India's Comprehensive Statistical Analysis, Data

Source Data BaseCBHI-Central bureau of health intelligence- Health Profile(2005-2010) - Country OverviewDemographic IndicatorsSocio Economic IndicatorsHealth Status IndicatorsHealth Finance IndicatorsHuman Resource in Health SectorHealth InfrastructureMDGHealth Sector Policy reformsManaging human resource for healthImportant Health daysMajor Health Indicators in South East Asia region/countriesNational Disaster ManagementDefinitions of Various Terms used in NHPCensus of India - Bulletin (Dec. 2011 to April 1999) - RateDeath rateNatural Growth RateIMRVital Statistics- – CBR, GFR, TFR, GRR, CDR, IMR, MMR etc.SPECIAL BULLETIN ON MATERNAL MORTALITY IN INDIA 2007-09Presentation on Maternal & Child Mortality & Fertility RatesAnnual Health Survey- Health Survey Bulletin 2010-11 (U.P, Chattisgarh, M.P, Jharkhand, Orrisa, Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan)Presentation of AHS BulletinList of top 100 districts in order of IMRList of 57 common districts featuring in top 100 districts in order of Infant mortality rate and top 25 administrative divisions in order of maternal mortality ratio2011 Census Data –Provisional Population 2011 India & State Uts Population 2011 Rajasthan Administrative DivisionsDistribution of Population, Decadal Growth Rate, Sex-Ratio and Density of population 2011Percentage Decadal Variation in Population for State and Districts : 1901 – 2011Districts arranged in descending order of growth rate of population 1901-1911 to 2001-2011 ?Sex Ratio (females per 1,000 males): 1901-2011Districts arranged in descending order of Sex Ratio: 2011Total Population, Child Population in age-Group 0-6, Literates and Literacy Rate by Sex: 2011District wise Literacy Rate by sex 2001-2011 ?Provisional Population 2011India & State Uts of urban population (Map)Figures at a glance : IndiaPopulation and decadal growth rate by residence - India & StatesFigures at a glance – RajasthanPopulation, Decadal growth rate, Percentage share of total population and Sex ratio by residence?Child population, Decadal growth, Percentage of child population and Child sex ratio by residenceLiterates and Literacy rate by residence and gender, male - female gap in literacy rate?Number of administrative unitsProvisional Population Administrative Atlas-2011 Atlas of IndiaIndia-Administrative Division 2011India State/Uts Atlas 2011India- Newly created districts during 2001 - 2011Census data 2001 Data SummaryGender Data SheetMapsCentre for Development & Population Activities & PolicyCapacity BuildingDemocracy & GovernanceEducation (including Non-formal)Faith-based OrganizationsFamily Planning & Reproductive HealthGender-based ViolenceHIV/AIDSLeadership DevelopmentMale InvolvementSocial MobilizationTrainingWomen’s RightsYouthDepartment of women and child development- for Women Women Policy Cell - for Children Policy of Census Operation Rajasthan- Data of Rajasthan State Census 2011 of DistrictsNumber of TehsilsNumber of Panchayat Samitis*Number of Statutory Towns?Number of Municipal Corporations?Number of MunicipalitiesNumber of CantonmentsNumber of Municipal CouncilNumber of Census TownsNumber of Annual Health Survey(AHS) UnitsNumber of Revenue Villages (including Census Town & Full O.G.)Number of Villages (Excluding Census Town & Full O.G.)Number of Urban Agglomerations(UA) With Out Growth(OG)Number of Special Charge*Number of Sample Registration System(SRS) UnitsHealth Education To Villages & Child NutritionMothersHealth-care ProvidersSafe WaterCommunityProgrammesFacts for Life file on health inequities Resources: WHO Reproductive Health PublicationsBreastfeeding & Child Nutrition in India of IndiaIndia Nutrition FiguresMaharashtra Nutrition FiguresMaharashtra CDC ReviewICDSProgram OutlineChallenges and Way ForwardIndian National GuidelinesComplementary Feeding GuideIFA SupplementationIndian Pediatrics & Child SurvivalFood & Nutrition BoardRecommendationsChild Malnourishment in IndiaCommercial InterferenceStrategies for Children under SixNutrition and Malnutrition