


1st May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|0.06 + 0.06 + 0.06 + ... = 0.6 |

| |

|How many 0.06s need to be added up to get 0.6? |

| |

|A. 6 |

|B. 10 |

|C. 60 |

|D. 100 |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|Choose the correct option that can complete the given sentences, for questions 45 and 46. |

| |

|The ball came crashing through the window, hit the mirror on the wall and then bounced the teacup off the table on to the floor. |

|Uncle Vinu rushed out of the kitchen, shouting, apron in hand. We expected him to ______, but he yelled ''Great shot, great shot'' , |

|thumping me on the shoulder. |

|A. hit the spot |

|B. hit the road |

| |

|C. hit the roof |

|D. hit the sack |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

2nd May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|See the figure below. Two trains P and Q and a car are moving along parallel paths. Train Q is moving northwards but the directions |

|of train P and the car are not known. All are moving at constant speeds. |

|[pic] |

|To a passenger in train Q it appears that train P is moving backwards at a speed of 20 km/h, while the car is moving backwards at a |

|speed of 180 km/h. If the speed of the fastest train is 120 km/h, what is the speed and direction of the car? |

| |

|A. 60 km/h southward |

|B. 60 km/h northward |

|C. 40 km/h southward |

|D. 40 km/h northward |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|0.06 + 0.06 + 0.06 + ... = 0.6 |

| |

|How many 0.06s need to be added up to get 0.6? |

|A. 6 |

|B. 10 |

| |

|C. 60 |

|D. 100 |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : B |

3rd May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|In a Maths test taken by 35 students, the average score of 15 girls is 10 and that of 20 boys is also 10. Which of the following CAN |

|be calculated based on the data we have? |

| |

|A. the highest score in the class |

|B. the lowest score among the boys |

|C. the sum of the scores of the whole class |

|D. all the above can be calculated |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|See the figure below. Two trains P and Q and a car are moving along parallel paths. Train Q is moving northwards but the directions |

|of train P and the car are not known. All are moving at constant speeds. |

|[pic] |

|To a passenger in train Q it appears that train P is moving backwards at a speed of 20 km/h, while the car is moving backwards at a |

|speed of 180 km/h. If the speed of the fastest train is 120 km/h, what is the speed and direction of the car? |

|A. 60 km/h southward |

|B. 60 km/h northward |

| |

|C. 40 km/h southward |

|D. 40 km/h northward |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : A |

4th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|The cross section of a flower is shown below. Which letter correctly represents the part of the flower where the pollen grains are |

|transferred? |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

| |

|A. A |

|B. B |

|C. C |

|D. D |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|In a Maths test taken by 35 students, the average score of 15 girls is 10 and that of 20 boys is also 10. Which of the following CAN |

|be calculated based on the data we have? |

|A. the highest score in the class |

|B. the lowest score among the boys |

| |

|C. the sum of the scores of the whole class |

|D. all the above can be calculated |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

5th May

|Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|Which of these months is the official year-ending for all financial institutions of the country, including banks? |

| |

|A. January |

|B. October |

|C. March |

|D. December |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|The cross section of a flower is shown below. Which letter correctly represents the part of the flower where the pollen grains are |

|transferred? |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|A. A |

|B. B |

| |

|C. C |

|D. D |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : A |

7th May

|Class 8 | English |

| |

|Here are two words, 'SALVE' AND 'SAVAGE'. |

| |

|By taking 'L' from 'SALVE' and inserting it correctly into 'SAVAGE', we get two new words 'SAVE' and 'SALVAGE' which mean the same. |

| |

|Using this clue, identify the word pair which can be made into SYNONYMS by removing one letter from the first word and inserting it |

|into the second one. |

| |

| |

|A. SASH and CUTE |

|B. SIZE and GRIPS |

|C. BINDS and TIES |


| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|Which of these months is the official year-ending for all financial institutions of the country, including banks? |

|A. January |

|B. October |

| |

|C. March |

|D. December |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

8th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Digital displays are often made using 7-segment Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) like the one shown on the left: |

|[pic] |

|Depending on which of the seven 'segments' called a, b, c .. g gets power, different numbers or letters are displayed. For example, |

|if segments a, b, d, e and g are lit, the number 2 is displayed (shown above, right side figure). Study the above figures carefully |

|and answer questions 39 and 40. |

|The number of LIT segments in 1 is 2. In 2, the number of lit segments is 5. Thus the INCREASE in the number of lit segments is 3. |

