuss which civilization was the most |REGENTS: All civilizations developed around a |

|compare and contrast? |World History, Geography, |graphic organizer that compares and contrasts |productive, the most protected, the most |what? (rivers or river valleys) |

|Objective: Swbat evaluate the relation |Economies, and Political |all 4 or the ancient civilizations or guide |interesting, the most influential on the | |

|and differences between the ancient |arrangement. |them through it is class. |present day. |Why were these rivers so important (fertile |

|civilizations | | | |soil) |

|Aim: What is Hammurabi’s code and why is |2,3,5: World History, Geography |Mini-Lesson: Where was Hammurabi from? Who was |Notes on the board, overhead, or projector|Assessment Friday/thematic essay |

|it so significant? |(where is Hammurabi from?), and |he and what did he do? Why were his actions |for the students. | |

|Objective: Swbat to identify and describe|political organization |significant? Why does this still matter today? | | |

|Hammurabi’s code and its purpose | | | | |

|Aim: How does Hammurabi’s code apply and |2,5: World History and Political |Create groups for the students and have them |-Organized Groups |Thematic Essay tomorrow |

|affect society? |organization to create such a code |read selected portions of Hammurabi’s Code. |-Copies of Hammurabi’s Code | |

|Objective: Swbat apply Hammurabi’s code |and enforce it on society |Their group will then be responsible for |-Time management to make sure the students| |

|to themselves as society through group | |creating a skit for the class that represents |have time to present their skits. | |

|skits | |their portion of the Code. | | |

|Aim: ASSESSMENT |2,3,4,5: All standards can be |Restate the theme in the intro and conclusion |You can find past Regents including former|SEE THE ASSESSMENT FOR THIS UNIT FOR GUIDANCE |

| |applied to the thematic essay |Use the task to create an outline |thematic essay prompts at |AND INSTRUCTION SUGGESTIONS |

|Objective: Swbat create a well organized | |Perfect body paragraphs should include who, |nysed. | |

|compare and contrast thematic essay | |what, where, when, why, and how | | |

| | |Discuss transitional sentences | | |


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