Resources for India Samriddhi Yojana (BSY)Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY)Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls (NPAG)Early Childhood Education for 3-6 Age Group Children Under the Programme of Universalization of Elementary EducationScheme for welfare of Working Children in need of Care and ProtectionAn Integrated Programme for Street ChildrenChild line ServicesCentral Adoption Resource Agency (CARA)Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme For the Children of Working Mothers (76 KB)?Programme for Juvenile JusticeGeneral Grant-in-Aid SchemePilot Project to Combat the Trafficking of Women and Children for Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Destination AreasMid-day Meal SchemeNational Crèche FundRajasthan - NFHS-3 Fact Sheet State Report ?Fact Sheet State ReportPower point Presentation NFHS-3NFHS-3 Child Health and Mortality?221 kbNFHS-3 Environmental Health?1.06 mbNFHS-3 Family Planning?10.9 mbNFHS-3 Gender Issues and Women’s Empowerment?380 kbNFHS-3 HIV Knowledge, Stigma and Behavior?2.68 mbNFHS-3 HIV Prevalence?2.53 mbNFHS-3 Key Findings?1.14 mbNFHS-3 Marriage and Fertility?7.69 mbNFHS-3 Maternal Health?590 kbNFHS-3 Men's Participation in Maternal Health Care?2.11 mbNFHS-3 Nutritional Status of Adults?569 kbNFHS-3 Nutritional Status of Children?921 kbNFHS-3 TB and Lifestyle?626 kbNFHS-3 Domestic Violence?460 kbNFHS-3 Education?2.49 mbIndia's Comprehensive Statistical Analysis, Data? SetupAgricultureBanks and Financial InstitutionsCivil Supplies and Consumer AffairsCompaniesCooperativesCrime and LawDemographicsEconomyEducationElectoral DataEnvironment and PollutionForeign TradeForest and WildlifeGeographical DataHealthHousingIndustriesInsuranceLabour and WorkforceMarket ForecastMediaMeteorological DataMines and MineralsPer Capita AvailabilityPetroleumPowerSocial and Welfare SchemesSportsStates and Union TerritoriesTelecommunicationTourismTransportUrban AreasInternational institute of population sciences in India "Situation and needs" report 2006-07.Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI) ManagementK4Health eToolkits and ResourcesMinistry of Statistics & Programme Implementation- Year Book, India 2012Health And Family WelfareNumber of Allopathic Hospitals, Dispensaries and bedsHospitals and bed strength under Ayush systemsStatistics of Mental HospitalsDispensaries under Ayush systemsDispensaries and Beneficiaries under Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)Administrative Structure and rural health infrastructureNumber of registered Allopathic Doctors? & Dental SurgeonsRegistered practitioners under Ayush systemsNumber of registered general nursing midwifery, auxiliary nurse-midwives and health visitorsNumber of allopathic medical & dental colleges and admissionPost graduate institutes and admission capacity under Ayush systemsUnder graduate institutes and admission capacity under Ayush systemsAchievements of family welfare programmeAchievements of immunization programmeNumber of cases and deaths due to diseasesPublicationsMillennium Development Goals India Country Report-2011Ministry of women and child development Development Development Child Protection Scheme Ministry of health and family welfare- Health Statistics in India,FW Statistics 2011 Revised 31 10 11?(PDF, 3155 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 6?(PDF, 2796 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 5?(PDF, 284 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 4(i)?(PDF, 115 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 4?(PDF, 115 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 3?(PDF, 984 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 2?(PDF, 2203 KB)Annual Report 2010-11 English -Part 1?