|Between which two numbers does the number of lit segments INCREASE THE MOST? |

|[pic] |

| |

|A. 0 and 1 |

|B. 1 and 2 |

|C. 4 and 5 |

|D. 7 and 8 |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|Here are two words, 'SALVE' AND 'SAVAGE'. |

| |

|By taking 'L' from 'SALVE' and inserting it correctly into 'SAVAGE', we get two new words 'SAVE' and 'SALVAGE' which mean the same. |

| |

|Using this clue, identify the word pair which can be made into SYNONYMS by removing one letter from the first word and inserting it |

|into the second one. |

| |

|A. SASH and CUTE |

|B. SIZE and GRIPS |

| |

|C. BINDS and TIES |


| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

9th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|The gas present in maximum and almost same quantity in both inhaled and exhaled air is: |

| |

|A. Nitrogen |

|B. Oxygen |

|C. Carbon dioxide |

|D. Water vapour |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Digital displays are often made using 7-segment Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) like the one shown on the left: |

|[pic] |

|Depending on which of the seven 'segments' called a, b, c .. g gets power, different numbers or letters are displayed. For example, |

|if segments a, b, d, e and g are lit, the number 2 is displayed (shown above, right side figure). Study the above figures carefully |

|and answer questions 39 and 40. |

|The number of LIT segments in 1 is 2. In 2, the number of lit segments is 5. Thus the INCREASE in the number of lit segments is 3. |

|Between which two numbers does the number of lit segments INCREASE THE MOST? |

|[pic] |

|A. 0 and 1 |

|B. 1 and 2 |

| |

|C. 4 and 5 |

|D. 7 and 8 |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

10th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|If [pic]= 55 what is [pic]? |

| |

|A. 11 |

|B. {frac(1/11)} |

|C. 275 |

|D. {frac(1/275)} |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|The gas present in maximum and almost same quantity in both inhaled and exhaled air is: |

|A. Nitrogen |

|B. Oxygen |

| |

|C. Carbon dioxide |

|D. Water vapour |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : A |

11th MAY

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Here is the picture of an aircraft, with the forces working on it shown. |

|Identify the force that corresponds to the question mark. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|A. Buoyancy |

|B. Atmospheric pressure |

|C. Gravity |

|D. Density |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|If [pic]= 55 what is [pic]? |

|A. 11 |

|B. {frac(1/11)} |

| |

|C. 275 |

|D. {frac(1/275)} |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : A |

12th May

|Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|The collage shown here is for a tourism promotion campaign called ‘Incredible India'. |

|[pic] |

| |

|Which of these captions would justify this collage? |

| |

| |

| |

|A. 'Naturally Nepal - Once Is Not Enough' |

|B. 'Karntaka - India's Theatre of Inspiration' |

|C. 'Northeast India - Paradise Unexplored' |

|D. 'Andhra Pradesh - The Kohinoor of India' |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Here is the picture of an aircraft, with the forces working on it shown. |

|Identify the force that corresponds to the question mark. |

| |

|[pic] |

|A. Buoyancy |

|B. Atmospheric pressure |

| |

|C. Gravity |

|D. Density |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

14th May

|Class 8 | English |

| |

|‘‘Who has created this beautiful painting?''The Passive form of this sentence is (choose the BEST answer): |

| |

|A. By whom is this beautiful painting created? |

|B. This beautiful painting had been created by whom? |

|C. For who is this beautiful painting being created? |

|D. By whom has this beautiful painting been created? |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|The collage shown here is for a tourism promotion campaign called ‘Incredible India'. |

|[pic] |

| |

|Which of these captions would justify this collage? |

| |

| |

|A. 'Naturally Nepal - Once Is Not Enough' |

|B. 'Karntaka - India's Theatre of Inspiration' |

| |

|C. 'Northeast India - Paradise Unexplored' |

|D. 'Andhra Pradesh - The Kohinoor of India' |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

15th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|n! is defined as the product of the first n natural numbers. For example, 4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24. What is |

|[pic]? |

| |

|A. 40320 |

|B. 720 |

|C. 56 |

|D. 8 |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|‘‘Who has created this beautiful painting?''The Passive form of this sentence is (choose the BEST answer): |

|A. By whom is this beautiful painting created? |

|B. This beautiful painting had been created by whom? |

| |

|C. For who is this beautiful painting being created? |

|D. By whom has this beautiful painting been created? |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

