Topics: Africa, India, & Asia (Part 1)

Topics: Africa, India, & Asia (Part 1)


▪ A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate a weaker nation economically, socially, or politically.

o When?-15th-20th centuries

o Why Imperialize?

▪ Potential for Profits:

• European nations needed to gather additional resources to fuel the industrial revolution.

• Conquered nations served as new markets to sell the finished products to.

▪ Power and Influence

▪ Missionary Work

▪ Exploratory

▪ Ideological

• Social Darwinism (“White Man’s Burden”)-Duty of white civilized people to “save” and help the uncivilized peoples of Africa, India, and Asia.

o Effects:

▪ African nations and their people were exploited and controlled by foreigners who did not care or understand their cultures

▪ European nations increased in wealth and power

▪ Nationalism flourished in conquering nations-MAIN cause of WWI

Africa (General):

▪ Berlin Conference-Partitioned Africa

▪ Famous European explorers-Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Livingstone

▪ Able to colonize because:

o Superior technology (machine gun)

o Infrastructure creation

o Medications to protect against malaria

o Africa was already divide amongst ethnic lines (many tribal wars)

▪ Pan-African Movement-Dream of Nkrumah to united all of Africa into one nation

▪ Key African nations-Nigeria, Kenya, Congo, Angola, Ghana, Algeria, Zimbabwe

South Africa:

▪ Path to British Rule:

o Desirable due to large number of resources

o Three groups clash of control: Africans, Dutch, and British

o Zulus-challenged British for control but ultimately lost

o Boer War-Clash between Dutch Farmers (Boers) and British for control-British are victorious

▪ British Rule:

o Racial conflict (Europeans v. Africans)

o 1948-Arpathied System installed in South Africa-Complete separation of whites and blacks-whites are the minority and have more land and power-blacks forced to carry passbooks and sent to live on Bantustans

o Foreign economic sanctions and global attention pressure the apartheid system to dissolve-seen as a human rights violation

o Boycotts of white controlled facilities also makes an effort toward ending apartheid

▪ Democracy:

o Nelson Mandela becomes leader of the African National Congress (ANC) and fights for the end of the apartheid system

▪ Jailed for 27 years

▪ Released and in 1994 becomes the first democratically elected man in South Africa

o Other important leaders:

▪ Bishop Desmond Tutu, FW De Klerk, & Thadbo Mbeki

Rwandan Genocide:

▪ 1962-independence from Belgium

▪ 2 main ethnic groups (Hutu-majority and Tutsi-minority)

▪ Tutsi treated as a superior class under colonial rule intensified post-independence divisions

▪ 1994-post assassination of Rwandan president Hutus massacre 800,000 Tutsis in 100 days (1/10 of population)

▪ United Nations slow to react-French play a large role in restoring stability

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan:

▪ Darfur western region of the largest nation on the African continent, Sudan

▪ Janjaweed are the Arab Muslims executing the genocide as supported by Sudanese President Bashir

▪ Conflict between Black Africans (farmers) and Arab Africans (both Muslim)-Farmers are on strategic oil and gas reserves that Bashir’s government wants to access.

▪ 2003-Present

▪ 400,000 plus have been murdered

Africa’s Modern Issues:

▪ Environmental Issues:

o Desertification

o Deforestation

o Drought

▪ Humanitarian Issues:

o Child Trafficking

o Bonded Child Labor

o Forced Work in Mines

o Forced Agricultural Labor

o Child Soldiers

o Domestic Slavery



▪ 1600s-British East India Company set up trading posts (rule India 1757-1858)

▪ Mughal Dynasty collapsed in 1757 and British East India Company became economic and political problem

▪ Considered India’s most valuable colony “Jewel in the Crown”

▪ India provided raw materials to fuel the industrial revolution in England and India’s large population provided a market in which to sell the finished products to

▪ Sepoy Mutiny

▪ Nationalism in India began to develop in the early 1800s-formation of political groups: Indian National Congress and the Muslim League

▪ Positive-British greatly improved the infrastructure of India, sanitation and health improves,& educational opportunities increased

▪ Negative-Indian owned industries prohibited, decreased food production led to famines, increased presence of missionaries and decline of Indian traditional life

▪ WWI-Indians fight along side of British

▪ Gandhi-Civil Disobedience (non-violence), boycotts, etc.

▪ Partition of India-Pakistan, Kashmir, current tension

▪ Outsourcing


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