Test Two

Introduction To Criminology (Soc 292)

Instructor: Sergio A. Banda

Time: 9:00am – 10:20am

✓ As in previous exams, please make sure you have done the assigned reading

✓ Review your notes and PowerPoint slides

✓ Take the practices quizzes found at textbook companion website

✓ Know the vocabulary found in the chapters assigned.

Chapter Four

Psychoanalytical Theory – pay close attention to the work of Sigmund Freud (the id, ego and superego)

3 Possible Causes of Criminal Behavior

3 Basic Principles of Psychologists Who Study Criminality

Jeffery Dahmer Film – some of the basic questions I mentioned before starting the film.

Lawrence Kohlberg/ Moral Development Theory

3 Levels and 6 Stages of Moral Reasoning

Maternal Deprivation and Attachment Theory

John Bowlby’s 7 Features of Attachment

Social Learning Theory

Albert Bandura (Observational Learning and Behavioral Modeling)

Instigators of Aggression

Know the work of Ernest Burgess and Ronald Akers (Differential Reinforcement)

Personality Characteristics of a Criminal

Hans Eyenck’s Conditioning Theory (3 dimensions of Human Personality)

Mental Disorders and Crime

Psychopathy, Sociopathy, and Antisocial Personality


Genetics and Criminality

The XYY Syndrome Chromosomes

Twin Studies

Adoption Studies

IQ Debate

Biochemical Factors

Neurophysiological Factors

Criticisms of Biocriminology

Chapter Five

Emile Durkheim (Structural-Functionalist Perspective)

Anomie and Suicide

Robert Merton’s Strain Theory (Emphasizes two elements: Cultural Aspirations & Institutionalized Means (know what this means))

Merton’s Theory of Anomie

Modes of Adaptation: Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion

Social Class and Crime

Race and Crime

Criticisms of Merton’s Theory

Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld:

(1) The Devaluation of Noneconomic Roles and Functions

(2) The Accommodation of other Institutions to Economic Needs

(3) The penetration of Economic Norms

General Strain Theory (Robert Agnew)

Types or Causes of Strain

Cultural Deviance Theory

Social Disorganization Theory

Park and Burgess (Zones)

Psychological and Social Effect of Disorganization

Behavioral Effects

Differential Association Theory

Edwin Southerland’s 9 Propositions

Culture Conflict Theory

Conduct Norms


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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