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 Return to Athletic Workouts What Athletes “NEED TO KNOW”What do I need to do BEFORE?Complete the FamilyID “2020-21 Out-of-Season Voluntary Team Workout Participation Permission Form. If you participated over the summer or completed this prior to September 1st, you will need to log back in and complete the 2 updates. If you did not participate over the summer you need to complete the entire waiver in its entirety.FamilyID Waiver: REGISTER HERE and it is also posted on the High School’s Athletic page. Reach out to the Coach of the team you wish to workout with. Get the specific starting date, days, times and specific “workout pod” information.Make sure you have everything you will need ready to go for your workouts: Mask, all personal sport specific equipment needed such as: glove, cleats or spikes, shin guards, batting helmet, sweats, sneakers, towel, etc., FILLED water bottle(s). Please bring all your belongings in a bag to keep them organized and together.Do a self-assessment...if you are feeling ill or are experiencing ANY symptoms of Covid-19...please stay home!*** You CAN NOT just “show up” and you will not be permitted to stay if you have not completed the Family ID waiver in its entirety.What do I do when I arrive?Show up on time! Arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before and no later than ON TIME!Go directly to the area or place that your specific team training session is being held.Put your mask on before you exit your vehicle or as soon as you walk on school property.Wait (if applicable) you may not enter the field, gym, stadium or weight room until your coach has arrived and completed all of the prescreening. You may not “have a catch”, “shoot around” or “pass the ball” unless instructed to do so by your Coach.Participate in the “Pre-screening” process which includes the recording of your name, verification of FamilyID waiver completion, screening questions and a temperature check.What do I do during my workout session?Listen to all advice, directives and rules from your coaches.Stay with your team and coach at all times.No huddling, high-fiving, congregating or sitting/standing in close groups.Wear your mask AT ALL TIMES inside. Wear your mask AT ALL TIMES outside unless you are engaged in vigorous exercise AND 6 ft apart from anyone. Take water & rest breaks as needed.Give your best effort at all times and focus on improving every session.What do I do after my workout is over?Thank you coach(es) for their help and time.Make sure your MASK IS ONGather ALL of your belongings, equipment & water bottles and take it with you.Throw trash awayLeave the practice/ workout areaImmediately enter your vehicle or begin walking or biking home. You are not permitted to go to another location, wait for other teams to finish or just “hang out”Go home, hydrate, eat, do your homework and get a good night sleep. If we all do these things our Voluntary Workout sessions will be productive, enjoyable and as safe as possible. OUR success is a compilation of our collective INDIVIDUAL efforts! ................

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