STUDY GUIDE FOR SPANISH 2H: UNIDAD 1:L1Nombre__________________________Materials you will need:Textbook, pages 32-57Binder (vocabulary, grammar charts, tarjetas, packets, warm ups, and class notes)On pg. 55 of your textbook you have the vocabulary list. Cover the words in Spanish, look the words in English, write the words in Spanish and correct your work. Practice the words you had wrong and do it again.Practice your vocabulary with . Practice with the flash cards and with the take “Take Home Tutor” on line.Practice your vocabulary words. Write the Spanish word twice. Travel Preparations: Planning and itemsTravel agencyTravel agentTo confirm a flightTo pack a suitcaseTo take a tripTo go on vacationTo call someone(by phone)To travelTicketRoundtrip ticketLuggageIdentificationItinerarySuitcasePassportBoarding passBathing suitAt the airport: departure and arrivalTo boardAirportFlight attendantTo check one’s luggageTo get in lineMonitor, screenPassengerTo go through securitygatedepartureflightarrivalTo go through customsBaggage claim Other words and phrases:Train stationTourist officeBus stopTo take a taxiCan you please tell me where…is?To get off the planeTo take offTo landseatairlineairplanebirth certificateTo make a stopover/layoverPlane windowNon-stop flightaisleTo reservehand luggage5. Grammar A. Direct Objects Pronouns pág. 41Direct object pronouns can be used to replace direct object nouns.SingularPluralMe ________________Us ________________You (familiar) ______________You all (familiar) _____________You (formal), him, it (masculine) _______You all (formal), them (masculine) _________You (formal), her, it (feminine) _______You all(formal), them (feminine) _________Rules of placement:1. D.O.P are placed _____________________________________conjugated verbs2. When an infinitive follows the conjugated verb, the DOP can be placed:a.__________________________________ orb. _________________________________Práctica: Answer the questions using a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN. Answer two ways if possible.?Dónde compra Juan un boleto de ida y vuelta?_____________________________________________________________?Traes tu libro y cuaderno a la clase?_____________________________________________________________?A qué hora vas a hacer la tarea? B. Indirect objects pág. 46Indirect Object Pronouns are used to accompany or replace the nouns that act as indirect objects.SingularPluralMe _____________Us ___________You (familiar) ____________You all (familiar) __________You (formal), him, it _______You all (formal), them _________Rules of placement are the same rules as for the Direct Object pronouns.Práctica: Write a sentence using a indirect object pronoun. Write the sentence both ways if possible.1. El auxiliar de vuelo/ dar/ unas bebidas/ a los pasajeros. _________________________________________________________________2. El agente de viajes /pensar vender/ los boletos/ a los turistas.La agente de seguridad/ revisar/ los pasaportes /a nosotros.Answer the questions using an indirect object pronoun.?A quién le pides ayuda en la clase de matemáticas??Quién te prepara la cena? ?Quién les da un examen a ustedes??A quién le dan ustedes la tarea??A quién le mandas correos electrónicos??Qué te regalan tus padres en tu cumplea?os??Quién les sirve la comida a ustedes en un restaurante? ................

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