CPUSH (Unit , # )

CPUSH (Unit 10 # 2) Name _____________________________________

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution

| |Image Analysis |Notes from Learning Stations |Notes from Class |Ways to Improve |

|Working Conditions|IMAGE: What do you see in |Briefly describe working conditions in factories. | | |

|and Wages |this picture that shows how| |The factory system was a major change for European workers: | |

| |dangerous factories were | |Factory work became less ___________________________ | |

| |during the Industrial |What were wages like for men? Women? Children? |Factory conditions were dirty, _______________________, and unhealthy | |

| |Revolution? | |Workers worked long hours (__________________ hr day) | |

| | | |Factory workers were not paid well; Women & children were paid | |

| | |What was the biggest problem facing factory workers? |________________________________________ | |

| | | |Owners required workers “_________________________” & limited their | |

| | | |breaks to increase production | |

|Conditions in Coal|IMAGE: Why would managers |Briefly describe conditions in the coal mines. | | |

|Mines |hire children to work in | |The invention of the steam engine increased demand for coal: | |

| |mines? | |Coal production grew from _______ million tons in 1750 to _______ million| |

| | |What types of jobs would people do in the coal mines? |tons in 1830 | |

| | | |Men, women, ____________________ were used in mines | |

| | | |Mines were unhealthy & dangerous: Lung disease, poison gas, drowning, | |

| | |What was the biggest problem facing coal miners? |___________________________________, cave-ins were common for workers | |

| | | | | |

|Child Labor |IMAGE: What do you think |Briefly describe child labor. | | |

| |would be the hardest part | |The Industrial Revolution changed the lives of many children: | |

| |of William Cooper’s day? | |Rather than working for their ________________________ on family farms, | |

| | |What types of jobs would children be given? |many children in the cities worked in _______________________________, | |

| | | |brickyards, or mines | |

| | | |Living in cities was _________________________________ so poor families | |

| | |What was the biggest problem facing child workers? |needed their kids to work | |

| | | |Child workers earned ______ of an adult wage, worked long hours in | |

| | | |dangerous conditions, were often beaten | |

|Changing Role of |IMAGE: What type of work |Briefly describe working conditions for women. | | |

|Women |are these women doing? | |The Industrial Revolution changed the lives of many women: | |

| | | |Rather than working with their husbands on family farms and taking care | |

| | |How did industrialization change the role of women? |of _______________________________, poor women in cities worked in | |

| | | |factories | |

| | | |Some women worked as ____________________ servants | |

| | |What was the biggest problem facing women workers? |Factory jobs for women required long hours away from their children and | |

| | | |could leave women _________________, sick, or deformed | |

| | | |Women were paid _______ or _______ of a man’s salary | |

| |Image Analysis |Notes from Learning Stations |Notes from Class |Ways to Improve |

|Urbanization |IMAGE: Based on the graph |Briefly describe urbanization. | | |

| |and the image, how were | |Urbanization increased dramatically: | |

| |cities changing during the | |The increase in population and enclosure of farms forced people to | |

| |Industrial Revolution? |Why would life expectancy be shorter for people living in cities? |______________________________________ | |

| | | |Poor families lived in poorly constructed apartments built by factory | |

| | | |owners called ___________________________ in neighborhoods called | |

| | |What was the biggest problem facing cities? |___________________ | |

| | | |Many families shared cramped apartments that lacked running | |

| | | |_______________ or sanitation | |

| | | |Hard factory jobs and _________________________ led to short life | |

| | | |expectancies for urban workers | |

|Changing Class |IMAGE: Notice the types of |Briefly describe how class structure was changing. | | |

|Structure |people below and above the | |During the Industrial Revolution, the social class system changed as | |

| |floor. What are the people| |ownership of land stopped being the most important factor: | |

| |below the floor doing? |What new class became important? Why? |At the top were the ________________________________ who gained wealth by| |

| | | |owning factories | |

| | | |The _______________________________ grew because of growth of engineers,| |

| | |What was the biggest problem with the class system changing? |managers, shopkeepers | |

| | | |The bottom class grew because of the size of the urban ____________ who | |

| | | |worked for low wages in factories | |

I. How did people respond to the changes & abuses of the Industrial Revolution?

A. Reform

1. Some demanded _____________ to fix problems caused by the Industrial Revolution

2. In the mid-1800s, Britain & the U.S. passed _______________ & _______________ labor laws that limited _________________ & type of work they could perform

3. Reformers regulated ___________, food, sewage; Offered public ________________; Regulated living & work conditions

B. Unions

1. Workers joined unions & demand better ________, fewer _________, safer work conditions

2. When union demands were not met, workers went on ____________

C. New Economic Theories

1. Capitalism

a. The economy of the Industrial Revolution was based on ____________________________

b. As Adam Smith explained, businesses operated in a ____________________________________ economy based on competition, _______________, supply & demand

c. Governments applied __________________________________ principles & avoided heavy taxes, regulations, or __________________________________ in business

2. Socialism

a. Some believed that was the reasons for the growing gap between the ___________ and ___________…and rejected capitalism in favor of _______________________

b. Socialists argued that the __________________________ should plan the economy by controlling _________________, farms, railroads, mines, & important industries

c. This would create ____________________ & end _____________________ by redistributing wealth from rich capitalists to the poor workers

3. Communism

a. ______________________________ introduced a radical form of socialism called _____________________________

b. Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto which predicted a war between the “______________” & “________________________”

c. Marx encouraged workers to ____________________ owners, seize control of factories, distribute goods evenly, & create economic _________________ for all people


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