Industrial Revolution Research Project

Industrial Revolution Research Project ______/40 pointsDue Date: __________ (Presentations) __________ (Essays) Purpose: The purpose of this project is to understand the evolving and continuing process of industrialization as it occurred historically and continues to occur around the globe today. Assignment: Select a commercial product that you use or find interesting. It must be a physical item (classroom appropriate) that is constructed, fabricated or harvested. You will then: Research the conditions under which this item is constructed or harvestedCompare it to factory conditions during the Industrial RevolutionDraw conclusions about the process of IndustrializationRelate it to your own life and purchasing decisions Hypothesize: Once you have chosen an item, look up where that item was made, fabricated, produced or harvested. Before engaging in further research, make a prediction about the conditions under which it was made. Be sure to include in your prediction:Hourly pay of laborersServices provided by the employerAge and gender of laborers Number of hours worked each dayHealth of employees Research: Materials for understanding the historical beginnings of the Industrial Revolution will be provided in class in the form of readings, discussions, and handouts. Researching your product and creating a presentation will be up to you. Use the allotted classroom and library time efficiently. Potential Resources and Recommendations:Department of Labor<>Creating Work Cited<> Start with Google and Wikipedia searches. If you cannot find the precise factory or location that your item was made, consider the nation or region as a whole. What are factory conditions like in India, Mexico France or wherever your product is made or harvested? Lateness: 10% for every day paper is late (down to 50%)20% for every day PowerPoint is late (down to 50%)Submitting Submissions will be electronic through Google Docs Presentation: You have two methods by which you can present your research (both of which include a writing element). Option 1) Essay2-3 pages double-spaced12 point, Times New Roman fontWork Cited Page in Correct MLA Format Minimum of three sources Proper Essay Format (5 pts) Graded against ‘Academic Writing Rubric’ Clear introduction of your topic and the predictions you made about it (5 pts)Thorough explanation of the conditions under which it was made (10 pts)How these conditions compare and contrast to those of the Industrial Revolution (15 pts) Conclusions about how the knowledge you gained impacts your future buyingdecisions (5 pts) *Papers with improper formatting or lack of sources will not be acceptedOption 2) PowerPoint Presentation Consistent Theme with professional appearanceDisplays effort and creativity Length 10 images 5 slides with text (bullet points, not a paragraph) Work Cited Page in correct MLA FormatMinimum of three sources Clear introduction of your topic and predictions (5 pts)Thorough explanation of the conditions under which it was made (10 pts) How these conditions compare and contrast to those of the Industrial Revolution (15 pts) Conclusions about how the knowledge you gained impacts your future buying decisions (5 pts) Public Speaking (5 pts)Dressed professionally on day of presentation Does not read every slide to the class, but addresses the class when presenting ideas*If a presentation does not meet length and image requirements, as well as contain a ‘Work Cited Page’, it will not be accepted. ................

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