Unit 3: Effective Communication in Health and …

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 1 and 2 hour sessions (This document is editable to allow you to change session length to suit the variation in your centre).

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

This scheme of work is provided as a suggestion only of how the teaching of these two units could be combined to give you a starting point to help you make the most of your planning time; other units could be combined. Customise this document by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.

|Lesson |Unit content |Activities |Links to other units |

|Learning aim A: Investigate different forms of communication |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher/tutor-led introduction: Introduce the unit, outline the nature of the learning aims and the |All |

| | |number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask learners to think about a typical day and list all of the different ways | |

| | |communication with people occurs. What forms are easiest? Which are the most difficult? | |

|2-3 |Topic A.1 Effective communication |Group activity: Discuss the different ways people communicate with each other verbally. Capture |All |

| |Verbal communication |learners’ responses on the whiteboard. | |

| | |Whole/small group work: Provide learners with a statement and rotate around the group asking each | |

| | |person to provide their opinion. | |

| | |Learners complete activity on different forms of communication. | |

| | |Individual activity: Ask learners to reflect on their own communication experiences, identify ways | |

| | |they communicate effectively and pain points for improvement. | |

|4-5 |Topic A.1 Effective communication |Group activity: Discuss the different ways people communicate with each other non-verbally. Capture |All |

| |Non-verbal communication |learners’ responses on the whiteboard. | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask one learner to pull a face showing an emotion (e.g. happy, sad, anxious, | |

| | |surprised, bored, aggressive, frightened) and the other learner to identify what it is. Then swap | |

| | |over and repeat. | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask learners to look through magazines and cut out people’s faces. Ask them to | |

| | |group the faces according to emotion. Ask each pair to swap their collage with another group and | |

| | |each group guess what the emotions are. | |

| | |Learners complete activity on non-verbal communication. | |

|5-6 |Topic A.2 Alternative forms of communication |Group activity: Discuss with learners what they think alternative forms of communication could take.|All |

| | |Capture learners’ responses on the whiteboard. Then write them down on pieces of A4 card and ask | |

| | |learners in turn to peg them to a washing line in alphabetical order. | |

| | |Small group activity: Ask learners to think about information signs they may see in a health and | |

| | |social care environment (e.g. a care home, a hospital). Ask them to list at least ten. Get groups to| |

| | |swap their lists and compare. Then ask learners to think about service users with different needs. | |

| | |Would all of the service users be able to understand the signs as they are presented? If not, how | |

| | |would they be adapted? | |

| | |Learners complete activity on non-verbal communication. | |

|7-9 |Assignment 1 |Learners start work on Assignment 1 and complete in their own time as required. | |

| |Use authorised assignment briefs from Pearson. | | |

| |Alternatively, use adapted or centre-devised assignment | | |

| |briefs. | | |

| | | | |

|Learning aim B: Investigate barriers to communication in health and social care |

|10 |Topic B.1 Barriers to communication and how to overcome |Teacher/tutor presentation: Introduce Learning Aim B. |All |

| |them |Small group work: Give learners news reports of people who have been found after being isolated from| |

| |Factors that affect communication: environmental and |civilisation for a period of time. Ask each group to consider a potential barrier to communication, | |

| |physical |e.g.: | |

| | |environmental barriers | |

| | |physical barriers | |

| | |language barriers | |

| | |social isolation. | |

| | |Ask each group to feed back their findings to the wider group. | |

|11-12 |Topic B.1 Barriers to communication and how to overcome |Paired activity: Ask learners to reflect on their own experiences of interacting with health and |All |

| |them |social professionals. Ask them to consider the experiences from other service users’ perspectives. | |

| |More factors: language, social isolation |Would the experience have been the same? Would it have been positive? Negative? How could it be | |

| | |improved? | |

| | |Small group activity: Assign each group a health and social care setting, then ask groups to | |

| | |consider how the following things could present barriers to communication: | |

| | |humour | |

| | |sarcasm | |

| | |inappropriate behaviour | |

| | |aggression. | |

| | |Small group activity: Ask each group to role play an example of unsuccessful and an example of | |

| | |successful communication in their health and social care setting. Ask them to create a checklist of | |

| | |things professionals should consider when dealing with difficult communication situations. | |

|13-14 |Topic B.1 Barriers to communication and how to overcome |Teacher/tutor-led discussion: Outline the barriers to successful communication and the effects that |All |

| |them |poor communication can have on individuals. | |

| |Overcoming barriers to communication |Small group work: Present each group with a different service user and ask them to identify the | |

| | |different barriers to communication they may experience at different stages of their life. | |

| | |Learners complete activity on British Sign Language. | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask learners to refer back to the non-verbal communication work they did in Topic | |

| | |A.1. Give each pair three scenarios involving different types of service users and ask them to role | |

| | |play how positive non-verbal communication methods can be used to engage with the service user. You | |

| | |could use the ‘Effective non-verbal communication’ activity on page 67 of the SB to support this | |