(PDF, 1506 KB)Annual reports 2004-08 Annual reports 1992-2002 and BudgetsDepartmentsDepartment Of AyushDepartment Of Aids ControlDepartment of Health ResearchCentral Health ServiceDepartment of Ayush Policy on AYUSH YogaNaturopathyUnaniSiddhaHomeopathySOWA-RIGPAInfrastructureSummary of infrastructure facilities under AYUSH wise statistics- wise statistics wise institutes, List of Hospitals & Dispensaries, Research, Schemes, DrugsDepartment of Health Research of AIDS Control of Service Facilities CentersART CentersDesignated STI/RTI CentersCommunity Care CentersLink ART CentersCD4 machinesDrop In CentersNACO supported Blood BanksPolicies &Guidelines Convergence letter Divisions SafetyCare, Support & TreatmentCondom PromotionFinanceIEC & MainstreamingLab ServicesLink Worker SchemeM&E, Research & SurveillanceSTI/RTI ServicesTargeted InterventionsResults Frame Work Documents 2009 to 2012 Data Health Service cancer registry programme india of Cancer in India INDIA: Patterns of Care and Survival Studies: PBCR India National Rural & Health Mission & Child Health PIPState PIPNRHM State Report 2011-12National Health System Resource Center Database of States Health Facilities Data Disease Community ProcessDistrict Health Action PlanningFinancing & PPPHealth Sector OverviewHR for HealthInformatics (HMIS)Legal Framework of HealthMedicine & TechnologyNCDNutritionPublic Health AdministrationPublic Health PlanningQuality ImprovementRCHNational Vector Borne Disease Control Programme EncephalitisChikanguniaNational Drug Policy on Malaria Programe for Control Blindness BankEye DonationStatisticNational Leprosy Eradication Programme Deficiency Disorder Management Information System (HMIS) Bulletin 2006 to 2011Family welfare statistics India 2009 Level Health Survey (DLHS) National, State, District ReportsRural Health Statistics in India 2007-10Family Welfare Statistics in IndiaState PIP 2012-13Profile of StateHealth Profile of StateOther state related InformationsNFHS-National family Health survey- (1992-93)- (1998-99)- (2005-06)-PublicationsFact sheet- - NFHS-3 Fact Sheet State Report ?Fact Sheet State ReportNational & State Report- Report- (Nutrition in India, Health living condition in 8 Indian cities, A profile of Youth in India, Gender equality &Women Empowerment in India)Seminar Presentation- Health and Mortality ,Environmental Health, Family Planning Gender Issues and Women Empowerment,HIV Knowledge, Stigma & Behaviour,HIV PrevalenceKey Findings,Mens Participation in Maternal Health care,TB & Lifestyle,Domestic Violence,Education Maternal HealthMarriage and FertilityNutritional status of Adults,Nutritional Status of Children,NRHM Rajasthan of NRHMKey Components & StrategiesGoals of NRHM and Mission OutcomesOrganization Health Mission (About State Health Society Rules & Regulations- Members)State Health SocietyDistrict Health Mission & SocietyProgramme Management UnitsDistrict Action PlanVillage Health Sanitation CommitteeActivity & Progress Week - GuidelinesOperational Guidelines for Basic Emergency Obstetric Care Training Under NRHM RCH-II (July 2008)Operational guidelines for Skill Upgradation of Medical Officer/Laboratory Technician for Functional Blood Storage Center (December 2007)Guidelines Blood Storage UnitGuidelines for Village Health, FW, Water and Social Service CommitteeGuidelines for Opertionalising a PHC for Providing 24-Hour Delivery and Newborn CareGuidelines for Operationalising First Referral UnitsTraining CalendarGuidelines of Implementation for Village Health PlanAnnexure - 1Annexure - 2Guideline of Village Health CommitteeProgrammes & Child Health (RCH-II)ImmunizationDisease Control ProgrammesAdditional Interventions under NRHM ASHAJanani Surakha Yojana (JSY)Untied FundsIPHSHealth FacilitiesConvergencePIP 2006-7to 2011-12 Activities ClippingVideo ClippingPlanning commission PlansFive Year Plans Appraisal Plans Related DocumentsState Plan Human Development ReportState Development ReportStrengthening State Plan for Human Development (SSPHD)Presentations by States/UTs for Annual Plan 2011-12GuidelinesReports Research Reports Evaluation Studies of State Plan AdvisersWorking Papers & StatisticsHealthHealth, Nutrition & Family WelfareHealth FinanceHealth indicatorsCensus of India 2011SRS_Bulletin on Maternal Mortality ratio 2007-09SRS Bulletin 2011Family Welfare Statistics in India 2009Rural Health