French Revolution Review Sheet - schnuppsocialstudies

French Revolution Review Sheet

Causes of the French Revolution

The Enlightenment

-How does the Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th century lead to discontent? What role does the American Revolution of 1776 play in inspiring the spread of revolutionary ideas?

The Old Regime

-What were the Three Estates?

-What burdens did the Third Estate carry for the entire nation?

Financial Crisis

-What is deficit spending?

-What economic problems did France face prior to the Revolution?

-How did the unfair tax system contribute to France’s financial problems?

Phases of the Revolution

Meeting of the Estates General

-How does this meeting lead to revolution?

-What is voting like in the Estates General?

-What is the Tennis Court Oath?

National Assembly

-How does the NA respond to the storming of the Bastille and the Great Fear?

-How is the Declaration of the Rights of Man an Enlightenment document?

-What does the NA do to solve the financial crisis?

-How does the NA reform the Church? Secularization

National Convention (the radicals take control)-1795

-Who were the Jacobins and how did they win control of the government?

-Death of Louis XVI and Marie Antionette

-What changes did the Jacobins make to France?

-Who was Robespierre and what was the purpose of the Committee on Public Safety?

-What was the Reign of Terror? What happened during this time?

The Directory 1795-1799

-How was the moderate Directory a reaction to the Terror?

-Why was the Directory unpopular?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Background—born in Corsica

-How did Napoleon use military campaigns in Italy and Egypt to seize control of the government from the Directory?

-How did a plebiscite give Napoleon control of France?

-What were Napoleons major reforms (esp. in regards to his civil code and the church)?

The British Challenge Napoleon

-Why were the British opposed to Napoleon?

-What were the Peninsula Wars? What were they like?

-Why was the Battle of Trafalgar so important?

The Invasion of Russia

-How was the invasion of Russia a major mistake?

-What techniques did the Russians use to slow down Napoleon? (scorched earth aka slash and burn)

-What role did Russia’s geography play in Napoleons defeat

Napoleon’s Contribution to History

-Civil Code

-How did Napoleon spread revolutionary ideas despite the fact that he was not a revolutionary?

The Congress of Vienna

-What was it? Who were the major players?

-What were three major decisions made during the C of V?

-What is legitimacy? What kind of governments did the Five Great Powers consider legitimate ones?

The French Revolution as a Turning Point

Rise of the Bourgeoisie

-What important role did the bourgeoisie play during the Revolution

-What sort of power did the bourgeoisie acquire as a result of the French Revolution?


-What is nationalism? How did the Revolution and subsequent wars give the French a strong sense of national identity and pride?

Spread of Enlightenment Ideas

-Napoleon’s empire spreads revolutionary ideas across Europe and to Latin America

Latin American Revolutions


Important Individuals


Review: Neolithic Revolution and River Valley Civilizations

Neolithic Rev.

River Valley Civs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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