| | |activity. | |

| | |Learners to complete activity on overcoming barriers to communication. | |

|15 |Topic B.1 Barriers to communication and how to overcome |Teacher/tutor-led discussion on barriers to communication. |All |

| |them |Small group activity: Briefly revisit the effects of barriers on individuals. Assign each group a | |

| |Benefits to individuals when barriers are removed |different service user and ask them to identify the benefits to that user if the barriers are | |

| | |removed. Each group to think about how to capture their findings (e.g. mind map, spider diagram, | |

| | |story board) and then present back to the wider group. | |

| | |Small group activity: Provide groups with a case study. Provide a series of probing questions for | |

| | |learners to consider in relation to the case study. | |

|16-18 |Assignment 2 |Learners to start work on Assignment 2 and complete in their own time as required. | |

| |Use authorised assignment briefs from Pearson. | | |

| |Alternatively, use adapted or centre-devised assignment | | |

| |briefs. | | |

| | | | |

|Learning aim C: Communicate effectively in health and social care |

|18-19 |Topic C.1 Communicating with groups and individuals |Teacher/tutor presentation: Introduce Learning Aim C. |All |

| |Developing communication skills: in groups and with |Small group work: Ask learners to sit in a circle and give one learner a phrase to whisper in the | |

| |individuals |ear of the person sitting to their left and so on around the group until the phrase reaches the | |

| | |final person. Has the phrase changed in any way? | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask learners to talk for two minutes about something they like doing in their spare| |

| | |time or are proud of. The person listening can take notes. They then have to present back to the | |

| | |speaker on what they heard. Learners then swap over and repeat. | |

| | |Whole group activity: Ask for three pairs of volunteers. Ask each pair to face each other at the | |

| | |front of the class. Give each pair a different directive such as: | |

| | |one person look animated and the other looks bored and is staring off into space or playing on their| |

| | |phone | |

| | |one person is sitting too close to the other person while they’re speaking and staring at them | |

| | |intently | |

| | |one person is speaking rapidly and the other person is struggling to follow. | |

| | |Let one group perform at a time and ask the others to comment on what they thought was happening, | |

| | |what the issues were and ways to improve things. | |

| | |Paired activity: Ask each learner to sketch a simple object then ask them to describe this object to| |

| | |their partner who has to sketch it. | |

|20-21 |Topic C.1 Communicating with groups and individuals |Teacher/tutor-led discussion: Discuss balancing different communication methods and knowing when to |All |

| |Written communication |apply which method when. | |

| | |Whole group activity: Learners discuss what is meant by literacy skills. Provide examples of poor | |

| | |and strong literacy skills using the whiteboard and ask learners to comment on presentation, | |

| | |grammar, spelling, tone, etc. | |

| | |Individual activity: Ask learners to create a table in which they can record the different forms of | |

| | |written communication a health care professional engages with on a daily basis. In the next column, | |

| | |learners list how each form could be misused and what the consequences could be. | |

| | |Small group activity: Give each group examples of flow charts, presentations and written reports. | |

| | |Ask them to identify in each good and bad written communication. Write the findings on a whiteboard,| |

| | |asking each group in turn to contribute one of their findings. Groups could then create checklists | |

| | |per communication type which list the key points to consider. | |

|22-24 |Topic C.1 Communicating with groups and individuals |Teacher/tutor presentation on developing verbal and non-verbal communication skills. |All |

| |Effective communication skills |Learners complete activity on effective communication. | |

| | |Group activity: Host a balloon debate with four/five learners taking part at a time. The rest of the| |

| | |group has to decide who doesn’t get thrown off the balloon. Run this activity a number of times so | |

| | |that everyone has a chance to participate. | |

| | |Individual activity: Ask learners to complete an activity on communication skills. | |

| | |Group pop quiz: Using the ‘Just checking’ questions on page 75 of the SB, host a pop quiz asking | |

| | |learners to contribute the answers verbally. | |

|25 |Using communication skills |Teacher/tutor-led session: Run a session with the class on the art of communicating. Each learner |All |

| | |should now have an idea of their own personal strengths and areas for improvement. Pair learners up | |

| | |with someone who is strong in an area they are weak in and ask them to mentor each other. | |

| | |Ask learners to complete activity on improving communication skills by overcoming barriers. | |

|26-27 |Reflection on what has been learned in unit |Teacher/tutor-led session: Recap each learning aim and the key areas covered. Run an active |All |

| | |learning session per learning aim, asking learners to self-evaluate whether they feel they | |

| | |understand a topic in the right amount of detail. Address any areas where learners need | |

| | |clarification. | |

| | |Whole group discussion: Discuss what learners see as communication strengths and weaknesses, and | |

| | |ways to improve weak areas, as well as methods for communicating effectively with others of all ages| |

| | |and abilities. | |

|28-30 |Assignment 3 |Learners to start work on Assignment 3 and complete in their own time as required. | |

| |Use authorised assignment briefs from Pearson. | | |

| |Alternatively, use adapted or centre-devised assignment | | |

| |briefs. | | |


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC Level 2 First Health and Social Care

Unit 3: Effective Communication in Health and Social Care



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