16th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|A vessel has about 30 ml of water. Which of these will allow the volume to be measured most precisely? |

| |

|A. A 100 ml graduated cylinder having 1 ml increments. |

|B. A 100 ml graduated cylinder having 0.5 ml increments. |

|C. A 50 ml graduated cylinder having 1 ml increments. |

|D. A 200 ml graduated cylinder graduated in 5 ml increments. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|n! is defined as the product of the first n natural numbers. For example, 4! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24. What is |

|[pic]? |

|A. 40320 |

|B. 720 |

| |

|C. 56 |

|D. 8 |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

17th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|If the above figure is turned by 270o in an ANTICLOCKWISE direction, which of these would be the result? |

|A. [pic] |

|B. [pic] |

| |

|C. [pic] |

|D. [pic] |

| |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|A vessel has about 30 ml of water. Which of these will allow the volume to be measured most precisely? |

|A. A 100 ml graduated cylinder having 1 ml increments. |

|B. A 100 ml graduated cylinder having 0.5 ml increments. |

| |

|C. A 50 ml graduated cylinder having 1 ml increments. |

|D. A 200 ml graduated cylinder graduated in 5 ml increments. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : B |

18th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Anthrax is a type of fever caused by bacteria in all warm-blooded animals. From the list below, choose the one animal that cannot be |

|affected by anthrax. |

| |

|A. Cow |

|B. Goat |

|C. Polar bear |

|D. Crocodile |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|If the above figure is turned by 270o in an ANTICLOCKWISE direction, which of these would be the result? |

|A. [pic] |

|B. [pic] |

| |

|C. [pic] |

|D. [pic] |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : A |

19th May

|Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|One of the most successful stories of wildlife conservation in India is that of the Indian Rhino, which almost went extinct at the |

|beginning of the 20th century. Today there are about 1700 rhinos in the Kaziranga National Park in Assam! |

| |

|Which of the following was probably a critical step in this conservation plan? |

| |

|A. controlling floods in the Brahmaputra |

|B. growing more grass on the Brahamaputra basin |

|C. controlling mass poaching at Kaziranga |

|D. bringing more tourists to Kaziranga |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Anthrax is a type of fever caused by bacteria in all warm-blooded animals. From the list below, choose the one animal that cannot be |

|affected by anthrax. |

|A. Cow |

|B. Goat |

| |

|C. Polar bear |

|D. Crocodile |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

21st May

|Class 8 | English |

| |

|'The jasmine is one of the most fragrant flowers.' This can be correctly rewritten as.. |

| |

|A. No other flower is fragrant like the jasmine. |

|B. None of the other flowers are as fragrant as the jasmine. |

|C. The jasmine is more fragrant than any other flower. |

|D. The jasmine is more fragrant than most other flowers. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|One of the most successful stories of wildlife conservation in India is that of the Indian Rhino, which almost went extinct at the |

|beginning of the 20th century. Today there are about 1700 rhinos in the Kaziranga National Park in Assam! |

| |

|Which of the following was probably a critical step in this conservation plan? |

|A. controlling floods in the Brahmaputra |

|B. growing more grass on the Brahamaputra basin |

| |

|C. controlling mass poaching at Kaziranga |

|D. bringing more tourists to Kaziranga |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

22nd May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Nimisha wants to draw a wheel like the one shown. Each shaded part of the wheel should be one third of each unshaded part. |

|[pic] |

|What should be the degree |

|measure of the angle formed |

|at the centre by each shaded part? |

| |

|A. 22.5 o |

|B. 20 o |

|C. 25 o |

|D. 30 o |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|'The jasmine is one of the most fragrant flowers.' This can be correctly rewritten as.. |

|A. No other flower is fragrant like the jasmine. |

|B. None of the other flowers are as fragrant as the jasmine. |

| |

|C. The jasmine is more fragrant than any other flower. |

|D. The jasmine is more fragrant than most other flowers. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

23rd May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Nimisha wants to draw a wheel like the one shown. Each shaded part of the wheel should be one third of each unshaded part. |

|[pic] |

|What should be the degree |

|measure of the angle formed |

|at the centre by each shaded part? |

| |

|A. 22.5 o |

|B. 20 o |

|C. 25 o |

|D. 30 o |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|'The jasmine is one of the most fragrant flowers.' This can be correctly rewritten as.. |

|A. No other flower is fragrant like the jasmine. |

|B. None of the other flowers are as fragrant as the jasmine. |

| |

|C. The jasmine is more fragrant than any other flower. |

|D. The jasmine is more fragrant than most other flowers. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

