Lord of the Flies in-class essay

Lord of the Flies essay

English 10

You will be writing a 5-paragraph literary analysis essay on Lord of the Flies. Literary analysis is taking a literary device (like symbolism, characterization, or allegory) and breaking the ideas down to demonstrate how the writer creates that device.


1. Analyze the symbolism of THREE different boys / items on the island. Choose from Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, Roger, the conch, the glasses, and the Lord of the Flies/beast. Explain in detail how Golding manages to create symbolism through these three characters/items.

2. Describe the political allegory represented in the novel discussing the two types of government Golding contrasts. Then, discuss Golding’s conclusions on the effectiveness of organizing a society.

3. Regarding the novel, William Golding said, “The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature.” Explain in detail (1) what Golding means, (2) how the novel develops this theme, and (3) why the novel is disturbing for readers.

Basic Expectations:

• Format: Typed, Double-spaced, Name, hour, date in upper corner

• 5 well-developed paragraphs (Intro, 3 body paragraphs, Conclusion)

• Full support for each quote or example presented (ABC)

• Correctly cited quotes AND paraphrased examples (author pg #).

• A clear thesis at the end of the introduction, previewing the main points

• Transitions between points and a clincher to end each paragraph

• Minimum of 6 direct quotes – other examples may be paraphrased

• Academic language use – no “You/I/me/my…, or slang/familiar language

Focus for THIS essay…

You will practice TWO areas of focus to improve your writing.

1) QUOTATION INTEGRATION – smoothly introducing a quote into a longer sentence. Ex: William Golding said that Lord of the Flies is “an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature.”

* Each quote should fit in seamlessly.

2) VARYING SENTENCE BEGINNINGS – use a variety of ways to begin sentences by incorporating phrases.

a. (Prep phrase) In time, Ralph learned to survive.

b. (Part. Phrase) Learning to survive, Ralph considered many ways to escape.

c. (Gerund phrase) Learning to survive was Ralph’s key to existence.

d. (Infinitive) To learn to survive, Ralph observed the other boys.

e. (Appositive) A keen survivor, Ralph learned quickly to avoid recognition.

*Use each kind of phrase (at the beginning of a sentence) at least once. Label each use correctly after the sentence.

Rubric LOF Essay Name___________________________________

5 = Proficiency proven 3 = Developing proficiency 1 = just starting out

______Format: Typed, Double-spaced, Name, hour, date in upper corner

______5 well-developed paragraphs (Intro, 3 body paragraphs, Conclusion)

______Full support for each quote or example presented (ABC)

______Correctly cited quotes AND paraphrased examples (author pg #).

______A clear thesis at the end of the introduction, previewing the main points

______Transitions between points and a clincher to end each paragraph

______Textual evidence proves idea (minimum 6 quotes – other examples can be paraphrased)

______Academic language use – no “You/I/me/my…” or slang/familiar language

_______Integrating quotes

9-10 = writer shows proficiency in EVERY use

7-8 = almost always demonstrates the skill

5-6 = 50/50 – not there yet, but you have the idea

3-4 = Focus not clearly understood, but attempted

0 = No attempt to develop the skill

_______Varying sentence beginnings

9-10 = writer shows proficiency in EVERY use

7-8 = almost always demonstrates the skill

5-6 = 50/50 – not there yet, but you have the idea

3-4 = Focus not clearly understood, but attempted

0 = No attempt to develop the skill

__________ /60 Total


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