Statistics 2010National Health Profile 2010National Family Health Survey 2005-06District Level Household Survey 2007-08RNTCP- Annual Report 2011UNICEF Coverage Evaluation Survey (CES) 2009Health Sector Policy Reform Options Database (HS-PROD)Reports/DocumentsProgramme Evaluation Organization:Socio Economic Research Division:A Study on The Socio-economic Determinants behind Infant Mortality & Maternal MortalityExternalMillennium Development Goals (MDG)- PublicationsUNDP Human Development Report 2011EducationAgricultureEmploymentRural DevelopmentSocial JusticePopulation first Definitions and termsBirth RateCensusDeath RateDemographyGross reproductive healthGrowth rateICPDInfant mortalityMaternal mortalityMDGNFHSNPP 2000Primary Health Centre (PHC)Replacement level fertilitySub-centreTotal Fertility Rate (TFR)Zero population growthFacts & Child Health Programme is the Reproductive & Child Health (RCH) Programme?Quality of Care for Reproductive HealthGender Inequalities and Reproductive HealthMale ResponsibilityFamily PlanningSafe MotherhoodAbortionReproductive Tract InfectionsInfertilityAdolescent Reproductive HealthCensus Data Wise DataPresentation Paper-1Decadal Growth Rate: Rajasthan-India(1901-2011)(Graph)?Rajasthan Population-2011(Districts)(Pie Chart)?Trends in Population 1901-2011(Graph)Child Sex Ratio 0-6 years and Over all Sex Ratio Rajasthan 1971-2011(Graph)Literacy Rates by Gender,Rajasthan 1951-2011(Graph)Decadal Growth Rate-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Graph)Sex Ratio-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Graph)Literacy Rate-States of Empowered Action Group(2001-2011)(Grpah)?Rajastha-Density(1901-2011) ---> (Graph)Rajasthan District Population & Growth Rate-2011 ---> (Map)Rajasthan Sex Ratio-2011 ---> (Map)Rajasthan Sex Ratio in Age Group 0-6 : 2011 ---> (Map)Rajasthan Literacy-2011 ---> (Map)Rajasthan Male Literacy ---> (Map)Rajasthan Female Literacy(Map)Rural-Urban Distribution Paper-2(Census 2011-Provisional Data) Presentation Paper-IIDistrict Maps AIDS control Society Surveillance Integrated Counseling and Testing (ICTC)? Safety Wise Blood Bank ListBlood Component Sepration UnitsBlood Bank List (Zone wise)Blood storage center listTargeted InterventionSTI and RTI Services Retroviral Therapy (ART) Your Rights Care Centers (CCC) & Home Based CareInformation Education and Fecility ControlFamily Welfare Services Department InformationRHSDPSHSRCSchemes Site MapRajasthan Medical Services Corporation Limited (RMSC)Contact List Report Toll Free Medical Services Medical Services Corporation Limited of JSY Beneficiaries Emergency Services India HealthNeonatal Health?Polio Eradication sheetPolio India Factsheet- 13 January 2012?Measles Environment?& Sanitation Protection. News Letter ReportsWHO-world health organisation TopicsData & Statistics MDGPublicationsWorld Malaria Report 2011Global HIV/AIDS Responses 2011Fact SheetsHealth SystemsCountry Health Profile India world health statistics statistics and health information systemsStatisticsHealth information systemsGlobal Burden of DiseaseWorld bank Bank India Overview 2011 Data & StatisticsPublication & ReportsDevelopment TopicsProjects & Programs Economic IndicatorsWDR 2012-Gender Equality and Deveplopment - WDR 2012Poverty and Social Exclusion: Status of Women?Issue Brief :?Poverty & Social Exclusion - OverviewIssue Brief:?Poverty & Social Exclusion: Women?World Diabetes Atlas, International Diabetes Federation ATLAS is Diabetes? Global Burden Overviews and Development Local to Global UN High-level Meeting and beyondPromoting best practice in diabetes educationDiabetes ConversationsWorld Diabetes CongressWorld Diabetes DayResources and Solutions solutions to a global problemClinical guidelines and Position StatementsAbout the International Diabetes FederationReferences resourcesDetailed Data and Interactive MapFigures and MapsHow to cite the AtlasPublications and Background PapersPrevious EditionsCopyright RequestsFrequently Asked Questions ................

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