24th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|c and d are two integers. Which of the following MUST BE TRUE if (-3d) ÷ c is to be a rational number? |

| |

|A. d should be a positive number. |

|B. d and c should be of opposite signs. |

|C. d should be completely divisible by c. |

|D. c should not be 0. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|In the working of which of these is air resistance desirable and important? |

|A. superfast trains |

|B. parachutes |

| |

|C. pendulums |

|D. fighter aeroplanes |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : B |

25th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Ethanol has a chemical formula C2H5OH and sugar has a chemical formula C6H12O6. The individual components in both the substances are |

|carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Yet, they are two different compounds. What is the reason for this? |

| |

|A. They are different physical forms of the same substance. |

|B. One of them is actually a mixture. |

|C. One is liquid and the other is a solid. |

|D. The individual components combine in a different ratio. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|c and d are two integers. Which of the following MUST BE TRUE if (-3d) ÷ c is to be a rational number? |

|A. d should be a positive number. |

|B. d and c should be of opposite signs. |

| |

|C. d should be completely divisible by c. |

|D. c should not be 0. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

26th May

|Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|The 1990s witnessed a countrywide agitation against the implementation of reservation policy in the government and public sector jobs|

|as suggested by the Mandal Commission. The reservation was for |

| |

|A. all poor children. |

|B. children of politicians. |

|C. certain backward communities. |

|D. Bangaladeshi refugees. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Ethanol has a chemical formula C2H5OH and sugar has a chemical formula C6H12O6. The individual components in both the substances are |

|carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Yet, they are two different compounds. What is the reason for this? |

|A. They are different physical forms of the same substance. |

|B. One of them is actually a mixture. |

| |

|C. One is liquid and the other is a solid. |

|D. The individual components combine in a different ratio. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

28th May

|Class 8 | English |

| |

|Replacing 'too' in the sentence, 'The curd is too sour to eat.' we get: |

| |

|A. The curd is too sour that it cannot be eaten |

|B. The curd is so sour that it can be eaten. |

|C. The curd is very sour for eating. |

|D. The curd is so sour that nobody can eat it. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Saturday's Question | Class 8 | Social Studies |

| |

|The 1990s witnessed a countrywide agitation against the implementation of reservation policy in the government and public sector jobs|

|as suggested by the Mandal Commission. The reservation was for |

|A. all poor children. |

|B. children of politicians. |

| |

|C. certain backward communities. |

|D. Bangaladeshi refugees. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

29th May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Which of the following is NOT a correct way of finding the area of the square frame shown below |

|[pic] |

| |

|A. 52.22 - 47.82 |

|B. 2 x {(52.2 x 2.2) + (47.8 x 2.2)} |

|C. 52.2 x 4.4 x 2 + 47.8 x 4.4 x 2 |

|D. 100 x (52.2 - 47.8) |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | English |

| |

|Replacing 'too' in the sentence, 'The curd is too sour to eat.' we get: |

|A. The curd is too sour that it cannot be eaten |

|B. The curd is so sour that it can be eaten. |

| |

|C. The curd is very sour for eating. |

|D. The curd is so sour that nobody can eat it. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : D |

30th May

|Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Some thermometers use alcohol instead of mercury. Alcohol is used in thermometers because it |

| |

|A. changes colour with temperature. |

|B. is a clear gas when it evaporates. |

|C. expands and contracts noticeably. |

|D. is a very volatile liquid. |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|Which of the following is NOT a correct way of finding the area of the square frame shown below |

|[pic] |

|A. 52.22 - 47.82 |

|B. 2 x {(52.2 x 2.2) + (47.8 x 2.2)} |

| |

|C. 52.2 x 4.4 x 2 + 47.8 x 4.4 x 2 |

|D. 100 x (52.2 - 47.8) |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |

31st May

|Class 8 | Maths |

| |

|What is the area of the shaded part of the square? |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|A. 2a2 - ab |

|B. 4a - ab |

|C. 4a2 - ab |

|D. 2a2 + ab |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Yesterday's Question | Class 8 | Science |

| |

|Some thermometers use alcohol instead of mercury. Alcohol is used in thermometers because it |

|A. changes colour with temperature. |

|B. is a clear gas when it evaporates. |

| |

|C. expands and contracts noticeably. |

|D. is a very volatile liquid. |

| |

| |

|Correct Answer : C |


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