ENG 4U In-Class Essay on Hamlet

ENG 3U In-Class Essay on The Great Gatsby

Instructions: Write an essay on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby based on one of the prompts below. Aim for roughly 1000 words (this would be a bit more than three pages of double spaced word processed text – the actual number of pages will very much depend on your handwriting).

You will be given two class periods to write the essay.

In Class:

1. Come prepared with your thesis statement, text, and outline. Everything (including your text!) must be left in class for the next period of writing.

2. You are allowed to use only the following items during this evaluation:

- one side of a page for rough jot notes (an outline is okay, full sentences are not)

- your own dictionary

- your text of Gatsby complete with page indicators for relevant evidence.

3. Write a persuasive essay following your outline.

Remember to: - indicate which prompt you are using on the top of the first page

- use formal language (no contractions, no slang)

- incorporate your quotations properly (use in a sentence, indicate page number in brackets after the quotation)

- keep referring to your thesis statement and use the key words

from your introduction

3. For ease of reading, write legibly, double-space your work and write on one side of the paper only.

4. Make sure you leave enough time to revise and proofread your essay.

5. Electronic devices including iPods, MP3 players, and cellular phones are not allowed.

Essay Prompts:

1. To what extent does a character(s) obsession lead to his/her success or failure in The Great Gatsby?

2. Most would consider dreams to be positive motivators to achieve success, but the characters in The Great Gatsby take their dreams too far. Choose not more than three characters from the novel and explain how their “American dreams” cause them to have pain when they could have been content with more modest ambitions.

3. Discuss how three symbols in The Great Gatsby contribute to our understanding of a major theme in this novel.

4. F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes the superficiality and hypocrisy of the wealth during the 1920s. Show the consequences of superficiality and hypocrisy in the lives of three characters in the novel.

5. Love is one of the most significant forces in human nature and how a person responds to love can reveal a great deal about him or her. Analyse how ONE character’s experience with love contributes to the development of his/her character OR theme in The Great Gatsby.


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